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Securities and Exchange Commission
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Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16
of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For the month of
November 2005
Companhia Vale do Rio Doce
Avenida Graça Aranha, No. 26
20005-900 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
(Address of principal executive office)
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Press Release |
CVRD announces capacity expansions in bauxite and alumina
Rio de Janeiro, November 04, 2005 — Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD) informs that its Board
of Directors has approved the investment for the development of phase II of the Paragominas bauxite
mine and stages 6 and 7 of its alumina refinery (Alunorte), both located in the state of Pará,
The construction of stages 6 and 7 of CVRD refinery, each one of them with annual production
capacity of 935,000 tons of alumina, will result in an increase of the Alunorte production capacity
to 6.26 million tons per year (Mtpy). Alunorte will then consolidate its position as the largest
and most modern alumina refinery in the world.
The total estimated investment in the project is US$846 million, implying a very competitive capex
per additional ton of capacity, despite the surge in equipment prices and the strong appreciation
of the Brazilian Real against the US Dollar. The start up of stages 6 and 7 is expected for the
second quarter of 2008.
Currently, the alumina refinery is developing stages 4 and 5, which will increase of its production
capacity to 4.4 Mtpy from 2.5 Mtpy. The start up of stages 4 and 5 is scheduled for the first
quarter of 2006, and the ramp-up conclusion is expected for the third quarter of 2006.
The total estimated investment in the development of phase II of the Paragominas bauxite mine, is
US$196.1 million. The project will allow Paragominas to achieve a capacity to produce 9.9 Mtpy.
Phase II is scheduled to come on stream on the second quarter of 2008.
Paragominas phase I — production capacity of 5.4 Mtpy — is being developed simultaneously with the
construction of a 244 km pipeline to transport the bauxite from the mine to the alumina refinery in
Barcarena, in the state of Pará. This pipeline, the first in the world to transport bauxite, is
designed for a nominal capacity of 14.4 Mtpy, which will be achieved at Paragominas phase III.
Paragominas phase I is scheduled to start up in the first quarter of 2007.
Both projects are in line with CVRD strategic focus on the upstream of the aluminum production
chain, due to its significant competitive advantages supported by its high quality bauxite reserves
and a modern and low cost alumina refinery.
For further information, please contact:
Roberto Castello Branco: roberto.castello.branco@cvrd.com.br +55-21-3814-4540
Alessandra Gadelha: alessandra.gadelha@cvrd.com.br +55-21-3814-4053
Barbara Geluda: barbara.geluda@cvrd.com.br +55-21-3814-4557
Daniela Tinoco: daniela.tinoco@cvrd.com.br +55-21-3814-4946
Fabio Lima: fabio.lima@cvrd.com.br +55-21-3814-4271
Eduardo Mello Franco: eduardo.mello.franco@cvrd.com.br +55-21-3814-9849
This press release may contain statements that express management’s expectations about future
events or results rather than historical facts. These forward-looking statements involve risks and
uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected in
forward-looking statements, and CVRD cannot give assurance that such statements will prove correct.
These risks and uncertainties include factors: relating to the Brazilian economy and securities
markets, which exhibit volatility and can be adversely affected by developments in other countries;
relating to the iron ore business and its dependence on the global steel industry, which is
cyclical in nature; and relating to the highly competitive industries in which CVRD operates. For
additional information on factors that could cause CVRD’s actual results to differ from
expectations reflected in forward-looking statements, please see CVRD’s reports filed with the
Brazilian Comissão de Valores Mobiliários and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.