(RULE 14a-101)
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment
No. )
Filed by the
Registrant þ
Filed by a Party other than the
Registrant o
Check the appropriate box:
o Preliminary
Proxy Statement
o Confidential,
for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by
Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
þ Definitive
Proxy Statement
o Definitive
Additional Materials
o Soliciting
Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-12
FirstEnergy Corp.
(Name of Registrant as Specified In
Its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
No fee required.
Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act
Rules 14a-6(i)(1)
and 0-11.
(1) |
Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
(2) |
Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
(3) |
Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
pursuant to Exchange Act
Rule 0-11
(set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and
state how it was determined):
(4) |
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by
Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which
the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous
filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule
and the date of its filing.
(1) |
Amount Previously Paid:
(2) |
Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
MAY 18, 2010
South Main St.,
Akron, Ohio
S. Ferguson
April 2,
Dear Shareholder:
You are invited to attend the 2010 FirstEnergy Corp. Annual
Meeting of Shareholders at 10:30 a.m., Eastern time, on
Tuesday, May 18, 2010, at the John S. Knight Center,
77 E. Mill Street, Akron, OH. Please see your proxy
card for directions to the meeting.
As part of the agenda, business to be voted on includes six
items which are explained in this proxy statement. The first two
items are the election of the 11 nominees to your Board of
Directors named in the attached proxy statement and the
ratification of the appointment of our independent registered
public accounting firm. Your Board of Directors recommends
that you vote FOR Items 1 and 2. In
addition, there are four shareholder proposals. Your Board of
Directors recommends that you vote AGAINST these
shareholder proposals, which are Items 3 through 6.
On February 11, 2010, we announced our proposed merger with
Allegheny Energy, Inc., and on March 23, 2010, we filed
with the Securities and Exchange Commission a Registration
Statement that includes a joint proxy statement with Allegheny
Energy, Inc. regarding the proposed merger. This Annual
Meeting proxy statement does not ask you to consider matters
related to the proposed merger. Matters related to the
proposed merger with Allegheny Energy, Inc. will be submitted to
shareholders for approval at a special meeting to be held at a
future date that has not yet been determined. At the appropriate
time, we will mail you a separate package of proxy materials for
that special meeting.
First, please carefully review the notice of meeting and proxy
statement. Then, to ensure that your shares are represented at
the Annual Meeting, appoint your proxy and vote your shares.
Voting instructions are provided in this proxy statement and on
your proxy card. We encourage you to take advantage of our
telephone or Internet voting options. Please note that
submitting a proxy using any one of these methods will not
prevent you from attending the meeting and voting in person.
As you vote, you may choose, if you have not done so already, to
stop future mailings of paper copies of the annual report and
proxy statement and view these materials through the Internet.
If you make this choice, for future meetings we will mail you a
proxy card along with instructions to access the annual report
and proxy statement using the Internet.
Your vote and support are important to us. We hope you will join
us at this years Annual Meeting.
changes to voting rules approved by the Securities &
Exchange Commission
have increased the importance of voter
Under the new rules, if your shares are held in a broker
account, you must provide your broker with voting instructions
for the election of FirstEnergy Directors; your broker no longer
has the discretion to vote those shares on your behalf without
the specific instruction from you to do so.
Please take
time to vote your shares!
To the Holders of Shares of Common Stock:
The 2010 FirstEnergy Corp. Annual Meeting of Shareholders will
be held at 10:30 a.m., Eastern time, on Tuesday,
May 18, 2010, at the John S. Knight Center,
77 E. Mill Street, Akron, OH. The purpose of the
Annual Meeting will be to:
Elect the 11 nominees to the Board of Directors named in the
attached proxy statement to hold office until the next Annual
Ratify the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our
independent registered public accounting firm for 2010;
Vote on four shareholder proposals, if properly presented at the
Annual Meeting; and
Take action on other business that may come properly before the
Annual Meeting and any adjournment or postponement thereof.
Please read the accompanying proxy statement and vote your
shares by following the instructions on your proxy card to
ensure your representation at the Annual Meeting.
Only shareholders of record at the close of business on
March 22, 2010, or their proxy holders, may vote at the
On behalf of the Board of Directors,
Rhonda S. Ferguson
Corporate Secretary
This notice and proxy statement is being mailed to shareholders
on or about April 2, 2010.
April 2,
Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy
Materials for the Annual Shareholder Meeting To Be Held on
May 18, 2010. This proxy statement and annual report are
available at
In addition to the Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders,
this proxy statement and the annual report, any letters to
shareholders and savings plan participants, our latest Annual
Report on
Form 10-K,
and sample proxy cards also are available at
Why am I
receiving this proxy statement and proxy card?
You are receiving this proxy statement and proxy card, which are
being mailed on or about April 2, 2010, because you were
the owner of shares of common stock of FirstEnergy Corp. (later
referred to as the Company) at the close of business on
March 22, 2010 (later referred to as the record date). The
Board of Directors (later referred to as the Board) set the
record date to determine the shareholders entitled to vote at
the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held at
10:30 a.m., Eastern time, on May 18, 2010 (later
referred to as the Meeting). This proxy statement describes
items expected to be voted upon and gives you information about
the Meeting and the Company. The Companys address is 76
South Main Street, Akron, OH
Is my
vote important?
Your vote is important, no matter how many shares you own.
Please also note that if you hold your shares in street
name through a bank or broker, that custodian cannot vote
your shares on many agenda items, including the election of
directors, without your specific instructions. Please see the
detailed instructions below to learn more about voting your
Am I
being asked to vote on matters related to our proposed merger
with Allegheny Energy, Inc.?
No. The business to be voted on at the Annual Meeting of
Shareholders includes only six items. The first two items are
the election of 11 nominees to your Board named in this proxy
statement and the ratification of the appointment of our
independent registered public accounting firm. Additionally, the
last four items are shareholder proposals. The agenda for the
Annual Meeting does not include the matters on which you will be
asked to vote regarding our proposed merger with Allegheny
Energy, Inc. (later referred to as Allegheny Energy). Matters
related to the proposed merger will be submitted to shareholders
for approval at a special meeting to be held on a future date
that has not yet been determined. At the appropriate time, we
will mail you a separate package of proxy materials for that
special meeting. For further information, we refer you to the
section of this proxy statement entitled Proposed Merger
With Allegheny Energy, Inc.
How do I
If your shares are held in street name in the
name of a bank, broker, or other nominee, you will receive
instructions from the holder of record that you must follow for
your shares to be voted. Please follow their instructions
carefully. Also, please note that if the holder of record of
your shares is a bank, broker, or other nominee and you wish to
vote in person at the Meeting, you must request a legal proxy
from your bank, broker, or other nominee that holds your shares
and present at the Meeting that legal proxy identifying you as
the beneficial owner of your shares of FirstEnergy common stock
and authorizing you to vote those shares, along with proof of
If you are a registered shareholder, you may vote your
shares through a proxy appointed by telephone, Internet, or mail
using your control/identification number(s) on your proxy card;
or you may vote your shares in person at the Meeting. The
telephone and Internet voting procedures are designed to
authenticate your
identity, allow you to give your voting instructions, and verify
that your instructions have been recorded properly. To appoint a
proxy and vote:
1. By telephone
Call the toll-free number indicated on your proxy card using a
touch-tone telephone. Telephone voting is available at any time
until 10:30 a.m., Eastern time, on Tuesday, May 18,
Have your proxy card in hand and follow the simple recorded
2. By Internet
Go to the Internet site indicated on your proxy card. Internet
voting is available at any time until 10:30 a.m., Eastern
time, on Tuesday, May 18, 2010.
Have your proxy card in hand and follow the simple instructions
on the Internet site.
3. By mail
Mark your choices on your proxy card. If you properly sign your
proxy card but do not mark your choices, your shares will be
voted as recommended by your Board.
Date and sign your proxy card.
Mail your proxy card in the enclosed postage-paid envelope. If
your envelope is misplaced, send your proxy card to Corporate
Election Services, the Companys independent proxy
tabulator and Inspector of Election. The address is FirstEnergy
c/o Corporate
Election Services, P.O. Box 3200, Pittsburgh, PA
Your proxy card must be received by 10:30 a.m., Eastern
time, on Tuesday, May 18, 2010, to be counted in the final
4. At the Meeting
You may vote in person at the Meeting, even if you previously
appointed a proxy by telephone, Internet, or mail.
If you are a participant in the FirstEnergy Corp. Savings
Plan, you can vote shares allocated to your plan account by
completing, signing, and dating your voting instruction form and
returning it in the enclosed postage-prepaid envelope or by
submitting your voting instructions by telephone or through the
Internet as instructed on your voting instruction form. The plan
trustee will vote the shares held in your plan account in
accordance with your instructions. If you do not provide the
plan trustee with instructions, the unvoted shares will be voted
by the plan trustee in the same proportion as the voted shares.
How may I
revoke my proxy?
You may revoke your appointment of a proxy or change your voting
instructions one or more times before the Meeting commences by:
Sending a proxy card that revises your previous appointment and
voting instructions;
Appointing a proxy and voting by telephone or Internet after the
date of your previous appointment;
Voting in person at the Meeting; or
Notifying the Corporate Secretary of the Company in writing
prior to the commencement of the Meeting.
The proxy tabulator will treat the last instructions it receives
from you as final. For example, if a proxy card is received by
the proxy tabulator after the date that a telephone or Internet
appointment is made, the
tabulator will treat the proxy card as your final instruction.
For that reason, it is important to allow sufficient time for
your voting instructions on a mailed proxy card to reach the
proxy tabulator before changing them by telephone or Internet.
If your shares are held in the name of a bank, broker, or other
nominee, you must follow the directions you receive from your
bank, broker, or other nominee in order to change your vote.
How does
the Board recommend that I vote?
Your Board recommends that you vote as follows:
For the 11 nominees to the Board who are
listed in this proxy statement (Item 1);
For the ratification of the appointment of
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our independent registered public
accounting firm for 2010 (Item 2); and
Against the four shareholder proposals
(Items 3 through 6).
What is a
quorum and what other voting information should I be aware
As of the record date, 304,835,407 shares of our common
stock were outstanding. A majority of these shares represented
at the Meeting either in person or by proxy constitutes a
quorum. A quorum is required to conduct business at the Meeting.
All shares represented at the Meeting are counted for the
purpose of determining a quorum, without regard to abstentions
or broker non-votes (as described below). You are entitled to
one vote for each share you owned on the record date.
If your shares are held by a broker or bank in street
name, we encourage you to provide instructions to your
broker or bank by executing the voting form supplied to you by
that entity. We expect your broker will be permitted to vote
your shares on Item 2 without your instructions. However,
your broker cannot vote your shares on Items 1 and 3
through 6 unless you provide instructions. Therefore, your
failure to give voting instructions means that your shares will
not be voted on these items, and your unvoted shares will be
referred to as broker non-votes (as described below).
An item to be voted on may require a percentage of votes cast,
rather than a percentage of shares outstanding, to determine
passage or failure. Votes cast is defined to include both
For and Against votes and excludes
abstentions and broker non-votes. Abstentions and broker
non-votes are the equivalent of negative votes when passage or
failure is measured by a percentage of shares outstanding. If
your proxy card is not completed properly, such as marking more
than one box for an item, your vote for that particular item
will be treated as an abstention.
What is
the vote required for each item to be voted on?
For the election of directors named under Item 1, the 11
nominees receiving the most For votes (among votes
properly cast in person or by proxy) will be elected.
Abstentions and broker non-votes will have no effect.
With respect to Item 2, our Amended Code of Regulations
does not require that shareholders ratify the appointment of
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our independent registered public
accounting firm. However, we are submitting the proposal for
ratification as a matter of good corporate governance. If
shareholders do not ratify the appointment, the Audit Committee
will reconsider whether or not to retain PricewaterhouseCoopers
LLP. Even if the appointment is ratified, the Audit Committee,
at its discretion, may change the appointment at any time during
the year if the Audit Committee determines that such a change
would be in the best interests of the Company and its
shareholders. Ratification of the appointment of
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Companys independent
registered public accounting firm requires a For
vote from a majority of votes cast. Abstentions and broker
non-votes will have no effect.
To be approved, Item 3, the shareholder proposal requesting
that the Board take the steps necessary to amend our Amended
Code of Regulations and each other appropriate governing
document to give holders of
10 percent of our outstanding common stock the power to
call a special shareholder meeting, must receive a
For vote from a majority of votes cast. Abstentions
and broker non-votes will have no effect.
To be approved, Item 4, the shareholder proposal asking
that the Compensation Committee of the Board adopt a policy
requiring that senior executives retain a significant percentage
of shares acquired through equity compensation programs until
two years following the termination of their employment, must
receive a For vote from a majority of votes cast.
Abstentions and broker non-votes will have no effect.
To be approved, Item 5, the shareholder proposal requesting
that the Board undertake such steps as may be necessary to
permit shareholders to act by the written consent of a majority
of our shares outstanding to the extent permitted by law, must
receive a For vote from a majority of votes cast.
Abstentions and broker non-votes will have no effect.
To be approved, Item 6, the shareholder proposal requesting
that the Board initiate the appropriate process to amend the
Companys Amended Articles of Incorporation to provide that
director nominees shall be elected by the affirmative vote of
the majority of votes cast at an annual meeting of shareholders,
with a plurality vote standard retained for contested director
elections, must receive a For vote from a majority
of votes cast. Abstentions and broker non-votes will have no
Notwithstanding the shareholder vote on Items 3 through 6,
the ultimate adoption of such provisions is at the discretion of
the Board.
Who is
soliciting my vote, how are proxy cards being solicited, and
what is the cost?
The Board is soliciting your vote. We have arranged for the
services of Innisfree M&A Incorporated to solicit votes
personally or by telephone, mail, or other electronic means for
a fee not expected to exceed $12,500, plus reimbursement of
expenses. Votes also may be solicited in a similar manner by
officers and employees of the Company on an uncompensated basis.
The Company will pay all solicitation costs and will reimburse
brokers and banks for postage and expenses incurred by them for
sending proxy material to beneficial holders.
Will any
other matters be voted on other than those described in this
proxy statement?
We do not know of any business that will be considered at the
Meeting other than the matters described in this proxy
statement. However, if other matters are presented properly,
your executed appointment of a proxy will give authority to the
appointed proxies to vote on those matters at their discretion,
unless you indicate otherwise in writing.
Do I need
an admission ticket to attend the Meeting?
No. An admission ticket is not necessary, but you will be asked
to sign in upon arrival at the Meeting. Only shareholders or
their proxies and the Companys invited guests may attend
the Meeting. If your shares are held in street name
by a broker or bank, upon arrival at the Meeting, you will need
to present a letter or account statement from your broker or
bank indicating your ownership of FirstEnergy common stock on
the record date. You should contact your broker or bank to
obtain such a letter or account statement.
Where can
I find the voting results of the Meeting?
We will announce preliminary voting results at the Meeting.
Final voting results will be posted on our Internet site at as soon as practicable and
also will be published in a Current Report on
Form 8-K,
which is expected to be filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (later referred to as the SEC) within four business
days after the date of the Meeting.
Can I
view future FirstEnergy proxy statements and annual reports on
the Internet instead of receiving paper copies?
Yes. If you are a registered shareholder, you can elect to view
future proxy statements and annual reports on the Internet by
marking the designated box on your proxy card or by following
the instructions when voting by Internet or by telephone. If you
choose this option, prior to the next annual meeting, you will
be mailed a proxy card along with instructions on how to access
the proxy statement and annual report using the Internet. Your
choice will remain in effect until you notify us that you wish
to resume mail delivery of these documents. If you hold your
stock through a broker or bank, refer to the information
provided by that entity for instructions on how to elect this
Why did
we receive just one copy of the proxy statement and annual
report when we have more than one stock account in our
We are following an SEC rule that permits us to send one copy of
this proxy statement and annual report to a household if
shareholders provide written or implied consent. We previously
mailed a notice to eligible registered shareholders stating our
intent to use this rule unless a shareholder provided an
objection. Using this rule reduces unnecessary publication and
mailing costs. Shareholders continue to receive a separate proxy
card for each stock account. If you are a registered shareholder
and received only one copy of the proxy statement and annual
report in your household, you can request multiple copies for
some or all accounts, either by calling Shareholder Services at
or by writing to FirstEnergy Corp.,
c/o American
Stock Transfer & Trust Company, LLC,
P.O. Box 2016, New York, NY
You also may contact us in the same manner if you are receiving
multiple copies of the proxy statement and annual report in your
household and desire to receive one copy. If you are not a
registered shareholder and your shares are held by a broker or
bank, you will need to contact such broker or bank to revoke
your election and receive multiple copies of these documents.
When are
shareholder proposals for the 2011 Annual Meeting due?
A shareholder who wishes to offer a proposal for inclusion in
the Companys proxy statement and proxy card for the 2011
Annual Meeting must submit the proposal and any supporting
statement by December 3, 2010, to the Corporate Secretary,
FirstEnergy Corp., 76 South Main Street, Akron, OH
Any proposal received after that date will not be eligible for
inclusion in the 2011 proxy statement and proxy card.
Under our Amended Code of Regulations, and as permitted by the
rules of the SEC, certain procedures must be followed by a
shareholder for business to be brought properly before an annual
meeting of shareholders. These procedures provide that we must
receive the notice of intention to introduce an item of business
at an annual meeting not less than 30 nor more than 60 calendar
days prior to the annual meeting. In the event public
announcement of the date of the annual meeting is not made at
least 70 calendar days prior to the date of the meeting, notice
must be received not later than the close of business on the
10th calendar day following the day on which the public
announcement is first made. Our Amended Code of Regulations is
available upon written request to the Corporate Secretary,
FirstEnergy Corp., 76 South Main Street, Akron, OH
Our Annual Meeting of Shareholders generally is held on the
third Tuesday of May. Assuming that our 2011 Annual Meeting is
held on schedule, we must receive any notice of intention to
introduce an item of business at that meeting no earlier than
March 19, 2011 and no later than April 18, 2011. If we
do not receive notice as set forth above, or if we meet certain
other requirements of the SEC rules, the persons named as
proxies in the proxy materials relating to that meeting will use
their discretion in voting the proxies when these matters are
raised at the meeting.
How can I
learn more about FirstEnergys operations?
You can learn more about our operations by reviewing the annual
report to shareholders for the year ended December 31,
2009, that is included with the mailing of this proxy statement.
You also can view the annual report and other information by
visiting our Internet site at
A copy of our latest annual report on
Form 10-K
filed with the SEC, including the financial statements and the
financial statement schedules, will be sent to you, without
charge, upon written request to Rhonda S. Ferguson, Corporate
Secretary, FirstEnergy Corp., 76 South Main Street, Akron, OH
You also can view the
Form 10-K
by visiting the Companys Internet site at Information
contained on any of the Company Internet sites is not deemed to
be part of this proxy statement.
What is
the leadership structure of the FirstEnergy Board and why did
FirstEnergy separate the positions of Chief Executive Officer
and Chairman of the Board?
The Board separated the positions of Chief Executive Officer and
Chairman of the Board in 2004 when it elected George M. Smart as
its non-executive Chairman of the Board and Anthony J. Alexander
as President and Chief Executive Officer. Our Amended Code of
Regulations and Corporate Governance Policies do not require
that our Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive
Officer positions be separate, and the Board has not adopted a
specific policy or philosophy on whether the role of the Chief
Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors should
be separate. However, the Corporate Governance Committee
currently believes that having a separate Chairman of the Board
and Chief Executive Officer is the appropriate board structure
at this time and that a non-executive chairman helps to enhance
the independent oversight of management, more closely aligns the
Board with shareholders, and allows our Chief Executive Officer
to focus on our
operations. In this regard, the independent Chairman of the
Board provides a non-management point of contact for
shareholders and other interested parties to send written
communications to the Board. An independent Chairman of the
Board also is able to provide the leadership necessary to ensure
that the Board fulfills its roles of advising and providing
independent oversight of management and engaging fully in the
development of the Companys business strategy and
evaluating how well that strategy is being implemented.
As required by the NYSE Listing Standards, FirstEnergy is
required to schedule regular executive sessions for our
independent directors to meet without management participation.
Because an independent director is required to preside over each
such executive session of independent directors, we believe it
is more efficient and provides for better sharing of the
information derived from these meetings throughout the
applicable areas of the business to have our independent
Chairman preside over all such meetings as opposed to rotating
that function among all of the Companys independent
action has the Board taken to determine the independence of
The Board annually reviews the independence of each of its
members to make the affirmative determination of independence
that is called for by our Corporate Governance Policies and
required by the listing standards of the New York Stock Exchange
(later referred to as the NYSE).
The Board adheres to the definition of an
independent director as established by the NYSE and
the SEC. The definition used by the Board to determine
independence is included in our Corporate Governance Policies
and can be viewed by visiting our Internet site at
Compliance with the definition of independence is reviewed
annually by the Corporate Governance Committee. Each independent
director is required to report to the Corporate Secretary any
changes in information that were used to determine independence.
The Corporate Governance Committee chair must notify the entire
Board upon receipt of such notification from the director or
Corporate Secretary.
directors and nominees are independent?
Based on the most recent independence review, the Board
determined that all directors are independent, with the
exception of President and Chief Executive Officer (later
referred to as the CEO) Anthony J. Alexander. Directors Paul T.
Addison, William T. Cottle, and Jesse T. Williams, Sr. were
deemed independent based on the independence criteria as
discussed in the answer to the immediately preceding question;
and the Board was not aware of any other types and categories of
transactions for these directors that are required to be
considered. However, for the directors listed below, additional
specific types and categories of transactions were considered by
the Board, as noted, in determining their independence. The
Board determined that the relationships described below for
directors Michael J. Anderson, Dr. Carol A. Cartwright,
Robert B. Heisler, Jr., Ernest J. Novak, Jr.,
Catherine A. Rein, George M. Smart, and Wes M. Taylor were
not material and that such directors are independent.
Additionally, none of the relationships described below
constituted a related person transaction requiring disclosure as
set forth in the Related Person Transactions Policy described
under the heading Certain Relationships and Related Person
Transactions in this proxy statement.
Michael J. Anderson
Electric and non-electric purchases from subsidiaries of the
Company by a company for which Mr. Anderson serves as
Chairman, CEO and President, as well as purchases of fertilizer
and other goods by FirstEnergy Service Company on behalf of
other subsidiaries of the Company from the same company;
Electric and non-electric purchases from subsidiaries of the
Company by a non-profit organization for which Mr. Anderson
serves as a trustee;
Electric purchases from subsidiaries of the Company by two
non-profit organizations for which Mr. Anderson serves as a
trustee or trustee emeritus; and
Charitable contributions made by the FirstEnergy Foundation to
three non-profit organizations for which Mr. Anderson
serves as a director, trustee, or trustee emeritus.
Dr. Carol A. Cartwright
Electric and non-electric purchases from subsidiaries of the
Company by a company for which Dr. Cartwright serves as a
Electric purchases from subsidiaries of the Company by a company
and two non-profit organizations for which Dr. Cartwright
serves as a director or President;
Non-electric purchases from subsidiaries of the Company by a
non-profit organization for which Dr. Cartwright serves as
a director;
Purchases of financial services by the Company and its
subsidiaries from a bank for which Dr. Cartwright serves as
a director; and
Charitable contributions made by the First Energy Foundation to
two non-profit organizations for which Dr. Cartwright
serves as a director.
Robert B. Heisler, Jr.
Electric and non-electric purchases from subsidiaries of the
Company by a non-profit organization for which Mr. Heisler
serves as a university dean;
Electric purchases from subsidiaries of the Company by two
non-profit organizations for which Mr. Heisler serves as a
member of the Board of Governors or an advisory board
member; and
Charitable contributions
membership fees made by the FirstEnergy Foundation and by the
Company to three non-profit organizations for which
Mr. Heisler serves as a trustee, a member of the Board of
Governors, or an advisory board member.
Ernest J. Novak, Jr.
Electric purchases from subsidiaries of the Company by a company
and two non-profit organizations for which Mr. Novak serves
as a director; and
Charitable contributions made by the FirstEnergy Foundation to
two non-profit organizations for which Mr. Novak serves as
a director.
Catherine A. Rein
Purchases of financial services by FirstEnergy Service Company
on behalf of other subsidiaries of the Company from a bank for
which Ms. Rein serves as a director.
George M. Smart
Electric purchases from subsidiaries of the Company by a
non-profit organization for which Mr. Smart serves as a
trustee; and
Charitable contributions made by the FirstEnergy Foundation to a
non-profit organization for which Mr. Smart serves as a
Wes M. Taylor
Purchases of fuel by FirstEnergy Generation
Corp. from a company for which Mr. Taylor
serves as a director.
function does the FirstEnergy Board perform?
Although your Board has the responsibility for establishing
broad corporate policies and for our overall performance, the
Board is not involved in
operations of the Company. We keep the directors informed of our
business and operations with various reports and documents that
we send to them each month. We also make operating and financial
presentations at Board and committee meetings. The Board
established the committees described below to assist in
performing its responsibilities.
The Board believes that the Companys policies and
practices should enhance the Boards ability to represent
your interests as shareholders. In support of this philosophy,
the Board established Corporate Governance Policies which, along
with charters of the Board committees, serve as a framework for
meeting the Boards duties and responsibilities with
respect to the governance of the Company. Our Corporate
Governance Policies and Board committee charters can be viewed
by visiting our Internet site at
What is
FirstEnergys Risk Management Process and the Boards
Role in Risk Oversight?
The Company faces a variety of risks and recognizes that the
effective management of those risks contributes to the overall
success of the Company. The Company has implemented a process
for identifying, prioritizing, reporting, monitoring, managing,
and mitigating its significant risks. A Risk Policy Committee,
consisting of the Chief Risk Officer and senior executive
officers, provides oversight and monitoring to ensure that
various risk policies are established and carried out and
processes are executed in accordance with selected limits and
approval levels. Other Company committees exist to address
topical risk issues. Timely reports on significant risk issues
are provided as appropriate to employees, management, senior
executive officers, respective Board committees, and the whole
Board. The Chief Risk Officer also prepares an enterprise-wide
risk management report that is presented to the Audit Committee
and the Board annually.
A fundamental part of risk management is not only understanding
the risks a company faces and what steps management is taking to
manage those risks, but also understanding what level of risk is
appropriate for a company. The involvement of the full Board in
setting the Companys business strategy is a key part of
its assessment of managements appetite for risk and also a
determination of what constitutes an appropriate level of risk
for the Company.
The Board administers its risk oversight function through both
the whole Board, as well as through the various Board
committees. Specifically, the Audit Committee Charter requires
the Audit Committee to discuss the Companys policies with
respect to risk assessment and risk management. The Audit
Committee reviews and discusses guidelines and policies to
govern the process to assess and manage the Companys
exposure to risk, including risk associated with our credit,
liquidity, and operations. It also reviews and discusses the
Companys major financial risk exposures and the steps
management has taken to monitor and control such exposures.
Through this oversight process, the Board obtains an
understanding of significant risk issues on a timely basis,
including the risks inherent in the Companys strategy. In
addition, while the Companys Chief Risk Officer
administratively reports to the Executive Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer, he has full access to the Audit
Committee and attends each Audit Committee meeting.
In addition to the Audit Committees role in risk
oversight, our other Board committees also play a role in risk
oversight within each of their areas of responsibility. The
Compensation Committee is responsible for reviewing, discussing,
and assessing risks related to compensation programs, including
incentive compensation and equity-based plans, and risks related
to compensation philosophy and structure. The Corporate
Governance Committee considers risks relating to corporate
governance, Board and committee membership, the performance of
the Board, and related party transactions. The Finance Committee
evaluates the impact of risk resulting from financial resources
and strategies, including capital structure policies, financial
forecasts, budgets and financial transactions, commitments, and
expenditures. The Nuclear Committee considers the risks
associated with the safety, reliability, and quality of our
nuclear operations. Further,
risk oversight is conducted by our Enterprise Risk Management
department and our senior management and is shared with our
Board or Board committees, as appropriate.
FirstEnergy provide any training for its Board
Yes. The Board recognizes the importance of its members keeping
current on Company and industry issues and their
responsibilities as directors. All new directors attend
orientation training (either provided or approved by the
Corporate Governance Committee) soon after being elected to the
Board. Also, the Board makes available and encourages continuing
education programs for Board members, which may include internal
strategy meetings, third-party presentations, and externally
offered programs.
How many
meetings did the Board hold in 2009?
Your Board held 10 regularly scheduled or special meetings
during 2009. All directors attended 75 percent or more of
the meetings of the Board and of the committees on which they
served in 2009.
Non-management directors, including the independent directors,
are required to meet as a group in executive sessions without
the CEO, any other non-independent director, or management at
least six times in each calendar year. George M. Smart, the
non-executive chairman of the Board, presides over all executive
sessions. During 2009, the non-management directors met 10 times
in executive sessions.
committees has the Board established?
The Board established the standing committees listed below. All
committees are comprised solely of independent directors as
determined by the Board in accordance with our Corporate
Governance Policies, which incorporate the NYSE listing
standards and applicable SEC rules.
The purpose of the Audit Committee is to assist Board oversight
of: the integrity of the Companys financial statements;
the Companys compliance with legal, risk management, and
regulatory requirements; the independent auditors
qualifications and independence; the performance of the
Companys internal audit function and independent auditor;
and the Companys systems of internal control with respect
to the accuracy of financial records, adherence to Company
policies, and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
The committee prepares the report that SEC rules require be
included in the Companys annual proxy statement and
performs such other duties and responsibilities enumerated in
the Committee Charter. The
committees function is one of oversight, recognizing that
the Companys management is responsible for preparing the
Companys financial statements, and the independent auditor
is responsible for auditing those statements. In adopting the
Committee Charter, the Board acknowledges that the committee
members are not employees of the Company and are not providing
any expert or special assurance as to the Companys
financial statements or any professional certification as to the
external auditors work or auditing standards. Each member
of the committee shall be entitled to rely on the integrity of
those persons and organizations within and outside the Company
who provide information to the committee and the accuracy and
completeness of the financial and other information provided to
the committee by such persons or organizations absent actual
knowledge to the contrary. For a complete list of
responsibilities and other information, refer to the Audit
Committee Charter on our Internet site at
This committee is comprised of four independent members and met
nine times in 2009. The current members of this committee are
Ernest J. Novak, Jr. (Chair), Paul T. Addison, Catherine A.
Rein, and George M. Smart. All members of this committee are
financially literate. The Board appoints at least one member of
the Audit Committee who, in the Boards business judgment,
is an Audit Committee Financial Expert, as such term
is defined by the SEC. The Board determined that independent
Audit Committee and Board member Ernest J. Novak, Jr.,
meets this definition. See the Audit Committee Report in this
proxy statement for additional information regarding the
The purpose of the Compensation Committee is to discharge the
responsibilities of the Board as specified in the Compensation
Committee Charter relating to the compensation of certain
senior-level officers of the Company, including the CEO, the
Companys other non-CEO executive officers, the Chairman,
if the Chairman is not the CEO, and other individuals named in
the Companys annual proxy statement; to review, discuss,
and endorse a compensation philosophy that supports competitive
pay for performance and is consistent with the corporate
strategy; to assist the Board in establishing the appropriate
incentive compensation and equity-based plans for the
Companys executive officers; to administer such plans in
order to attract, retain, and motivate skilled and talented
executives and to align such plans with Company and business
unit performance, business strategies, and growth in shareholder
value; to review and discuss with the Companys management
the disclosures in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis
(later referred to as the CD&A) required by applicable
rules and regulations and, based upon such review and
discussions, to recommend to the Board whether the CD&A
should be included in the Companys annual report and proxy
statement; to produce the Compensation Committee Report to be
included in the Companys annual report and proxy
statement, in accordance with applicable rules and regulations;
and to perform such other duties and responsibilities enumerated
in and consistent with the Compensation Committee Charter. For a
complete list of responsibilities and other information, refer
to the Compensation Committee Charter on our Internet site at In addition, refer to the
CD&A that can be found later in this proxy statement.
This committee is comprised of four independent members and met
five times in 2009. The current members of this committee are
Catherine A. Rein (Chair), Dr. Carol A. Cartwright, Robert
B. Heisler, Jr., and Wes M. Taylor.
Governance Committee
The purpose of the Corporate Governance Committee is to develop,
recommend to the Board, and periodically review the corporate
governance principles applicable to the Company; to recommend
Board candidates for all directorships by identifying
individuals qualified to become Board members in a manner that
is consistent with criteria approved by the Board; to recommend
that the Board select the director nominees for the next annual
meeting of shareholders; and to oversee the evaluation of the
Board and management.
In consultation with the CEO, the Chairman, and the full Board,
the committee shall search for, recruit, screen, interview, and
recommend prospective directors, as required, to provide an
appropriate balance of
knowledge, experience, and capability on the Board. The
committee shall be guided by its charter, the Corporate
Governance Policies, and other applicable laws and regulations
in recruiting and selecting director candidates. Any assessment
of a prospective Board or committee candidate includes, at a
minimum, issues of diversity, age, background and training;
business or administrative experience and skills; dedication and
commitment; business judgment; analytical skills;
problem-solving abilities; and familiarity with the regulatory
environment. In addition, the committee may consider such other
attributes as it deems appropriate, all in the context of the
perceived needs of the Board or applicable committee at that
point in time. Such directors shall possess experience in one or
more of the following: management or senior leadership position
which demonstrates significant business or administrative
experience and skills; accounting or finance; the electric
utilities or nuclear power industry; or other significant and
relevant areas deemed by the committee to be valuable to the
The committee shall investigate and consider suggestions for
candidates for membership on the Board, including shareholder
nominations for the Board. Provided that shareholders nominating
director candidates have complied with the procedural
requirements set forth in the Corporate Governance Committee
Charter, the committee shall apply the same criteria and employ
substantially similar procedures for evaluating shareholder
nominees for the Board as it would for evaluating any other
Board nominee. The committee will give due consideration to all
written shareholder nominations that are submitted in writing to
the committee, in care of the Corporate Secretary, FirstEnergy
Corp., 76 South Main Street, Akron, OH
received at least 120 days before the publication of the
Companys annual proxy statement from a shareholder or
group of shareholders owning one half of one percent
(0.5 percent) or more of the voting stock for at least one
year, and accompanied by a description of the proposed
nominees qualifications and other relevant biographical
information, together with the written consent of the proposed
nominee to be named in the proxy statement and to serve on the
Board. For a complete list of responsibilities and other
information, refer to the Corporate Governance Committee Charter
on our Internet site at
This committee is comprised of four independent members and met
five times in 2009. The current members of this committee are
Dr. Carol A. Cartwright (Chair), William T. Cottle, George
M. Smart, and Jesse T. Williams, Sr.
The purpose of the Finance Committee is to monitor and oversee
the Companys financial resources and strategies, with
emphasis on those issues that are long-term in nature and
financial risk management. For a complete list of
responsibilities and other information, refer to the Finance
Committee Charter on our Internet site at
This committee is comprised of four independent members and met
five times in 2009. The current members of this committee are
Paul T. Addison (Chair), Michael J. Anderson, Robert B.
Heisler, Jr., and Ernest J. Novak, Jr.
The purpose of the Nuclear Committee is to monitor and oversee
the Companys nuclear program and the operation of all
nuclear units in which the Company or any of its subsidiaries
has an ownership or leasehold interest. For a complete list of
responsibilities and other information, refer to the Nuclear
Committee Charter on our Internet site at
This committee is comprised of four independent members and met
six times in 2009. The current members of this committee are
William T. Cottle (Chair), Michael J. Anderson, Wes M. Taylor,
and Jesse T. Williams, Sr.
Does the
Board have a policy in regard to the number of boards on which a
director can serve?
Yes. Our Corporate Governance Policies provide that directors
will not, without the Boards approval, serve on the board
of directors of more than three other non-affiliated companies
having securities registered
under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (later referred to as
the Exchange Act). All of our directors are in compliance with
this policy.
What is
the Boards policy regarding Board members attendance
at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders?
The Board believes that regular attendance by all directors and
all nominees for directors at our Annual Meeting of Shareholders
is appropriate and desirable and that all such persons should
make diligent efforts to attend each meeting. All Board members
who were directors on May 19, 2009, attended the 2009
Annual Meeting.
Did the
Board use a third party to assist with the identification and
evaluation of potential nominees?
No. The Board did not use a third party to assist with the
identification and evaluation of potential nominees.
How can
shareholders and interested parties communicate to the
The Board provides a process for shareholders and interested
parties to send communications to the Board and non-management
directors, including the non-executive chairman. Shareholders
and interested parties may send written communications to the
Board by mailing any such communications to the FirstEnergy
Board of Directors,
c/o Corporate
Secretary, FirstEnergy Corp., 76 South Main Street, Akron, OH
The Corporate Secretary or a member of her staff reviews all
such communications promptly and relays them directly to a
member of the Board, provided that such communications:
(i) bear relevance to the Company and the interests of the
shareholder, (ii) are capable of being implemented by the
Board, (iii) do not contain any obscene or offensive
remarks, (iv) are of a reasonable length, and (v) are
not from a shareholder who already has sent two such
communications to the Board in the last year. The Board may
modify procedures for sorting shareholders and interested
parties communications or adopt any additional procedures
provided that they are approved by a majority of the independent
FirstEnergy adopted a Code of Ethics?
Yes. The Company has a Code of Business Conduct that applies to
all employees, including the CEO, Chief Financial Officer, and
Chief Accounting Officer. In addition, the Board has a Code of
Ethics and Business Conduct. These Codes can be viewed on our
Internet site at
Based on our size and varied business operations, we may engage
in transactions and business arrangements with companies and
other organizations in which a member of our Board, executive
officer, or such persons immediate family member also may
be a board member, executive officer, or significant investor.
In some of these cases, such person may have a direct or
indirect material interest in the transaction or business
arrangement with our Company. We recognize that related person
transactions have the potential to create perceived or actual
conflicts of interest and could create the appearance that
decisions are based on considerations other than the best
interests of the Company and its shareholders. Accordingly, as a
general matter, it is our preference to avoid related person
transactions. However, there are situations where related person
transactions are either in, or not inconsistent with, our best
interests and the best interests of our shareholders. Our Board
has determined that it is appropriate and necessary to have a
review process in place with respect to any related person
Based on the foregoing, the Board established a written Related
Person Transactions Policy (later referred to as the Policy) to
be implemented by the Corporate Governance Committee, in order
to effectuate the review, approval, and ratification process
surrounding related person transactions. This Policy supplements
the Companys other
policies set forth in the FirstEnergy
Policy, Code of Business Conduct, and the Board of Directors
Code of Ethics and Business Conduct. Related person transactions
may be entered into or continue only if a majority of the
disinterested members of the Corporate Governance Committee or
the Board approves or ratifies the transaction in accordance
with the Policy. In making its decisions, the Corporate
Governance Committee will review current and proposed
transactions by taking into consideration the Policy, which
includes the definitions and terms set forth in Item 404 of
Regulation S-K
under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.
As part of this Policy, our management established written
review procedures for any transaction, proposed transaction, or
any amendment to a transaction, in which we are currently, or in
which we may be, a participant in which the amount exceeds
$120,000, and in which the related person, as defined in
Item 404 of
Regulation S-K,
had or will have a direct or indirect material interest. We also
established written procedures to allow us to identify such
related persons. The identities of these related persons are
distributed to necessary business units to ensure senior
management is made aware of any transaction or proposed
transaction involving the Company and anyone on that list.
Management then brings any such transactions to the attention of
the Corporate Governance Committee for its review, approval, or
When reviewing a proposed transaction, the Corporate Governance
Committee reviews the material facts of the related
persons relationship to us, his or her interest in the
proposed transaction, and any other material facts of the
proposed transaction, including the aggregate value and benefits
of such transaction to us, the availability of sources of
comparable products or services (if applicable), and an
assessment of whether the transaction is on terms that are the
same as, or comparable to, the terms available to an unrelated
third party or to employees generally. Additionally, the
Corporate Governance Committee requires the CEO to review the
business merits of the transaction prior to its review.
During fiscal year 2009 we participated in the transactions
described below, in which the amount involved exceeded $120,000
and in which any Board member, executive officer, holder of more
than five percent of our common stock, or a member of the
immediate family of any of the foregoing persons had or will
have a direct or indirect material interest.
Ms. Elizabeth A. Shriver,
of executive officer William D. Byrd, served the Company as a
Staff Business Analyst in 2009. In 2009, Ms. Shriver was
paid $122,098. Ms. Shriver has been employed by the Company
since 1977 and has been a Staff Business Analyst since 2004.
Mr. Byrd first became an executive officer of the Company
in November 2007. Ms. Shrivers compensation falls
within the Companys guidelines regarding the pay for
performance philosophy and is consistent with the terms of
the Company programs governing that element of compensation. No
reporting relationship exists between Ms. Shriver and
Mr. Byrd. Pursuant to the terms of the Policy, the
Corporate Governance Committee ratified and approved the
Companys payment of Ms. Shrivers 2009
Ms. Elizabeth Ard, wife of executive officer Donald M.
Lynch, served the Company as Manager, Customer Support, in 2009.
In 2009, Ms. Ard was paid $150,897. Mr. Lynch first
became an executive officer of the Company in April 2009.
Ms. Ard has been employed by the Company since 1987.
Ms. Ards compensation falls within the Companys
guidelines regarding the pay for performance
philosophy and is consistent with the terms of the Company
programs governing that element of compensation. No reporting
relationship exists between Ms. Ard and Mr. Lynch.
Pursuant to the terms of the Policy, the Corporate Governance
Committee ratified and approved the Companys payment of
Ms. Ards 2009 compensation.
Finally, the interests of our directors and executive officers
in the proposed merger with Allegheny Energy will be described
in the joint proxy statement/prospectus that will be distributed
to shareholders in connection with the special meeting of
shareholders regarding our proposed merger with Allegheny
Energy. For further information about our proposed merger with
Allegheny Energy, we refer you to the section of this proxy
statement entitled Proposed Merger with Allegheny Energy,
Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act requires the
Companys executive officers and directors to file initial
reports of ownership and reports of changes in ownership of the
Companys common stock with the SEC and the NYSE. The
Company makes these filings for the convenience of the executive
officers and directors. To the Companys knowledge, for the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2009, all Section 16(a)
filing requirements applicable to its executive officers and
directors were satisfied.
No members of the Compensation Committee meet the criteria to be
considered for an interlock or insider participation.
The Compensation Committee reviewed and discussed the CD&A
with management and, based on such review and discussions, the
Compensation Committee recommended to the Board that the
CD&A be included (or incorporated by reference as
applicable) in the Companys Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009, and proxy
Compensation Committee: Catherine A. Rein (Chair),
Dr. Carol A. Cartwright, Robert B. Heisler, Jr., and
Wes M. Taylor
The Audit Committee (later referred to in this section as the
Committee) of the Board of Directors of the Company is charged
with assisting the full Board in fulfilling the Boards
oversight responsibility with respect to the quality and
integrity of the accounting, auditing and financial reporting
practices of the Company. The Committee acts under a written
charter that is reviewed annually, revised as necessary, and is
approved by the Board of Directors. In fulfilling its oversight
responsibilities, the Committee reviewed and discussed with
management the audited financial statements to be included in
the Companys Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2009. In performing its
review, the Committee discussed the propriety of the application
of accounting principles by the Company, the reasonableness of
significant judgments and estimates used in the preparation of
the financial statements, and the clarity of disclosures in the
financial statements.
The Committee reviewed and discussed with the Companys
independent registered public accounting firm,
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, their opinion on the conformity of
the audited financial statements with accounting principles
generally accepted in the United States. This discussion covered
the matters required by Statement on Auditing Standards
No. 61, Communication With Audit Committees, as
amended by the Auditing Standards Board of the American
Institute of Certified Public Accountants, including its
judgments as to the propriety of the application of accounting
principles by the Company.
The Committee received the written disclosures and the letter
from the independent registered public accounting firm regarding
their independence from the Company as required by applicable
requirements of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
regarding the independent accountants communications with
the audit committee concerning independence and discussed that
matter with the independent registered public accounting firm.
The Committee discussed with the Companys internal
auditors and independent registered public accounting firm the
overall scope, plans and results of their respective audits. The
Committee met with the internal auditors and independent
registered public accounting firm, with and without management
present, to discuss the results of their examinations, their
evaluations of the Companys internal controls, and the
overall quality of the Companys financial reporting
Based on the above reviews and discussions conducted, the
Committee recommended to the Board of Directors that the audited
financial statements be included in the Companys Annual
Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2009, for filing with the
Audit Committee: Ernest J. Novak, Jr. (Chair), Paul T.
Addison, Catherine A. Rein, George M. Smart
The following is a summary of the fees paid by the Company to
its independent registered public accounting firm,
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, for services provided during the
years 2009 and 2008:
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP billed the Company an aggregate of
$5,995,000 in 2009 and $5,819,000 in 2008 in fees for
professional services rendered for the audit of the
Companys financial statements and the review of the
financial statements included in each of the Companys
Quarterly Reports on
Form 10-Q
or services that are normally provided in connection with
statutory and regulatory filings or engagements.
Fees for Audit Year
Fees for Audit Year
Audit Related Fees
Tax Fees
All Other Fees
The Committee has considered whether any non-audit services
rendered by the independent registered public accounting firm
are compatible with them maintaining their independence. There
were no non-audit services rendered by the independent
registered public accounting firm in 2009 or 2008. The
Committee, in accordance with its charter and in compliance with
all applicable legal and regulatory requirements promulgated
from time to time by the NYSE and SEC, has a policy under which
the independent registered public accounting firm cannot be
engaged to perform non-audit services that are prohibited by
these requirements. The policy further states that any
engagement of the independent registered public accounting firm
to perform other audit-related or any non-audit services must
have approval in advance by the Chairman of the Committee upon
the recommendation of the Vice President and Controller. Such
approved engagement is then presented to the Committee at its
next regularly scheduled meeting. All services provided by
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP in 2009 and 2008 were pre-approved.
On February 10, 2010, FirstEnergy, Allegheny Energy, and
Element Merger Sub, Inc., a direct wholly-owned subsidiary of
FirstEnergy (later referred to as Merger Sub), entered into an
Agreement and Plan of Merger (later referred to as the Merger
Agreement). For further information, we refer you to our Current
Report on
Form 8-K,
filed with the SEC on February 11, 2010, to which is
attached a copy of the Merger Agreement. In connection with the
merger, on March 23, 2010, we filed a Registration
Statement on
Form S-4
with the SEC that includes a preliminary joint proxy statement
with Allegheny Energy, and also constitutes our prospectus,
seeking to register additional shares of our common stock that
will be issued to holders of Allegheny Energys common
stock to effectuate the merger. The merger remains subject to a
number of closing conditions that are set forth in the Merger
Agreement, including, among others, the approval of the
merger-related proposals by our shareholders and Allegheny
Energys stockholders.
We remind you that this proxy statement is provided in
connection with our Annual Meeting of Shareholders and does not
ask you to consider any matters related to the merger. At a
future date, we will mail you a separate package of proxy
materials for the special meeting related to the merger.
Item 1
of Directors
You are being asked to vote for the following 11 nominees to
serve on the Board for a term expiring at the Annual Meeting of
Shareholders in 2011 and until their successors have been
elected: Paul T. Addison, Anthony J. Alexander, Michael J.
Anderson, Dr. Carol A. Cartwright, William T. Cottle,
Robert B. Heisler, Jr., Ernest J. Novak, Jr.,
Catherine A. Rein, George M. Smart, Wes M. Taylor, and Jesse T.
Williams, Sr. The section of this proxy statement
entitled Biographical Information on Nominees for Election
as Directors provides biographical information for all
nominees for election at the Meeting.
Pursuant to the Companys Amended Code of Regulations, at
any election of directors, the persons receiving the greatest
number of votes are elected to the vacancies to be filled. Your
Board has no reason to believe that the persons nominated will
not be available to serve after being elected. If any of these
nominees would not be available to serve for any reason, shares
represented by the appointed proxies will be voted either for a
lesser number of directors or for another person selected by the
Board. However, if the inability to serve is believed to be
temporary in nature, the shares represented by the appointed
proxies will be voted for that person who, if elected, will
serve when able to do so.
This Item 1 asks that you vote for 11 nominees to serve on
the Board. Pursuant to the Merger Agreement, the directors
elected at this Meeting will continue as directors of the
Company upon completion of the Merger. Effective upon completion
of the Merger, the size of the Board will be increased from 11
to 13 members, and FirstEnergy will appoint two current members
of the board of Allegheny Energy to the FirstEnergy board.
Item 2
of the Appointment of the Independent Registered Public
Accounting Firm
You are being asked to ratify the Boards appointment of
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Companys independent
registered public accounting firm to examine the books and
accounts of the Company for the 2010 fiscal year. A
representative of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP is expected to
attend the Meeting and will have an opportunity to make a
statement and respond to appropriate questions. Refer to the
Audit Committee Report in this proxy statement for information
regarding services performed by, and fees paid to,
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP during the years 2008 and 2009.
Shareholders have indicated their intention to present at the
Meeting the following proposals for consideration and action by
the shareholders. The shareholder resolutions and proposals, for
which the Company and the Board accept no responsibility, are
set forth below. The proponents names, addresses, and
numbers of shares held will be furnished upon written or oral
request to the Company. Your Board of Directors recommends
that you vote AGAINST all four of these shareholder
proposals for the reasons noted in the Companys opposition
statements following each shareholder proposal.
Item 3
Proposal: Reduce the Percentage of Shares Required to Call
Special Shareholder Meeting
Special Shareowner Meetings
RESOLVED, Shareowners ask our board to take the steps necessary
to amend our bylaws and each appropriate governing document to
give holders of 10% of our outstanding common stock (or the
lowest percentage allowed by law above 10%) the power to call a
special shareowner meeting. This includes that a large number of
small shareowners can combine their holdings to equal the above
10% of holders. This
includes that such bylaw
charter text will not have any exception or exclusion conditions
(to the fullest extent permitted by state law) that apply only
to shareowners but not to management
and/or the
A special meeting allows shareowners to vote on important
matters, such as electing new directors, that can arise between
annual meetings. If shareowners cannot call a special meeting
investor returns may suffer. Shareowners should have the ability
to call a special meeting when a matter merits prompt attention.
This proposal does not impact our boards current power to
call a special meeting.
We gave 57%-support to the 2009 shareholder proposal on
this same topic and proposals often obtain higher votes on
subsequent submissions. This proposal topic also won more than
60% support at the following companies in 2009: CVS Caremark
(CVS), Sprint Nextel (S), Safeway (SWY), Motorola (MOT) and R.
R. Donnelley (RRD). William Steiner and Nick Rossi sponsored
these proposals.
The merit of this Special Shareowner Meetings proposal should
also be considered in the context of the need for improvements
in our companys 2009 reported corporate governance status:
The simple majority vote topic, submitted by Ray T. Chevedden,
won our ascending support of 71% to 80% in each year from 2005
to 2009 and our directors ignored this overwhelming support.
Meanwhile the popularity of our directors was headed in the
other direction with four of our directors receiving 51% in
withheld votes in 2009 including our Chairman George Smart,
Carol Cartwright, Jesse Williams and William Cottle. Each of our
other directors received 48% in withheld votes.
We had two Flagged (Problem) Directors according to
The Corporate Library, an
independent investment research firm: George Smart (our
Chairman) because he chaired the FirstEnergy audit committee
during a period of accounting misrepresentation according to a
lawsuit that was settled and Michael Anderson due to his
involvement with the Interstate Bakeries bankruptcy. Our CEO was
paid $13 million.
We had no shareholder right to cumulative voting, call a special
shareholder meeting, act by written consent or elect directors
by a majority vote. Shareholder proposals to address all or some
of these topics have received majority votes at other companies
and would be excellent topics for our next annual meeting.
The above concerns show there is a need for improvement. Please
encourage our board to respond positively to this proposal:
Special Shareowners Meetings Yes on 3.
End of Shareholder
Companys Opposition Statement Special
Shareowner Meetings
Your Board of Directors recommends that you vote
AGAINST this proposal.
The Amended Code of Regulations of your Company currently
provides that any persons holding at least a majority of shares
outstanding and entitled to vote may call a special meeting of
shareholders. Your Board believes that the current threshold is
reasonable and appropriate and in the best interests of all
shareholders. The current majority shareholder requirement
prevents a small group of shareholders from calling costly and
possibly numerous special meetings on topics and for reasons
that are not in the best interests of your Company or a majority
of its shareholders.
The proponent suggests that a lower threshold of shareholders
should be allowed to call a special meeting to ensure that
shareholders have a right to vote on important matters that may
arise between annual meetings. However, your Company is
incorporated in Ohio, and Ohio law provides that shareholders
must be given the opportunity to vote on major corporate actions
such as mergers, the sale or disposition of all or substantially
all of the assets of a company and amendments to a
companys articles of incorporation. The Amended Articles
of Incorporation of your Company mirror this same requirement
for a shareholder vote on major corporate actions. Additionally,
the Listing Standards of the NYSE similarly require us to seek
shareholder approval for the issuance of common stock in many
circumstances, including in cases that would result in a change
in control of the Company. Thus, the opportunity for shareholder
votes on important matters that may arise between annual
meetings is well established already.
Pursuant to our governing documents, in addition to a call by a
majority of the shareholders, a special meeting of shareholders
also may be called by the Chairman, President or by a majority
of your Board. The current framework provided in your
Companys Amended Articles of Incorporation, Ohio law, and
the NYSE Listing Standards provides your Board with the time to
consider (and ability to draw on resources if necessary to
evaluate) significant transactions and other material matters
appropriately so that those matters are not submitted to
shareholders prematurely.
While it is possible that an important issue could arise in the
time period between shareholder meetings, the analysis and
evaluation of any such issue should be done deliberately and
thoughtfully and be subject to a thorough review by your Board.
We also respect our shareholders limited time with a
thoughtfully designed process that does not subject them to
issues that are of interest to only a minority of shareholders
with special interests or agendas. Unlike a shareholder with a
potential agenda or special interest, your board members, all
but one of whom are independent, have a fiduciary duty to
represent the best interests of all shareholders. After your
Board has considered the issue carefully and determined a
recommended course of action for shareholder consideration, it
may be appropriate to have a special shareholder meeting, but
that is best determined by the Chairman, or a majority of your
Board, who have been elected by the shareholders to provide the
overall leadership of your Company.
In addition, special meetings are costly endeavors. The money
and resources that are required to prepare and hold special
meetings are significant, including the time and energy that
must be devoted to the preparation, printing, and delivery of
the required disclosure documents as well as other logistical
preparations required to conduct such meetings. These burdens,
along with the significant investment of your Board and senior
managements time to prepare for such meetings, are costly
and may be disruptive to the business. This cost burden and
disruption of the Companys business are even more
significant during these trying economic times. Given these
monetary and non-monetary costs, and considering that your Board
has a fiduciary obligation to act in the best interest of all
shareholders, your Board, comprised almost exclusively of
independent directors, is best positioned to determine if and
when to call a special meeting. The majority requirement
reflects a fair balance between efficiency and shareholder
More special meetings will not add to shareholder information or
awareness appreciably. The Companys current disclosure
environment includes public filings with the SEC, news releases,
analyst calls, and live investor and analyst meetings that
encompass the full spectrum of Company affairs important to
shareholders. Shareholders have the ability to communicate with
directors through the shareholder access processes that your
Company developed, such as procedures set forth in our Corporate
Governance Policies that are discussed elsewhere in this Proxy
Statement. Also, the Companys corporate and investor
relations personnel maintain a system of communication to
support shareholders concerns regarding business matters
and corporate governance. Minority shareholder groups should not
be able to instigate expensive special meetings when they have
less onerous and more efficient means of communicating with your
Furthermore, according to the proposal, shareholders should have
the ability to call a special meeting when a matter merits
prompt attention. As drafted, the proposal does not
discuss the matters that would merit prompt
attention. Without further clarification, your Board
believes that this proposal is too vague, ambiguous, and
subjective to provide reasonable limits to the rationale for a
special meeting. What may merit prompt attention to
10 percent of the Companys shareholders may not be
important to the other 90 percent.
This proposal also is drafted imprecisely in other areas so that
neither the shareholders in voting on it, nor the Company in
attempting to implement it, could determine with any reasonable
degree of certainty what actions or measures it requires. For
example, the third sentence of the proposal would prohibit the
by-law or charter provision giving shareholders the right to
call special meetings from including any exception or
exclusion conditions (to the fullest extent permitted by state
law) that apply only to shareowners but not to management
and/or your
board. The exact meaning of this proposed prohibition is
unclear. It may well eliminate the ability of the Company to
impose any procedural requirements on the right of
holders of at least ten percent of the common stock to call
special meetings. Companies at which shareholders have the right
to call special meetings often reasonably establish certain
procedural requirements relating to the exercise of
this right. At such companies, shareholders seeking to call
special meetings typically are required to identify themselves,
to state their interest in the subject matter of the proposed
special meeting, and to meet specified time requirements in
providing notice of their intent to call the special meeting.
Under the proposal, as written, it is unclear whether such
reasonable, and arguably necessary, procedural requirements
could be established validly.
While your Board appreciates the proponents interest, your
Board believes that the Companys current policies,
governing documents, Ohio law, and NYSE rules appropriately
address the circumstances in which special meetings may be
called. Your Board has fiduciary duties and will continue to
exercise its business judgment in referring matters for
shareholder consideration when it determines that doing so would
be in the best interests of the Company and its shareholders.
Alternatively, persons holding at least a majority of shares
outstanding and entitled to vote may call a special meeting of
shareholders, ensuring that the subject matter of the special
meeting is relevant and important to a large number of
shareholders justifying the significant resources and expense
necessary to hold a special meeting.
Item 4
Proposal: Adopt a Policy Requiring Retention of a Significant
Percentage of Shares for Two Years Following Termination of
Resolved, that stockholders of FirstEnergy Corp.
(Company) urge the Compensation Committee of the
Board of Directors (the Committee) to adopt a policy
requiring that senior executives retain a significant percentage
of shares acquired through equity compensation programs until
two years following the termination of their employment (through
retirement or otherwise), and to report to stockholders
regarding the policy before Company 2011 annual meeting of
stockholders. The stockholders recommend that the Committee not
adopt a percentage lower than 75% of net after-tax shares. The
policy should address the permissibility of transactions such as
hedging transactions which are not sales but reduce the risk of
loss to the executive.
Equity-based compensation is an important component of senior
executive compensation at Company.
Requiring senior executives to hold a significant portion of
shares obtained through compensation plans after the termination
of employment would focus them on Company long-term success and
would better align their interest with those of Company
stockholders. In the context of the current financial climate,
we believe it is imperative that companies reshape their
compensation policies and practices to discourage excessive
risk-taking and promote long-term, sustainable value creation. A
2002 report by a commission of The Conference Board endorsed the
idea of a holding requirement, stating that the long-term focus
promoted thereby may help prevent companies from
artificially propping up stock prices over the short-term to
cash out options and making other potentially negative
short-term decisions.
The Company has established stock ownership guidelines for
executive officers. In 2009, the Chief Executive Officer
(CEO) was required to maintain ownership of shares
valued at six times base salary and four times base salary for
other Named Executive Officers (NEOs).
We believe this policy does not go far enough to ensure that
equity compensation builds executive ownership. We also view a
retention requirement approach as superior to a stock ownership
guideline because a guideline loses effectiveness once it has
been satisfied.
We urge stockholders to vote for this proposal.
End of Shareholder
Companys Opposition Statement Holding Equity
into Retirement
Your Board of Directors recommends that you vote
AGAINST this proposal.
Your Board believes that the proposed restriction on the
disposition by senior executives of shares of stock obtained
through equity awards until two years following the termination
of their employment significantly would impair your
Companys ability to attract senior executive talent in the
competitive marketplace, which is essential for your
Companys long-term success. Your Board also believes that
the proposal would result in an overemphasis on post-retirement
compensation and undermine the effectiveness of your
Companys existing executive compensation programs. As
addressed in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis (later
referred to as CD&A) section of this Proxy Statement, stock
ownership is a fundamental element of your Companys
compensation program and provides an essential source of
incentives and motivation to your executives. Furthermore, your
Board believes that your Companys equity compensation
policies have been essential to attracting and retaining
talented executives and in motivating them to manage toward
long-term shareholder value.
Your Companys executive compensation programs are designed
carefully by the Compensation Committee of your Board (later
referred to in this section as the Committee) to align the
interests of senior executives and shareholders. The creation of
shareholder value is a core purpose of your Companys
compensation programs, and we believe that your Companys
compensation programs already appropriately incentivize your
senior executive officers to focus on our long-term success.
Your Board recognizes that equity ownership is an effective
means of aligning the interests of your senior executive
officers with those of the shareholders. Accordingly,
FirstEnergy already has adopted stock ownership and retention
guidelines. These ownership guidelines are reviewed by the
Committee for competitiveness on an annual basis and were
reviewed at the Committees February 2010 meeting. See the
discussion in CD&A under the heading Share Ownership
Guidelines in this Proxy Statement.
Under the stock ownership and retention guidelines, your Chief
Executive Officer is required to own common stock having a value
equal to six times base salary, and all other named executive
officers are required to own common stock having a value of four
times their base salaries. Your Board believes that these
guidelines have to a large degree effectively achieved the goal
of this proposal. As a result of the stock ownership guidelines,
executives are required to own meaningful levels of stock while
still maintaining the ability to manage their personal financial
affairs prudently. Mandating that senior executives hold 75% of
the shares of stock obtained through equity awards until two
years following the termination of their employment would
destabilize the balance that the Committee attempts to achieve
as it designs the compensation policy in its entirety and would
encourage turnover among senior executives who wish to retain
the ability to diversify their portfolios, to make charitable
gifts, or to liquidate a portion of their holdings in order to
meet expenses.
It is also important to note that the proposal only addresses
the retention of stock acquired through your Companys
equity compensation plans, prohibiting executive officers from
selling a substantial portion of such shares until two years
after they leave your Company. The proposal provides no
guarantee of stock ownership by executive officers until their
restricted stock vests or they exercise options. Your
Companys stock ownership guidelines, by contrast, require
ownership of FirstEnergys common stock, which may be
acquired through a variety of means, including open market
purchases, and set clear, reasonable, and meaningful standards
for the amount of stock to be owned by your senior executives.
In addition to the stock ownership guidelines, your
Companys equity compensation program includes three-year
vesting period requirements that provide your Companys
executives with an incentive to manage your Company from the
perspective of a shareholder with an equity stake in the
business. Equity grants typically vest over three years and the
vesting period of equity awards is not accelerated in
retirement. This condition of the equity compensation program
inherently extends the executives interest in long-term Company
performance into their retirement. The value realized upon
vesting is tied directly to the long-term appreciation of your
Companys stock price and operational performance over the
vesting period, which benefits all shareholders.
Your Board remains committed to the design and implementation of
a compensation program and stock ownership guidelines that
achieve the right balance between providing executives with
meaningful compensation in the form of equity awards and also
ensuring that they have an appropriate investment in your
Companys future. Adopting this proposal would constrain
the Committees ability to utilize significant at-risk
equity components because a requirement to hold such awards
after termination of employment would mean that executives would
not have access to a majority of the equity component of
compensation until two years after they retire or otherwise
cease to be employed by your Company. In addition, your Board
believes that most of FirstEnergys peer companies do not
impose limitations similar to those set forth in the proposal.
As a result, imposing these limitations could require your
Company to substitute costly benefits, such as substantially
higher executive salaries, in order to compete as effectively in
attracting and retaining executive talent. Your Board believes
that it is in the shareholders best interests for it to
retain the flexibility to formulate programs that it determines
are most conducive to the cost-effective attraction and
retention of the most talented executives and align the
long-term interests of employees and shareholders.
Item 5
Proposal: Permit Shareholders to Act by Written Consent of a
Majority of Shares Outstanding
Shareholder Action by Written Consent
RESOLVED, Shareholders hereby request that our board of
directors undertake such steps as may be necessary to permit
shareholders to act by the written consent of a majority of our
shares outstanding to the extent permitted by law.
Taking action by written consent in lieu of a meeting is a
mechanism shareholders can use to raise important matters
outside the normal annual meeting cycle.
Limitations on shareholders rights to act by written
consent are considered takeover defenses because they may impede
the ability of a bidder to succeed in completing a profitable
transaction for us or in obtaining control of the board that
could result in a higher price for our stock. Although it is not
necessarily anticipated that a bidder will materialize, that
very possibility presents a powerful incentive for improved
management of our company.
A study by Harvard professor Paul Gompers supports the concept
that shareholder dis-empowering governance features, including
restrictions on shareholders ability to act by written
consent, are significantly correlated to a reduction in
shareholder value.
Chris Rossi, long-term FirstEnergy shareholder, said the merit
of this Shareholder Action by Written Consent proposal should
also be considered in the context of the need for improvement in
our companys 2009 reported corporate governance status:
Our CEO Anthony Alexander was paid $13 million and our
company gave executives performance adjusted restricted stock
using the same performance metrics as our short-term executive
incentive plan. When the same metrics are used in both short and
long-term plans it represents double-dipping or our
executives getting two awards for the achievement of one goal.
Our board was the only significant directorship for four of our
directors: Jesse Williams, Paul Addison, Robert Heisler and
William Cottle. This could indicate a significant lack of
current transferable director experience for one-third of our
directors. Furthermore these directors received holiday gifts,
company-paid leisure activities and were entitled to
company-paid travel by private jet independence
George Smart, our Chairman no less, was designated as a
Flagged (Problem) Director by The Corporate Library
because he chaired the FirstEnergy audit committee during a
period of accounting misrepresentation according to a lawsuit
that was settled. Mr. Smart still represented 25% of our
key audit and nomination committees and received a dismal 51% of
our against-votes.
The above concerns shows there is a need for improvement. Please
encourage our board to respond positively to this proposal to
enable shareholder action by written consent Yes on
End of Shareholder
Companys Opposition Statement Shareholder
Action by Written Consent
Your Board of Directors recommends that you vote
AGAINST this proposal.
This shareholder proposal requests that your Board take steps to
permit the holders of a majority of the Companys
outstanding shares to act by written consent in lieu of holding
a shareholder meeting. As drafted, the intent of the shareholder
proposal is unclear and ambiguous. More specifically, it is
unclear whether the shareholder proposal is proposing to allow a
majority of shareholders to act by written consent with regard
to adopting, amending, or repealing your Companys Amended
Code of Regulations or with regard to other matters, or both.
As a company incorporated in Ohio, FirstEnergy is subject to the
Ohio Revised Code (later referred to as the ORC), including
Section 1701.54 of the ORC, which provides that unless a
companys articles or regulations prohibit the
authorization or taking of any action of the shareholders
without a meeting, any action required or permitted to be taken
by shareholders at a meeting may be taken without a meeting only
with the affirmative vote or approval of all the shareholders
who would be entitled to notice of a meeting of the shareholders
held for such purpose. Section 1701.11 of the ORC provides
an apparent exception to Section 1701.54 with regard to a
companys code of regulations. According to
Section 1701.11 a companys code of regulations may be
adopted, amended, or repealed without a meeting by the written
consent of the holders of two-thirds of the voting power of the
corporation on the proposal or a greater or lesser proportion
than two-thirds as may be set forth in the articles or code of
regulation, but not less than a majority of the voting power of
the corporation on the proposal.
As currently in effect, your Companys Amended Articles of
Incorporation and Amended Code of Regulations (later referred to
as the Charter Documents) do not provide for an alternative
voting threshold with regard to the adoption, amending or
repealing of your Companys Amended Code of Regulations and
do not prohibit the authorization or taking of any action
without a meeting as set forth in Section 1701.54 of the
ORC. Consequently, pursuant to the Charter Documents and Ohio
law, shareholders currently may act by written consent without a
shareholder meeting with respect to a change to the Amended Code
of Regulations as long as two-thirds of your Companys
shareholders approve the applicable change or by the written
consent of all shareholders with respect to any other
shareholder action.
If the shareholder proposal is intended to address the ability
of a majority of shareholders to act by written consent with
regard to matters other than adopting, amending and repealing
your Amended Code of Regulations, your Board has been advised by
Ohio counsel that the implementation of the shareholder proposal
would violate Ohio law, specifically Section 1701.54 of the
ORC. As discussed above, Section 1701.54 of the ORC
requires the unanimous vote or approval of all shareholders to
take action without a shareholder meeting. Section 1701.54
of the ORC does not provide for an Ohio company to adopt a
provision in its articles or regulations that allow an action to
be taken by the affirmative vote or authorization of less than
all of the companys shareholders entitled to notice of a
meeting of shareholders. Accordingly, if the shareholder
approval is implemented, your Company will be in violation of
Section 1701.54 of the ORC.
Assuming in the alternative that the shareholder proposal has
been submitted to permit a majority of the shareholders to act
by written consent to adopt, amend or repeal your Amended Code
of Regulations, your Board believes that Section 1701.11
and the Charter Documents are in the best interests of your
Companys shareholders and that the lower voting threshold
advocated by the shareholder proposal is inappropriately low.
The two-thirds vote required to act without a shareholder
meeting is intended to provide flexibility by affording
appropriate opportunities to act without a shareholder meeting,
while preserving the opportunity of most of the shareholders to
receive prior notice of and participate in determining any
proposed change to the Amended Code of Regulations.
Additionally, by requiring a two-thirds vote to act without a
shareholder meeting rather than a majority vote, there is
greater likelihood that your elected Board will have the
opportunity to consider and provide its recommendation with
respect to any such proposed change to the Amended Code of
In addition to attempting to preserve the shareholders
ability to act on each proposed action, your Companys
governance documents have been designed to protect your Company
and its shareholders from
unfair or coercive takeover tactics, while remaining consistent
with the statutory requirements of the ORC. For example, to
facilitate a hostile takeover attempt, a hostile bidder may
attempt to adopt, amend, or repeal one or more provisions of a
companys Code of Regulations. This process may not provide
the board of directors of the target company or its shareholders
with a reasonable opportunity to consider whether such hostile
tactics are in the best interests of all or most of the
shareholders of the company.
By relying upon the standard set forth by the ORC to adopt,
amend, or repeal the Amended Code of Regulations without a
shareholder meeting, your Board believes that it is limiting
your Companys vulnerability to unfair or coercive takeover
tactics and helping to ensure that actions related to takeover
attempts for your Company are considered in a deliberate,
proper, and fully informed manner. Your Board does not believe
that the Charter Documents have the effect of impeding the
ability of a bidder to succeed in completing a transaction for
your Company or in obtaining control of your Board. Rather, the
Charter Documents have been drafted to conform with Ohio law and
encourage interested third party bidders to engage your elected
Board to propose revisions to the Amended Code of Regulations or
otherwise seek to engage the participation of most of your
Companys shareholders to act without a shareholder meeting.
In summary, the purpose and goal of the shareholder proposal is
unclear and ambiguous, leaving your Board with little direction
as to the steps to be taken in the event that the shareholder
proposal was to be implemented. Even if your Board could
determine the intent of the shareholder proposal, for the
reasons set forth above, your Board believes that the current
approach to adopting, amending, and repealing your
Companys Amended Code of Regulations without a shareholder
meeting is in the best interests of all shareholders and the
implementation of the shareholder proposal with regard to all
other matters would violate Section 1701.54 of the ORC and
is not a viable proposal to be considered by the shareholders of
your Company.
Item 6
Proposal: Adopt a Majority Vote Standard for the Election of
Election Majority Vote Standard Proposal
Resolved: That the shareholders of FirstEnergy
Corp. (Company) hereby request that the Board of
Directors initiate the appropriate process to amend the
Companys articles of incorporation to provide that
director nominees shall be elected by the affirmative vote of
the majority of votes cast at an annual meeting of shareholders,
with a plurality vote standard retained for contested director
elections, that is, when the number of director nominees exceeds
the number of board seats.
Supporting Statement: In order to provide
shareholders a meaningful role in director elections, the
Companys director election vote standard should be changed
to a majority vote standard. A majority vote standard would
require that a nominee receive a majority of the votes cast in
order to be elected. The standard is particularly well-suited
for the vast majority of director elections in which only board
nominated candidates are on the ballot. We believe that a
majority vote standard in board elections would establish a
challenging vote standard for board nominees and improve the
performance of individual directors and entire boards. The
Company presently uses a plurality vote standard in all director
elections. Under the plurality standard, a board nominee can be
elected with as little as a single affirmative vote, even if a
substantial majority of the votes cast are withheld
from the nominee.
In response to strong shareholder support for a majority vote
standard, a strong majority of the nations leading
companies, including Intel, General Electric, Motorola, Hewlett
Packard, Morgan Stanley, Home Depot, Gannett, Marathon Oil, and
Pfizer, have adopted a majority vote standard in company bylaws
or articles of incorporation. Additionally, these companies have
adopted director resignation policies in their bylaws or
corporate governance policies to address post-election issues
related to the status of director nominees that fail to win
election. Other companies have responded only partially to the
call for change by simply adopting post election director
resignation policies that set procedures for addressing the
status of director nominees that receive more
withhold votes than for votes. At the
time of this proposal submission, our Company and its board had
not taken either action.
We believe that a post election director resignation policy
without a majority vote standard in company governance documents
is an inadequate reform. The critical first step in establishing
a meaningful majority vote policy is the adoption of a majority
vote standard. With a majority vote standard in place, the board
can then take action to develop a post election procedure to
address the status of directors that fail to win election. A
majority vote standard combined with a post election director
resignation policy would establish a meaningful right for
shareholders to elect directors, and reserve for the board an
important post election role in determining the continued status
of an unelected director. We urge the Board to initiate the
process to establish a majority vote standard in the
Companys governance documents.
End of Shareholder
Companys Opposition Statement Director
Election Majority Vote Standard
Your Board of Directors recommends that you vote
AGAINST this proposal.
This shareholder proposal requests that your Board take measures
necessary to amend your Companys Amended Code of
Regulations to provide that director nominees be elected by the
affirmative vote of the majority of the votes cast at an annual
meeting of shareholders. Your Board considered several factors
carefully with respect to majority voting, including the merits
of the majority vote standard, the responsibilities of your
Boards Corporate Governance Committee, and the best
interests of our shareholders. After a thorough review of the
proposal, your Board believes that the majority voting proposal
does not serve the best interests of your Companys
The plurality voting standard is the default standard under Ohio
law, and our Amended Code of Regulations expressly provides for
a plurality vote in the election of directors. Plurality voting
also is the standard used to elect directors at the majority of
public companies in the United States and remains the American
Bar Associations Model Business Corporation Acts
state law voting standard for corporations that have not adopted
a different standard voluntarily. Although there is ongoing
public debate regarding the use of a majority vote standard, the
merits of such a standard have not been established to your
Boards satisfaction. The decision to adopt a majority vote
standard would be a significant departure from the widely
accepted plurality voting standard, which historically has been
effective in electing strong, independent directors to your
Companys Board. Also, the procedures and state corporate
law governing plurality voting, unlike majority voting, are well
established and understood.
There are significant practical difficulties involving the use
of majority voting, and there remains considerable uncertainty
surrounding the standard. Your Company believes that the
following consequences may result from these difficulties and
If a candidate who is the Chief Executive Officer or other
executive officer is not elected, it could constitute a breach
of that executives employment agreement and may trigger an
obligation on the part of your Company to make severance
payments to that executive;
The failure to elect a specified percentage of directors could
result in a change of control, thus accelerating
debt or canceling a line of credit provided in a credit
agreement or triggering changes in licenses or other vital and
irreplaceable corporate arrangements; and
The failure to elect Board candidates could affect adversely our
ability to comply with the NYSE Listing Standards or SEC
requirements for independent or non-employee directors or
directors who have particular qualifications that are essential
for a member of your Board, such as a financial expert to serve
on your Boards Audit Committee.
A majority voting system could cause a number of additional
difficulties, including the practical problems relating to a
failed election, or one in which one or more
directors standing for election are not seated on your Board.
Majority voting requirements also raise legal and practical
concerns about the applicability of the holdover
rule, which provides that directors are elected to serve
until their successors are elected. Therefore, even if the
proposal is adopted, your Company may be unable to force a
director who failed to receive a majority vote to leave your
Board until his or her successor is elected.
Your Board does not believe that adopting a majority voting
standard for uncontested director elections provides
shareholders with any additional meaningful amount of input into
the election of directors, and it imposes additional costs on
your Company. If there is a failed election, it is up to your
Board to fill the vacancy without any further shareholder vote.
Shareholders would have no greater assurance that the person
selected to fill the Board seat would be any more satisfactory
than the person who failed to receive the majority vote. Based
on current proxy voting trends and the influence of proxy voting
advisory services, your Board believes that most withhold votes
for directors in uncontested elections occur as a result of the
rigid application of voting guidelines that heavily focus on
technical corporate governance mechanics. These voting
guidelines typically do not take into account the more important
role of directors in setting strategic direction and making
important business decisions. As a result, in many cases, it
could be expected that your Board would still view the election
of its original nominee as in the best interests of your Company
and our shareholders notwithstanding the number of votes
withheld. Nevertheless, addressing failed elections undoubtedly
would be distracting to your Board and may require your Board
and/or the
Corporate Governance Committee to repeat much of the process it
went through prior to the shareholder meeting in order to select
nominees. Your Board does not believe that this is likely to
create any meaningfully greater enfranchisement of our
Majority voting also may result in the vacancy of one or more
seats of your Board which may cause a disruption of your
Boards operations. In addition, significant turnover among
directors may impede your Companys long-term strategic
plan due to lack of director continuity and ultimately impact
the stability of your Board and your Company. This would be
particularly problematic during trying economic times such as
these when your Boards focus should be on the continuous
improvement of your Companys financial condition and
results of operations and maximization of shareholder value.
Your Board is committed to maintaining high standards of
corporate governance. Your Board believes that its practices
involving the election of directors reflect this commitment.
Your Company amended its Code of Regulations in 2004 to
declassify your Board so that each director is elected annually.
With the exception of Chief Executive Officer Anthony J.
Alexander, all members of your Board are independent (including
the non-executive Chairman of your Board) under the standards
established by the NYSE and the SEC, and your Companys
shareholders consistently have elected effective and independent
Your Company also established and disclosed a process by which
your Boards Corporate Governance Committee, composed
entirely of independent directors, identifies and recommends to
your Board individuals who are qualified to become strong and
independent Board members. In consultation with the CEO, the
Chairman, and the full Board, the Corporate Governance Committee
searches for, recruits, screens, interviews, and recommends
prospective directors, as necessary, to provide an appropriate
balance of knowledge, experience, and capability on the Board.
Any assessment of a prospective Board candidate includes, at a
minimum, consideration of diversity, age, background and
training, business or administrative experience and skills,
dedication and commitment, business judgment, analytical skills,
problem-solving abilities, and familiarity with the regulatory
environment. The Corporate Governance Committee recommends
nominees that bring a strong and unique background and skill set
to the Board of Directors, giving the Board as a whole
competence and experience in a wide variety of areas. Generally,
the criteria considered by the Corporate Governance Committee
for all our Directors includes the following:
(i) integrity, honesty, and accountability, with a
willingness to express independent thought; (ii) successful
leadership experience and stature in an individuals
primary field, with a background that demonstrates an
understanding of business affairs as well as the complexities of
a large, publicly held company; (iii) demonstrated ability
to think strategically and make decisions with a forward-looking
focus and ability to assimilate relevant information on a broad
range of complex topics; (iv) being a team player with a
demonstrated willingness to ask tough questions in a
constructive manner that adds to the decision making process of
your Board; (v) independence; and (vi) ability to
devote necessary time to meet director responsibilities.
Annually, the Corporate Governance Committee assesses the size
and composition of the Board in light of the operating
requirements of the
Company and the current makeup of the Board, all in the context
of the needs of the Board at a particular point in time.
It is important to note that the Corporate Governance Committee
considers candidates recommended by shareholders in the same
manner as other candidates nominated by your Board, so long as
shareholders nominating director candidates comply with the
procedural requirements set forth in the Corporate Governance
Committee Charter and your Companys Amended Code of
Regulations. Shareholders are always free to express any
concerns regarding directors or other matters by communicating
directly with one or more of our directors through the
communication policy described elsewhere in this proxy
statement. Your Board of Directors believes that the nomination
process provides the appropriate time and method for
shareholders to express preferences and take action to determine
the individuals from whom they will be able to choose their
representatives on your Board. In this way, the Corporate
Governance Committee acts in the long-term interests of your
Company and its shareholders.
Under the proposed standard, certain shareholders, who may hold
large share positions temporarily but who do not share your
Companys long-term view, could withhold enough votes to
defeat a Board nominee. This would have the effect of denying
the Corporate Governance Committee the opportunity to carry out
its role of evaluating whether the nominees experience is
vital to your Board or to one of your Board committees, for
example, if the nominee has special expertise in the electric
utilities or nuclear power industry or could be deemed an
Audit Committee Financial Expert as such term is
defined by the SEC. This is especially important in the current
regulatory environment which places a premium on each individual
directors experience, qualifications, attributes,
diversity and skills and how they translate into that person
serving as a member of your Board.
Requiring a majority vote for the election of your directors
could give activist shareholder groups, representing certain
narrow special interests, significant leverage by allowing them
to threaten to withhold enough votes to defeat a nominee. Such
shareholder campaigns also could increase your Companys
cost of soliciting shareholders unnecessarily by forcing your
Company to employ a proactive telephone solicitation, a second
mailing, or other strategies to obtain the required votes. Such
a significant shift in leverage to special interest groups may
be a deterrent to competent individuals accepting nominations as
directors and may lead to increased costs for routine elections.
Your Company and your Board are committed to good governance
practices and have implemented a variety of measures, which are
discussed elsewhere in this proxy statement, to further your
Companys culture of strong corporate governance. Your
Board intends to continue to follow and evaluate regulatory and
legislative developments in this area and to consider carefully
whether further changes to your Companys corporate
governance policies are appropriate and in the best interests of
your Company and its shareholders.
Your Board believes that your Company and its shareholders are
best served by the current system of plurality voting. The
current process by which the Corporate Governance Committee
identifies and recommends to your Board nominees for directors,
along with your Boards strong governance record, serves
and protects the interests of your Companys shareholders,
particularly individual shareholders, over the long term. It is
your Boards strong belief that the shareholder proposal
would not improve your Boards corporate governance or the
performance of individual directors of your Board, and it could
have unintended negative consequences. Accordingly, your Board
believes that the proposal is not in the best interest of your
Company or its shareholders.
The Corporate Governance Committee, comprised entirely of
independent directors, recommends Board candidates by
identifying qualified individuals in a manner that is consistent
with criteria approved by the Board. In consultation with the
CEO, the Chairman, and the full Board, the committee searches
for, recruits, screens, interviews, and recommends prospective
directors to provide an appropriate balance of knowledge,
experience, and capability on the Board. Assessment of a
prospective Board candidate includes, at a minimum,
consideration of diversity; age; background and training;
business or administrative experience and skills; dedication and
commitment; business judgment; analytical skills;
problem-solving abilities; and familiarity with the regulatory
environment. Each year, the Corporate Governance Committee
assesses the size and composition of the Board in light of the
operating requirements of the Company and the current makeup of
the Board, all in the context of the needs of the Board at a
particular point in time. Each of the nominees listed below
brings a strong and unique background and skill set to the
Board, giving the Board as a whole competence and experience in
a wide variety of areas necessary to oversee the operations of
the Company. Generally, the criteria considered by the Corporate
Governance Committee for all of our directors also includes the
following: (i) integrity, honesty, and accountability, with
a willingness to express independent thought;
(ii) successful leadership experience and stature in an
individuals primary field, with a background that
demonstrates an understanding of business affairs as well as the
complexities of a large, publicly held company;
(iii) demonstrated ability to think strategically and make
decisions with a forward-looking focus and ability to assimilate
relevant information on a broad range of complex topics;
(iv) being a team player with a demonstrated willingness to
ask tough questions in a constructive manner that adds to the
decision-making process of your Board; (v) independence;
and (vi) ability to devote necessary time to meet director
Each director contributes knowledge, experience, or skill in at
least one domain that is important to the Company. For example,
our directors possess experience in one or more of the
following: management or senior leadership position that
demonstrates significant business or administrative experience
and skills; accounting or finance; the electric utilities or
nuclear power industry; or other significant and relevant areas
deemed by the Corporate Governance Committee to be valuable to
the Company.
The Corporate Governance Committee believes that well-assembled
Boards of Directors consist of a diverse group of individuals
who possess a variety of complementary skills and experiences.
It considers this variety of complementary skills in the broader
context of the Boards overall composition with a view
toward constituting a Board that, as a body, possesses the
appropriate skills, experience, attributes, and qualities
required to successfully oversee the Companys operations.
Neither the Corporate Governance Committee nor the Board has an
established policy regarding the consideration of diversity in
identifying director nominees. However, the Corporate Governance
Committee recognizes that racial and gender diversity of the
Board are an important part of its analysis as to whether the
Board constitutes a body that possesses a variety of
complementary skills and experiences. The Corporate Governance
Committee also considers each individual nominees
differences in point of view, professional experience,
education, and other individual skills, qualities, and
attributes that contribute to the optimal functioning of the
Board as a whole.
The following paragraphs provide information about each director
nominee, as of the date of this proxy statement. The information
presented below includes each nominees specific
experiences, qualifications, attributes, and skills that led the
Corporate Governance Committee and the Board to the conclusion
that he/she
should serve as a Director of the Company.
Mr. Addison received an M.B.A. in Finance and General
Business Administration from the Harvard University Graduate
School of Business. His career included positions of increasing
responsibility in the investment banking and financial services
sector, culminating as the Managing Director of the Utilities
Department at Salomon Smith Barney (Citigroup). This wealth of
experience in the financial services sector makes
Mr. Addison a strong contributor to the Company as the
Chair of the Finance Committee of the Board.
Mr. Alexander received an undergraduate degree in
accounting and a degree in law from the University of Akron.
During his extensive thirty-eight year career at Ohio Edison
Company and later FirstEnergy Corp., he has held executive
leadership positions, including Executive Vice President and
General Counsel, Chief Operating Officer, and currently
President and Chief Executive Officer. He completed the Program
for Management Development at the Harvard Graduate School of
Business and the Reactor Technology Course for Utility
Executives at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. With
this vast experience, Mr. Alexander brings to the Board of
Directors an extraordinary understanding of the inner workings
of the public utilities industry in general, and FirstEnergy
Corp. in particular.
Mr. Anderson received an M.B.A. in Finance and Accounting
from Northwestern Universitys Kellogg Graduate School of
Management and was a Certified Public Accountant. He was an
auditor for Arthur Young & Co., and participated in
the Harvard Advanced Management Program. In 1994, he became
President and Chief Operating Officer of The Andersons, Inc.,
and he is currently the companys President, Chief
Executive Officer, and Chairman. The skills and attributes
related to Mr. Andersons experience in the accounting
and executive management areas are invaluable assets for the
Board and his participation on the Finance Committee.
Dr. Cartwright spent more than 17 years as a Chief
Executive Officer of various large, non-profit organizations
with direct oversight for strategic planning, program
development, financial management, capital planning, and
governmental affairs. During her more than 40 years of
public higher education experience, she operated within an
environment of government regulations and public accountability.
She retired in 2006 as President of Kent State University and
currently serves as President of Bowling Green State University.
This significant experience in the areas of financial management
and capital planning, as well as her experience dealing with
highly regulated entities, makes her a valuable resource to the
Board and in her role as Chair of the Corporate Governance
Mr. Cottle is currently a consultant in the nuclear
industry. He has extensive experience in the nuclear field and
has held leadership positions at Entergy and Houston Lighting
and Power, as well as with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and
the Tennessee Valley Authority. In addition, he previously
served as Chairman, President, and CEO of STP Nuclear Operating
Company. This nuclear industry experience is essential to our
Board and the Nuclear Committee, of which Mr. Cottle is
Mr. Heisler graduated Cum Laude from Harvard University and
received an M.B.A. from Kent State University. He has extensive
experience in the investment management and financial services
sector, culminating in high-level positions at KeyBank N.A.,
including Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer. In
addition, he brings administrative skills to the Board through
his current role as Dean of the College of Business
Administration and Graduate School of Management of Kent State
University. This expertise in financial services and
administrative skills makes him a valuable member of the Board
and strong member of our Finance Committee.
Mr. Novak graduated from John Carroll University with a
major in accounting. He received his Masters in Accountancy from
Bowling Green State University and is a Certified Public
Accountant. During his long and distinguished career at
Ernst & Young, he held various positions including
Coordinating Partner and Area Industry Leader, before retiring
after 17 years as the Managing Partner of the Cleveland
Office. He has over thirty years of experience performing,
reviewing, and overseeing the audits of financial statements of
a wide range of public companies. Mr. Novak currently
serves as chair of the audit committee of two other public
companies. As a result of this extensive experience in the field
of accounting and his broad financial expertise, Mr. Novak
is the Companys Audit Committee Financial
Expert and Chair of the Audit Committee.
Ms. Rein is a graduate of New York University Law School
and served as general counsel of a Fortune 50 company. She
was employed for many years in the highly regulated financial
services industry, which provided her with a familiarity in
dealing with the requirements imposed by regulatory agencies.
Prior to her retirement from MetLife, Inc., she served in
various high-level positions including Vice President, Human
Resources and Senior Executive Vice President and Chief
Administrative Officer, with responsibility for the Audit, Human
Resources, Information Systems, Public Relations, Compliance,
Procurement, and Facilities
Management departments, among others. She also served as Chief
Executive Officer of the Property and Casualty subsidiary of
MetLife, Inc. Over the past 20 years, Ms. Rein has
been a director of and has served on various board committees of
three public companies, further enhancing her broad range of
knowledge and extensive business and leadership experience. Her
experience with regulated entities, along with her legal,
business, and human resource knowledge make her a valuable asset
to the Board and to the Compensation Committee, of which she
serves as Chair.
Mr. Smart received an M.B.A. from the Wharton School,
University of Pennsylvania, with a major in Marketing. He served
as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Central States
Can Co. from 1978 until 1993 and as Chairman of the Board and
President of the Phoenix Packaging Corporation from 1993 until
2001. He retired as President of Sonoco Phoenix, Inc. in 2004.
Over the past 25 years, Mr. Smart has been a director
of and has served on various board committees of six public
companies. This extensive corporate and CEO-level experience
provides an excellent background for his current position as
non-executive Chairman of the FirstEnergy Board.
Mr. Taylor received both a Bachelor and Masters of Science
degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M
University. He also completed the Advanced Management Program at
the Harvard Graduate School of Business and the Reactor
Technology Course for Utility Executives at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology. For more than 20 years, he served
as the President of Dallas Power & Light and then TXU
Generation, from which he retired in 2004. Mr. Taylor has
experience serving on another public companys board, in
addition to his extensive executive experience, which provides a
valuable point of view on the Companys Board. He also
served as Chair of the National Nuclear Accrediting Board from
1996 until 2003. This experience in the public utility industry
and in the nuclear industry makes him well-suited and invaluable
in his current position on the Board and on the Nuclear
Mr. Williams graduated from the University of Maryland,
Eastern Shore and the Executive Management Programs at Yale and
Northwestern Universities and Morehouse College. For more than
20 years he held positions of increasing responsibility in
the areas of Human Resources and Compensation and Employment
Practices with The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company,
prior to retiring as Vice President of Human Resources Policy,
Employment Practices and Systems. He has more than 30 years
of experience in the areas of labor relations and contract
negotiations, succession planning, diversity, and safety. His
extensive knowledge in these areas, combined with his
executive-level experience, provides vital perspective on issues
facing the Board. Mr. Williams experience is
especially valuable to the Board given the recent focus on
governance and compensation policies and practices.
Paul T. Addison Age 63. Retired in 2002 as Managing Director in the Utilities Department of Salomon Smith Barney (Citigroup), an investment banking and financial services firm. Director of the Company since 2003.
Committees: Audit, Finance (Chair)
Anthony J. Alexander Age 58. President and
Chief Executive Officer since 2004 of the Company. He also is a
Director of Ohio Edison Company, Pennsylvania Power Company, The
Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, The Toledo Edison
Company and many other subsidiaries of the Company. In addition
to the foregoing companies, he has also been a Director of
Metropolitan Edison Company, Pennsylvania Electric Company and
many other subsidiaries of the Company during the past five
years. Director of the Company since 2002.
Michael J. Anderson Age 58. President, Chief Executive Officer and Director since 1999 and Chairman of the Board since May 2009 of The Andersons, Inc., a diversified company with interests in the grain, ethanol, and plant nutrient sectors of U.S. agriculture, as well as in railcar leasing and repair, turf products production, and general merchandise retailing. He has been Chairman of the Board of Interstate Bakery Companies within the past five years. Director of the Company since 2007.
Committees: Finance, Nuclear
Dr. Carol A. Cartwright Age 68. President of Bowling Green State University since January 2009. Interim President of Bowling Green State University from July 2008 to January 2009. Retired in 2006 as President (a position held since 1991) of Kent State University. She is a Director of KeyCorp and PolyOne Corporation. Within the past five years, she was also a Director of the Davey Tree Expert Company. Director of the Company since 1997 and Director of Ohio Edison Company from 1992 to 1997.
Committees: Compensation, Corporate Governance (Chair)
William T. Cottle Age 64. Retired in 2003 as Chairman of the Board, President, and Chief Executive Officer of STP Nuclear Operating Company, a nuclear operating company for the South Texas Project. Director of the Company since 2003.
Committees: Corporate Governance, Nuclear (Chair)
Robert B. Heisler, Jr. Age 61. Dean of the College of Business Administration and Graduate School of Management of Kent State University since October 2008. Special Assistant for Community and Business Strategies to the President of Kent State University from September 2008 to October 2008 and from 2007 to June 1, 2008. Interim Vice President for Finance and Administration of Kent State University from June 2008 to September 2008. Retired in 2007 as Chairman of the Board (a position held since 2001) of KeyBank N.A., the flagship banking entity within KeyCorp. Chief Executive Officer of the McDonald Financial Group from 2004 to 2007 and Executive Vice President of KeyCorp from 1994 to 2007. Director of the Company from 1998 to 2004 and since 2006.
Committees: Compensation, Finance
Ernest J. Novak, Jr. Age 65. Retired in 2003 as Managing Partner (a position held since 1998) of the Cleveland office of Ernst & Young LLP, a public accounting firm. He is a Director of BorgWarner, Inc. and A. Schulman, Inc. Director of the Company since 2004.
Committees: Audit (Chair), Finance
Catherine A. Rein Age 67. Retired in March 2008 as Senior Executive Vice President (a position held since 1989) and Chief Administrative Officer (a position held since 2005) of MetLife, Inc., a provider of insurance and other financial services to individual and institutional customers. She is a Director of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation. Director of the Company since 2001 and Director of GPU, Inc. (merged with the Company in 2001) from 1989 to 2001.
Committees: Audit, Compensation (Chair)
George M. Smart Age 64. Non-executive Chairman of the FirstEnergy Board of Directors since 2004. Retired in 2004 as President (a position held since 2001) of Sonoco-Phoenix, Inc., a manufacturer of easy opening lids. He is a Director of Ball Corporation. Within the past five years, he was also a Director of Unizan Financial Corporation and Unizan Bank, National Association. Director of the Company since 1997, and Director of Ohio Edison Company from 1988 to 1997.
Committees: Audit, Corporate Governance
Wes M. Taylor Age 67. Retired in 2004 as President (a position held since 1991) of TXU Generation, an owner and operator of electric generation and coal mines in Texas. He is a Director of Arch Coal, Inc. Director of the Company since 2004.
Committees: Compensation, Nuclear
Jesse T. Williams, Sr. Age 70. Retired in 1998 as Vice President of Human Resources Policy, Employment Practices and Systems of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, a manufacturer of tires and rubber-related products. He is a Director of Jersey Central Power & Light Company, a subsidiary of the Company. Director of the Company since 1997 and Director of Ohio Edison Company from 1992 to 1997.
Committees: Corporate Governance, Nuclear
The following table shows shares of common stock beneficially
owned as of March 8, 2010, by each director, the executive
officers named in the Summary Compensation Table, and all
directors and executive officers as a group. Also listed, as of
March 8, 2010, are common stock equivalents credited to
executive officers as a result of participation in incentive
compensation plans. None of the shares below are pledged by the
directors or named executive officers. At the time of joining
the Board, each director is required to hold a minimum of
100 shares of Company stock.
Shares Beneficially
Common Stock
Percent of
Class of Stock
Paul T. Addison
Anthony J. Alexander
Michael J. Anderson
Dr. Carol A. Cartwright
Mark T. Clark
William T. Cottle
Richard R. Grigg
Robert B. Heisler, Jr.
Gary R. Leidich
Richard H. Marsh
Ernest J. Novak, Jr.
Catherine A. Rein
George M. Smart
Wes M. Taylor
Leila L. Vespoli
Jesse T. Williams, Sr.
All Directors and Executive Officers as a Group
The amounts set forth in this
column include (a) any shares with respect to which the
executive officer or director has a direct or indirect pecuniary
interest, and (b) vested stock options with which the
executive officer or director has the right to acquire
beneficial ownership within 60 days of March 8, 2010,
and are as follows: Alexander 257,100 shares;
Grigg 54,759 shares; and all directors and
executive officers as a group 328,384 shares.
Each individual or member of the group has sole voting and
investment power with respect to the shares beneficially owned.
The amounts set forth in this
column represent unvested performance shares and restricted
stock units, both performance-adjusted and discretionary, as
well as equivalent units held in the Executive Deferred
Compensation Plan. The value of these shares is measured, in
part, by the market price of the Companys common stock.
Payouts of the performance shares and performance-adjusted
restricted stock units may be adjusted upward or downward based
on performance, as discussed in the Long-Term Incentive Program
section of the CD&A and in the narrative following the
Grants of Plan-Based Awards table later in this proxy statement.
The percentage of shares
beneficially owned by each director or executive officer, or by
all directors and executive officers as a group, does not exceed
one percent of the class.
The following table shows all persons of whom the Company is
aware who may be deemed to be the beneficial owner of more than
five percent of shares of common stock of the Company as of
December 31, 2009. This information is based solely on SEC
Schedule 13G filings.
Percent of
Voting Power
Investment Power
Name and Address
Number of Shares
Number of Shares
of Beneficial Owner
BlackRock, Inc.
40 East 52nd Street, New York, NY 10022
Capital Research Global Investors (a division of Capital
Research and Management Company), 333 South Hope Street, Los
Angeles, CA 90071 (Capital Research Global Investors disclaims
beneficial ownership of these shares)
Capital World Investors (a division of Capital Research and
Management Company), 333 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, CA
90071 (Capital World Investors disclaims beneficial ownership of
these shares)
FMR LLC, 82 Devonshire Street, Boston, MA 02109
State Street Corporation, State Street Financial Center, One
Lincoln Street, Boston, MA 02111 (State Street disclaims
beneficial ownership of these shares)
During 2009, our management team faced a number of challenges,
including regulatory uncertainty in Ohio, one of our primary
markets, followed by the transition to competitive generation
markets; an extremely weak U.S. economy; and an electricity
market that was further dampened by abnormally mild summer
weather. Despite this difficult environment, our team made
significant progress in achieving our strategic, operational,
and financial goals for 2009.
The Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors (later
referred to in this section as the Committee), oversees the
compensation of our executives, including our named executive
officers (later referred to as NEOs). As discussed below, our
compensation setting process took place in the first quarter of
2009. As is standard practice, our Committee reviewed
competitive benchmarking data, including the mix of compensation
and components of compensation in the aggregate compared to our
peers. However, the uncertainties we faced at that time heavily
influenced the decisions made regarding 2009 compensation. Base
salary and short-term incentive program targets were not
increased, the conditions under which a Short-Term Incentive
Program (later referred to as STIP) would be paid were tightened
and the value of grants provided under our Long-Term Incentive
Program (later referred to as LTIP) was reduced.
Our leadership team took quick actions in early 2009 to address
the financial uncertainty related to economic and regulatory
issues. We implemented multiple cost reduction measures that
included a voluntary enhanced retirement option (excluding the
leadership team and NEOs), a reduced use of contractors, and the
delay or elimination of discretionary spending. As a result of
these and other actions, we ended the year with more than
$300 million in operation and maintenance expense
reductions. We also significantly improved our liquidity
position in 2009 by reducing short-term debt, restructuring
maturity schedules related to debt, and realigning the capital
structure of our organization. In addition, we implemented base
salary reductions in June 2009 with the opportunity for
employees, except our CEO, to earn the reductions back if our
financial performance measure was achieved.
While our generation business was impacted by weak wholesale
market prices during the transition to competitive markets in
Ohio, our team aggressively implemented a successful retail
strategy and, by the end
of 2009, was serving 80 percent of our Ohio utilities
load. And, through long-term contracts, we secured about
20 percent of the Ohio utilities load through 2019.
On the regulated side of our business, our Ohio utilities
achieved regulatory approval to recover costs in a timely
fashion related to storm damage and uncollectible expenses.
Throughout the year, we also continued to enhance the
operational performance of both our regulated and competitive
businesses. We achieved our best year of distribution
performance since the 1997 merger that formed FirstEnergy, and
our 2009 year-end average total duration of outages was a
14 percent improvement over 2008. At the same time, our
bulk transmission system continues to perform in the top ten
percent of the industry. We took advantage of weak market
conditions to operate our plants conservatively in 2009 and
perform maintenance work that we expect will help to ensure that
they are operating efficiently when the economy recovers.
Our Company delivered 2009 normalized earnings per share (later
referred to as EPS) of $3.77, which was within the guidance we
provided to the financial community and described later in this
proxy statement. We generated $2.47 billion in cash from
operations, reduced capital spending by $344 million, and
took various actions to minimize the volatility in our pension
plan and nuclear decommissioning trusts. Our operating and
financial results also allowed us to maintain our dividend
throughout the year as well as reinstate base salaries to
unreduced levels in September 2009, and restore the base salary
reductions in a lump sum payment in January 2010 (except in the
case of our CEO who requested that his base salary remain
reduced throughout 2009). Furthermore, as discussed later,
payments were earned under several of our performance-based
incentive compensation programs.
We expect 2010 to be another challenging year; however, we are
in a stronger position than one year ago. We believe our Company
is well positioned for a recovery of the U.S. economy and
to take advantage of the earnings uplift potential from
improving market prices and completing the transition to
competitive markets in Pennsylvania in 2011. We remain focused
on operational excellence, regulatory certainty, completing the
transition to market-based rates, managing the new and changing
renewable and energy efficiency requirements, maintaining
financial strength and strong liquidity in all environments, and
providing superior value for our shareholders.
We believe that the quality, skills, and dedication of our
executive officers, including our NEOs, are critical elements in
our ongoing ability to positively affect our operating results
and enhance shareholder value. The primary objectives of our
executive compensation program are to attract, retain, and
reward the talented executives who we believe can provide the
performance and leadership we need to achieve success in the
highly complex energy services industry. We measure success
based on earnings, shareholder return, operational excellence,
and safety. A significant portion of an executives actual
compensation is based on corporate and business unit performance
as defined by financial and operational measures directly linked
to short-term and long-term results for key stakeholders,
including shareholders and customers. Meeting or exceeding our
goals in these key areas is reflected in the compensation of our
NEOs and other executives.
We review our compensation philosophy annually to ensure it
continues to align with our goals and shareholder interests and
offers competitive levels of compensation. To achieve our goals,
we offer a total compensation package to all executives,
including our NEOs, that:
Is targeted at or near the market median for our peer group of
energy services companies (described below) with the opportunity
for executives to achieve above-median compensation for strong
corporate and individual performance and the consequence of
earning below-median compensation if financial or operational
performance does not meet targets,
Fosters and supports a pay-for-performance culture
to reward individual, business unit, and corporate results,
Aligns managements interests with the long-term interests
of our shareholders, and
Is comprised of a mix of the following elements of compensation:
Base salary: fixed element of compensation payable throughout
the year,
Short-Term Incentive Program (later referred to as STIP):
entirely performance-based variable cash compensation payable
Long-term incentive program (later referred to as LTIP) which
consists of:
Performance shares: entirely performance-based
variable equity compensation which is denominated in stock and
settled in cash at the end of a three-year vesting period if
performance is achieved, and
Performance-adjusted restricted stock units: partially
performance-based equity compensation which settles in shares of
our common stock at the end of a three-year vesting period,
Retirement benefits and limited perquisites,
Severance and change in control benefits, and
Other discretionary awards.
Within the incentive component of our compensation program,
short-term incentive opportunities for each executive are linked
to annual performance results based on a combination of
corporate and business unit goals; while long-term incentive
opportunities are based on both our absolute performance and our
performance relative to other energy services companies over a
three-year period, thereby encouraging the accomplishment of
goals that are intended to increase long-term shareholder value.
Shareholder value is impacted not only by financial measures but
also by operational measures and as a result we establish our
compensation plans to take both measures into account. In 2009,
our financial performance measure was EPS. Operational
performance measures included levels of customer satisfaction,
transmission reliability, distribution reliability, generation
output, nuclear power plant performance, operating margin, and
industry-standard safety metrics, all of which align executive,
shareholder, and customer interests by improving service,
reliability, and safety. All of our 2009 financial and
operational performance measures for our NEOs are described
below. The proportion of pay based on performance increases as
an executives responsibilities increase. Thus, executives
with greater responsibilities for the achievement of corporate
performance targets are impacted more negatively if those goals
are not achieved, and conversely receive a greater reward if the
goals are met or surpassed.
Executive Officers
For 2009, our NEOs and their respective titles were as follows:
Anthony J. Alexander, President and CEO
Mark T. Clark, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial
Officer (later referred to as CFO), effective May 1, 2009,
previously Executive Vice President, Strategic Planning and
Richard H. Marsh, Senior Vice President and CFO (Retired on
July 1, 2009)
Gary R. Leidich, Executive Vice President, FirstEnergy Corp. and
President, FirstEnergy Generation
Richard R. Grigg, Executive Vice President, FirstEnergy Corp.
and President, FirstEnergy Utilities (Retiring on April, 1 2010)
Leila L. Vespoli, Executive Vice President and General Counsel
Messrs. Alexander, Clark, and Marsh are NEOs as a result of
their positions with us during 2009. Mr. Marsh was our CFO
from May 1998 until April 30, 2009. Messrs. Leidich
and Grigg and Ms. Vespoli were our three most highly
compensated executive officers (other than our CEO, CFO, and
retired CFO) who were executive officers at the end of 2009.
Setting Process
Our Committee is responsible for overseeing compensation for our
executive officers, including our NEOs. The Committees
role in setting compensation is to make recommendations to the
Board in establishing appropriate base salary, incentive
compensation, and equity-based compensation for our executive
officers, including our NEOs, that will attract, retain, and
motivate skilled and talented executives while also aligning our
executives interests with Company and business unit
performance, business strategies, and growth in shareholder
value. The Committee is further responsible for administering
our compensation plans in a manner consistent with these
objectives. In this process, the Committee evaluates information
provided by our CEO, as discussed below, and the
Committees compensation consultant (later referred to as
the consultant), and relies on the consultants expertise
in benchmarking and familiarity with competitive compensation
practices in the energy services industry. The Committee reviews
the mix of compensation and the components of compensation
individually and in the aggregate. When making compensation
decisions, the Committee also reviews current and previously
awarded but unvested compensation through the use of tally
sheets and accumulated wealth summaries as discussed later in
this section. In its review of the compensation of our NEOs, the
Committee also evaluates the following factors:
Company performance against relevant financial and operational
The NEOs individual performance,
The NEOs experience and future potential to play an
increased leadership role in the Company,
Our desire to retain the NEO,
Applicable changes, if any, in the NEOs responsibilities
during the year, and
Relevant changes, if any, in the competitive marketplace.
With respect to our CEOs compensation, the Committee also
Reviews, determines, and recommends to the Board the
Companys goals and objectives relevant to CEO
compensation, and
Makes compensation recommendations to the Board for its approval
based upon the Boards evaluation of our CEOs
performance and the competitive information provided by the
consultant as well as our desire to retain the CEO.
Role of
Executive Officers in Determining Compensation
The CEO makes recommendations to the Committee with respect to
the compensation of the NEOs (other than himself) and other
executives including those identified as Section 16
Insiders under the Exchange Act. The CEO possesses insight
regarding individual performance levels, degree of experience,
future promotion potential, and our intentions in retaining
particular senior executives. In all cases, the CEOs
recommendations are presented to the Committee for review in
light of the benchmarking data provided by the consultant. The
Committee may, however, elect to modify or disregard the
CEOs recommendations. After discussion, the Committee
elected to follow the CEOs recommendations in determining
compensation for the NEOs, other than the CEO, in 2009.
Neither the CEO nor any other NEO makes recommendations for
setting his or her own compensation except to the extent that
their recommendations for short-term and long-term performance
measures and targets generally will impact their own
compensation in the same way it will affect the compensation of
all other eligible employees. The recommendation of the
CEOs compensation to be presented to the Board is
determined in Committee meetings during executive session with
only the consultant and the Committee members present.
The CEO, the other NEOs, and our other senior executives play a
role in the early stages of the design and evaluation of our
compensation programs and policies and setting performance
measures. Because of
their greater familiarity with our business and corporate
culture, these executives are in the best position to suggest
programs and policies that will engage employees and provide
effective incentives to produce outstanding financial and
operating results for the Company and our shareholders.
Additionally, these executives are the most appropriate
individuals to determine performance measures for the Committee
to recommend to the Board for approval, based on their
experience and knowledge of our financial and operational
As noted above, the Committee employs an independent external
compensation consultant from Hewitt Associates at the
Companys expense. In February 2010, Hewitt Associates spun
off a portion of its executive compensation consulting practice
into a separate, entirely independent entity named Meridian
Compensation Partners, LLC (later referred to as Meridian). Due
to the importance of independence and to maintain consistent
process and representation, the Committee has retained Meridian
going forward as its independent executive compensation
The consultant reports directly to the Committee. Consistent
with NYSE rules, the Committee has the sole authority to retain
and dismiss the consultant and to approve the consultants
fees. The consultant provides objective and independent advice
and analysis to the Committee with respect to executive and
director compensation. Since September 2006, the Committee has
retained the consultant in this role based upon its expertise,
independence, and energy services industry experience. In 2009,
the fees associated with executive and director compensation
consulting were approximately $357,000. In 2009, separate and
apart from the advice the consultant provided to the Committee,
Hewitt Associates provided actuarial and benefit plan consulting
services to our management team and has provided these services
for many years prior to the selection of the consultant by the
Committee. Management also engaged Hewitt Associates from time
to time to conduct additional compensation analysis for
non-executive positions, and may do so in the future as needed.
In 2009, the fees associated with benefit, actuarial, and
non-executive compensation consulting were approximately
$555,000. Management advised the Committee of the nature and
extent of this work. The Committees decision to engage the
consultant to provide executive compensation consulting services
to the Committee was independent of managements engagement
of Hewitt Associates for these other services. Executive
compensation consulting services provided to the Committee and
other consulting services provided to management by Hewitt
Associates were performed by separate and distinct divisions of
Hewitt Associates. The services were provided under separate
contractual agreements and the Committees consultant did
not work on any other consulting services for management. The
work performed by Hewitt Associates for management did not
impact or influence executive compensation decisions made by the
Committee. The Committee met with the consultant without
management present in an executive session of each regularly
scheduled Committee meeting. The Committee determined that
managements relationship with Hewitt Associates did not
impair the ability of the consultant to render impartial,
quality services and independent advice to the Committee.
The Committee relies on the consultant to provide an annual
review of executive compensation practices of companies in our
peer group. This review encompasses base salary, short-term
incentives, and long-term incentives of the companies with which
we compete for executive talent and is further discussed below
under the Benchmarking section. In addition, the Committee may
request advice concerning the design, communication, and
implementation of our incentive plans or other compensation
programs. The services provided by the consultant to the
Committee in 2009 included:
Reviewing the alignment of executive compensation practices with
our compensation philosophy,
Benchmarking and analysis of competitive compensation practices
for executives and directors within our industry,
Reviewing our executive compensation proxy disclosures in light
of the SECs requirements and apprising the Committee of
necessary changes,
Reviewing our change in control severance agreements to ensure
alignment with our compensation philosophy and competitive
Calculating quarterly total shareholder return (later referred
to as TSR) relative to the companies in the Edison Electric
Institutes (later referred to as EEI) Index of
Investor-Owned Electric Utility Companies described in the
Performance Share section of this proxy statement. This group of
companies is used to measure our performance over a three-year
performance period for the performance share component of the
long-term incentive program only,
Analyzing compensation rankings for our NEOs as compared to the
EEI peer group of companies, and
Informing the Committee of market trends and current issues with
respect to executive compensation.
In early 2009, the consultant compared executive compensation
among 23 large utilities in the United States. These are
generally the energy services organizations with which we
compete for executive talent and generally the same peer group
identified in 2008.
The consultant utilized the following as the energy services
industry peer group in 2009:
Ameren Corporation
Duke Energy Corporation
American Electric Power
Edison International
PPL Corporation
CenterPoint Energy
Energy Future Holdings (formerly TXU Corp.)
Progress Energy, Inc.
CMS Energy Corporation
Entergy Corporation
Public Service Enterprise Group
Consolidated Edison, Inc.
Exelon Corporation
Sempra Energy
Constellation Energy
FPL Group, Inc.
Southern Company
Dominion Resources, Inc.
Integrys Energy Group
Xcel Energy
DTE Energy Company
Pepco Holdings, Inc.
The consultant evaluated the energy services industry peer group
data and provided competitive benchmarking information to the
Committee. Targeted base salary and short-term and long-term
incentive opportunities for our NEOs were reviewed compared to
the compensation of executives holding similar roles in 2008 at
these companies. Since our annual revenue was larger than the
annual revenue of a typical firm in the sample, results were
size-adjusted using regression analysis to determine market
values of compensation that relate closely to our revenue size.
Regression analysis in this context is a statistical technique
used to estimate market compensation levels based on the
relationship between compensation and revenue size for the
underlying market data.
The Committee evaluated the competitive benchmarking information
to determine the components of our compensation package,
individually and in the aggregate, relative to the
50th percentile (median) levels for our peer
group. We generally target executive pay at a range of 80 to
120 percent of peer group median levels to allow us the
flexibility to implement our pay-for-performance philosophy,
provide the ability to recruit and retain talent, remain
competitive in the marketplace, and recognize individual
performance and experience. In 2009, the consultants data
indicated total compensation including actual base salary,
short-term incentive targets, and long-term incentive targets
for our NEOs was approximately 5 percent above peer group
median levels and therefore within our target range.
Benchmarking data serves as a foundation for the
Committees compensation recommendations. However, as
discussed earlier, based on economic conditions and regulatory
uncertainty in February 2009 our CEO proposed and the Board
approved no base salary increases or short-term incentive target
opportunity increases for the NEOs in 2009. Furthermore, base
salaries for the NEOs were reduced in June and subsequently
reinstated in September with the exception of our CEO, whose
salary was not reinstated in September at his request, as
discussed below. Also discussed below, the value of the grants
provided under our LTIP was also reduced by 15 percent in
The 2010 energy services industry peer group for benchmarking
executive compensation will remain unchanged from 2009.
Sheets and Accumulated Wealth
In January of each year, we provide the Committee a
comprehensive summary of all components of total compensation,
including base salary, health and welfare benefits, current year
short-term and long-term incentive grants, earnings on deferred
compensation, Company matching contributions to the FirstEnergy
Savings Plan (later referred to as the Savings Plan), limited
perquisites, and short-term and long-term incentive payouts
(actual and projected, as appropriate) under several termination
scenarios (i.e., voluntary resignation, retirement, involuntary
separation, termination following a change in control, death,
and termination for cause) for the NEOs. The primary purpose of
these tally sheets is to summarize in one place the individual
elements of each NEOs compensation and the estimated value
of compensation that would be received by the NEO in the event
of a termination of employment and to ensure that the total
compensation provided and such potential payouts are appropriate.
The Committee also reviews a report for the NEOs providing a
historical summary of accumulated wealth for each executive. The
report shows granted and realized compensation over the most
recent six-year period by component of compensation: base
salary, short-term incentive program payouts, long-term
incentive program payouts and unvested grants, realized values
of exercised options, and the value of discretionary awards.
Based on its review of the tally sheets and summary of
accumulated wealth report in 2009, the Committee determined that
the total compensation provided (and, in the case of termination
scenarios, the potential payouts) remained consistent with our
pay-for-performance compensation philosophy. Therefore, it did
not make any adjustments to compensation or programs in light of
the review of these reports.
of Compensation
The mix of base salary, short-term incentives, and long-term
incentives is determined using the competitive market data
provided by the consultant to strengthen our ability to attract
and retain talent and is representative of the compensation mix
used by the companies in our peer group at the
50th percentile. The mix of compensation components is used
to provide the NEOs with opportunities to earn compensation
through a variety of vehicles, both fixed and performance-based.
Compensation decisions made by the Committee regarding the
individual components of compensation are considered in the
aggregate and adjustments to the amounts of base salary,
short-term incentives, and long-term incentives are made
concurrently to maintain an accurate overall compensation
picture. The current mix was determined in 2008 and was
unchanged in 2009 except that the value of the grants provided
under our LTIP was reduced by 15 percent. This reduction
effectively lowers the percentage of LTIP as a component of
total compensation compared to base salary and the STIP.
We utilize a combination of short-term and long-term incentives
intended to facilitate the retention of talented executives,
recognize the achievement of short-term goals, reward long-term
strategic results, and encourage equity ownership. The LTIP
consists of performance shares and performance-adjusted
restricted stock units, each of which accounts for approximately
50 percent of the total opportunity, in order to encourage
the achievement of performance measures (absolute and relative
to our peers) over a three-year period. We believe our success
with ongoing recruitment efforts, including recent executive
hires from the external market, and our relatively low executive
turnover indicate that our compensation program is meeting the
goal of providing competitive pay while targeting compensation
at or near the industry median level.
The chart below represents the percentage of each pay element at
target levels for the NEOs in 2009 including base salaries at
unreduced levels:
LTIP Target
Base Salary
STIP Target
Performance Shares
Restricted Stock Units
Anthony J. Alexander
Mark T. Clark
Richard H. Marsh
Gary R. Leidich
Richard R. Grigg
Leila L. Vespoli
Short-term and long-term incentive program targets shown to the
nearest whole percentage of base salary for our NEOs in 2009
were as follows:
LTIP Target
STIP Target
Performance Shares
Restricted Stock Units
Anthony J. Alexander
Mark T. Clark
Richard H. Marsh
Gary R. Leidich
Richard R. Grigg
Leila L. Vespoli
Mr. Leidich has greater incentive program targets than the
other non-CEO NEOs based on our desire to retain him, the
competitive data provided by the consultant and his individual
performance and experience.
The following chart converts the short-term and long-term
incentive program target percentages in 2009 shown above to a
dollar value for each NEO.
LTIP Target
Base Salary
STIP Target
Restricted Stock Units
Anthony J. Alexander
Mark T. Clark
Richard H. Marsh
Gary R. Leidich
Richard R. Grigg
Leila L. Vespoli
As discussed below, Mr. Clark was provided a base salary
increase to $650,000 in September 2009 as a result of his
increased responsibilities in the role of Executive Vice
President and CFO, which he was named on May 1, 2009.
When allocating total compensation for the NEOs, long-term
incentives are weighted heavily to ensure executive and
shareholder interests are aligned by linking payouts to
performance measures that directly impact shareholder value.
Also, long-term incentive targets are used to encourage
sustained performance levels. Additionally, because restricted
stock units are settled in shares of our common stock, their
value reflects changes in our stock price, further aligning our
NEOs interests with the interests of shareholders.
Long-term incentive program awards granted in 2009 vest over
three years, are partially performance-based, and are subject to
forfeiture or proration if employment is terminated prior to the
end of the performance period as shown in the 2009
Post-Termination Compensation and Benefits table later in this
proxy statement. We believe this rewards long-term strategic
success and encourages continued employment, which increases
the opportunity to achieve the transfer of knowledge from more
senior executives to new executives. Mr. Alexander has the
highest long-term incentive target weighting because we believe
a significant portion of our CEOs compensation should be
based on long-term performance and sustainability.
The NEOs are paid a base salary to provide them with a fixed
amount of cash compensation. The NEOs base salaries are
reviewed annually by the Committee and our CEO. The consultant
provides the Committee with the median competitive data for each
NEOs position in January of each year as described above.
Adjustments to base salaries are made, if appropriate, generally
on or about March 1 of each year, after considering factors such
as Company performance, individual performance, experience,
future potential for promotion, our desire to retain the
executive, changes in the executives responsibilities, and
changes in the competitive marketplace. These factors are not
weighted or part of a formula but rather provide the latitude to
make adjustments to base salary based on a combination of any or
all of these factors. Variations of base salary from median
levels for individual executives are influenced by the relative
responsibilities of the position, qualifications, experience,
and sustained performance level of the executive.
At Managements request, the Committee recommended and the
Board approved no base salary changes for the NEOs in
February 2009. In June 2009, as an additional cost cutting
measure we implemented base salary reductions of 25 percent
for our CEO and 20 percent for the remaining NEOs. On
June 7, 2009, base salaries for the NEOs were reduced as
follows: Mr. Alexander from $1,340,000 to
$1,005,000; Mr. Clark and Ms. Vespoli from
$530,000 to $424,000; Mr. Leidich from $650,000
to $520,000; and Mr. Grigg from $750,000 to
$600,000. Mr. Marshs base salary was not reduced in
light of his July 1, 2009, retirement. The percentage of
base salary reduction for all employees, including the NEOs, was
determined based on pay levels. Approximately, 94 percent
of eligible employees within our Company received reductions of
5 percent. As the pay level within the organization
increased so did the level of the reduction.
Salaries were reinstated in September 2009, for all employees,
including the NEOs, with the exception of Mr. Alexander, at
his request, whose salary was reinstated January 1, 2010.
Salaries were reinstated sooner than anticipated because we were
able to effectively streamline operations, reduce expenditures,
increase revenues (retail) and execute our financial plan, which
increased our overall liquidity. In May 2009, at the time the
Board approved the reductions, they also approved that, if our
EPS goal was achieved at target for 2009, inclusive of all or a
portion of the amount of the base salary reductions, the base
salary reduction for each NEO and all affected employees could
potentially be returned in a lump sum payment in early 2010,
with the exception of our CEO, at his request. As a result of
achieving our EPS goal at target for 2009, in January 2010,
lump-sum base salary restoration payments to the affected
employees including the NEOs, except Mr. Alexander, at his
request, were approved by the Board in the following amounts:
Mr. Clark and Ms. Vespoli $24,462;
Mr. Leidich $30,000; and
Mr. Grigg $34,615.
In May 2009, Mr. Clark was named Executive Vice President
and CFO. As a result, in September 2009, following the
reinstatement of base salaries described above, Mr. Clark
was provided a base salary increase from $530,000 to $650,000.
The increase was based on the competitive data provided by the
consultant, individual performance, experience, and the
expectations of Mr. Clark in this new broader role.
Mr. Clark did not receive any other compensation
adjustments at that time.
Incentive Program
The STIP provides annual cash awards to executives whose
contributions support the achievement of our financial and
operational goals. The program supports our compensation
philosophy by linking executive awards directly to annual
performance results key to our Company and business unit
success. As discussed previously, the conditions under which the
STIP would be paid to the NEOs, including our CEO were tightened
in 2009. We eliminated the threshold level and modified the
program to require our EPS goal be achieved at the target level
for 2009, inclusive of all or a portion of the STIP payments, in
order for any payments earned based on the achievement of target
financial and operational results to be made under the
STIP. In addition, no payout would be paid for performance above
target unless the EPS stretch goal level for 2009, inclusive of
all or a portion of the STIP payments was achieved.
The STIP targets executive payouts at or near the median target
payout of our peer group with the potential to achieve total
cash compensation above the median target payout of the peer
group if our performance is superior. However, the STIP payout
may be reduced to zero if our performance is below expectations.
As an executives responsibility increases, a greater
percentage of the annual incentive is linked to our financial
performance, rather than operational business unit performance.
We establish target and stretch levels for incentive
compensation performance measures based on earnings growth
aspirations and achieving continuous improvement in operational
performance. Awards for the STIP based on financial performance
range from 100 percent of target for performance at target
to 200 percent of target for performance at the stretch
level. Awards for the STIP based on operational performance
range from 100 percent of target for performance at the
target level to 150 percent of target for performance at
the stretch level. The financial performance range is weighted
more heavily than the operational performance range if goals are
surpassed to focus attention on our financial results.
Executives are evaluated based on performance measures
applicable to our Company and their responsibilities within our
organization. Awards are not paid if target performance is not
achieved. Stretch performance levels are designed to encourage
superior performance.
The Committee reviews these target award opportunities annually,
which are expressed as a percentage of base salary. During the
first quarter, adjustments to target award levels for the
current year are made when appropriate and warranted by
competitive market practices. In 2009, there were no adjustments
to the NEOs STIP target incentive opportunities.
2009 Performance Measures
The weightings of financial and operational STIP targets for
executives are determined by the Committee and approved by the
Board at the beginning of each year. In 2009, the weightings and
performance measures for the NEOs were:
Earnings Per Share (EPS)
Drive Safety Performance as measured by the Occupational Safety
and Health Administration (OSHA) Incident Rate
Drive Safety Performance as measured by the Nuclear Safety
Culture Performance Index
Operational Linkage: Five key operating metrics: Energy
Delivery & Customer Service Distribution System
Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI), Transmission Outage
Frequency (TOF), FirstEnergy Generation Operating Margin (FEG),
Equivalent Forced Outage Rate (EFOR), and Nuclear Institute of
Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) Index
Business Unit Operational
Achieve Energy Delivery and Customer Service Distribution System
Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI)
Achieve Transmission Outage Frequency (TOF)
Achieve FirstEnergy Generation Operating Margin (FEG)
Achieve Fossil Equivalent Forced Outage Rate (EFOR)
Mr. Leidich and Mr. Grigg are more heavily weighted in
business unit operational goals because of their responsibility
for these measures based on the operational nature of their
roles within the organization.
In 2009, the target, stretch, and actual performance measure
results for the NEOs were:
Normalized Earnings Per Share- GAAP Earnings divided by
average common shares outstanding, adjusted as follows:
GAAP Earnings Per Share
Regulatory Charges
Trust Securities Impairment
Organizational Restructuring/Incremental Strike Costs
Above Target
Debt Redemption Premiums
Power Contract
Income Tax Resolution
Non-Core Asset Sales/Impairments
the number of Occupational Safety and Health Administration
reportable incidents per 100 employees for the corporation
Above Target
the number of Occupational Safety and Health Administration
reportable incidents per 100 employees in the Energy
Delivery business
Above Target
the number of Occupational Safety and Health Administration
reportable incidents per 100 employees in the Generation
Below Target
Nuclear Safety Culture Index-Measures safety performance
Business Unit Operational
Equivalent Forced Outage
the percentage of generation that was not available versus the
amount of time a unit was requested to be online
Above Target
FE Generation Operating Margin-Revenues less operating expenses
for the Companys competitive generation business
Above Target
Transmission Outage
the average number of transmission circuit outages
Operational Linkage: Performance index of five key operating
Above Target
Distribution System Average Interruption Duration Index-Energy
Delivery and Customer
the average total duration of outages in minutes in a year
In contrast to the other
performance measures, the lower the result, the better the
In 2009, we achieved strong financial and operational
performance relative to our performance measures which had a
positive impact on the STIP payout. Mr. Alexanders
award was $1,206,000. The remaining NEOs awards were as
follows: Mr. Clark $455,000;
Mr. Marsh $178,769;
Mr. Leidich $468,000;
Mr. Grigg $472,500; and
Ms. Vespoli $371,000. Mr. Marshs
award was prorated based on the amount of time he was employed
during the performance period. Since the EPS stretch goal was
not achieved, no payouts for above target performance were paid.
EPS was chosen as our financial performance measure for 2009
because it impacts shareholder value and is designed to align
executive compensation to shareholder interests. Financial
performance is the most heavily weighted measure in determining
STIP payouts for our NEOs as described in the chart earlier in
proxy statement. We use EPS as a measure because increases in
EPS indicate growth of the business and a corresponding increase
in the value of our shareholders investment. Additionally,
EPS is commonly used by financial analysts and investors as a
measure of general financial and operational health.
Safety and
Business Unit Operational Measures
Safety is measured by either the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (later referred to as OSHA) incident rate or the
Nuclear Safety Culture performance and is a performance measure
for all of our employees. Safety is a core value and is tied to
our short-term and long-term incentive programs because of its
importance and potential to impact our employees and other
stakeholders. The OSHA metric tracks the number of OSHA
reportable incidents in 2009 per 100 employees. OSHA
performance at target levels is top-quartile performance based
on the EEI 2007 Health & Safety Survey of all EEI
companies. In the event of a fatality within the business unit
of an NEO, no safety award will be paid to the NEO or CEO
regardless of the OSHA incident rate. Nuclear Safety Culture is
a systematic approach to measure safety culture through annual
evaluations of principles that support safety culture at each of
our nuclear sites. We created the Nuclear Safety Culture metric
in 2003 to measure the safety culture in the nuclear fleet. The
2009 measures are based on eight Institute of Nuclear Power
Operations (later referred to as INPO) principles and align with
industry standards.
The Operational Linkage Index is based on the five operating
metrics referred to in the table above. Each component is
weighted equally. Operational performance measures include
average total duration of distribution outage minutes, average
number of transmission outages, generation output, nuclear
performance, and operating margin, all of which are intended to
align executive and customer interests by improving service,
reliability, and safety.
To continue to meet reliability standards, we have focused on
two energy delivery reliability measures: Distribution System
Average Interruption Duration Index (later referred to as SAIDI)
and Transmission Outage Frequency (later referred to as TOF).
SAIDI represents the average total duration of outage minutes
per customer annually, adjusted for major storms. SAIDI goals
incorporate state reliability standards and regulatory interim
requirements. The 2009 target was derived by applying regional
and state requirements weighted by customer count in the
applicable region or state. TOF measures the average number of
transmission circuit outages per circuit in the 69kV and above
range for 2009. The 2009 targets for transmission outage
frequency per circuit are based on the National SGS Transmission
Reliability benchmarking study. SGS Statistical Services sets
the standard for transmission reliability benchmarking in the
U.S. The national top quartile has been established as the
target performance level.
FirstEnergy Generation (later referred to as FEG) Operating
Margin is revenues less operating expenses for our
Companys competitive generation business FirstEnergy
Solutions Corp., which is wholly owned by our Company.
The fossil fleet Equivalent Forced Outage Rate (later referred
to as EFOR) measures the amount of generation that was not
available versus the amount of time a generation unit was
requested to be operating. The EFOR targets have been determined
based on continuous improvement over the past several years.
The INPO Performance Indicator Index is a composite measure of
10 indicators used by nuclear power plants created by INPO with
input from the industry. The maximum score is 100. The targets
are based on business plan performance targets for the four
nuclear units and averaged to obtain the fleet INPO index.
Incentive Program
The LTIP is an equity-based program designed to reward
executives for achievement of Company goals that are linked to
shareholder value. During the first quarter of each year, the
Committee reviews and recommends for approval to the Board
executives long-term incentive target opportunities as
appropriate and warranted by competitive market practice
considerations. Target opportunities are expressed as a
percentage of base salary and are determined based on
competitive data, which accounts for the differences among the
NEOs and from prior years. In 2009, we provided long-term
incentive opportunities through a
combination of performance shares and performance-adjusted
restricted stock units which vest over a three-year period. The
three-year performance period encourages retention because
awards are prorated or forfeited if an executive leaves prior to
the end of the performance period, as shown in the 2009
Post-Termination Compensation and Benefits table later in this
proxy statement. As previously mentioned, in February 2009, we
implemented reductions of fifteen percent to the LTIP target
opportunities for the NEOs as follows:
Mr. Alexander from 440 percent in 2008 to
375 percent in 2009; Mr. Clark, Mr. Marsh,
Mr. Grigg, and Ms. Vespoli from
208 percent in 2008 to 177 percent in 2009; and
Mr. Leidich from 283 percent in 2008 to
241 percent in 2009.
Coupled with the reduction in 2009 grants under the LTIP, the
Committee recommended and the Board approved changes to the
performance adjustments for performance shares and restricted
stock units granted in 2009 as described below:
Performance shares from 0 percent for performance below the
40th percentile and 150 percent for performance above the
86th percentile to 0 percent for performance below the 40th
percentile and 200 percent for performance at the 90th
percentile, and
Performance-adjusted restricted stock units from a minimum
performance adjustment of 75 percent and a maximum
performance adjustment of 125 percent to a minimum
performance adjustment of 50 percent to a maximum
performance adjustment of 150 percent.
The modifications of the performance adjustments coupled with
the reductions of the grants under the LTIP were implemented
based on the competitive benchmarking information for the
companies in the energy services industry peer group. The
reductions of the grants under the LTIP were based on the
economic environment, the consultants advice, and
anticipated similar actions in the competitive market. The
15 percent reduction still positioned our executives
competitively, both individually and in the aggregate, but
further aligned executive compensation with Company performance.
In contrast to the 2009 target opportunities disclosed in the
table in the Elements of Compensation section earlier in this
proxy statement, the STIP and LTIP target opportunities shown as
a whole percentage of base salary for our NEOs in 2010 are as
LTIP Target
STIP Target
Restricted Stock Units
Anthony J. Alexander
Mark T. Clark
Gary R. Leidich
Richard R. Grigg
Leila L. Vespoli
The following chart converts the STIP and LTIP percentages shown
above to a dollar value for each NEO in 2010.
LTIP Target
Base Salary
STIP Target
Restricted Stock Units
Anthony J. Alexander
Mark T. Clark
Gary R. Leidich
Richard R. Grigg
Leila L. Vespoli
Our performance share program provides the NEOs and our other
executives with the opportunity to receive awards based on our
TSR over a three-year period relative to the TSRs of the
companies in the EEI
Index of Investor-Owned Electric Utility Companies (later
referred to as EEI Index). There are approximately
58 companies in the EEI Index. The EEI Index represents a
larger group of companies than the peer group we use for
benchmarking total compensation, allowing us to compare our
performance to the performance of the broader industry. TSR is
the total return of one share of common stock to an investor
(capital gains plus dividends) and assumes that an investment is
made at the beginning of the three-year period and all dividends
are reinvested throughout the entire three-year period. The
Committee believes it is important to emphasize not only our
internal performance measures but also our performance relative
to our industry peers. TSR is used to encourage the NEOs to
develop and implement business strategies that will allow our
TSR to outperform that of the broader industry over time and to
reward executives when TSR goals are achieved.
Performance shares are granted annually and performance is
tracked over the three-year performance period. Dividend
equivalent units accrue on performance shares based on the
dividend rate paid to shareholders and the average high and low
prices of our common stock on the date the dividend is paid to
shareholders, and convert to additional units at the end of each
quarter during the performance period. In accordance with the
performance share agreements, dividend equivalent units are
subject to the same restrictions as the original shares granted.
Based on analysis of the peer group competitive data provided by
the consultant, each eligible executive received an initial
grant of performance shares, based on the reduced LTIP target
opportunities expressed as a percentage of base salary as of
March 2, 2009, disclosed in the table in the Elements of
Compensation section earlier in this proxy statement. The shares
were granted using the average of the high and low prices of our
shares of common stock for the month of December of the prior
year ($52.03 for December 2008). These performance shares are
granted to each executive with the right to receive, at the end
of the three-year performance period, a payout based on our
performance over the performance period. The 2009 grants are
shown in the Stock Awards column of the Summary Compensation
table and the Grants of Plan-Based Awards table later in this
proxy statement.
Performance shares typically pay out in cash at the end of the
performance cycle based on the average high and low prices of
our shares of common stock for the month of December in the last
year of the performance cycle. The performance share payout
amount is based on our ranking among the EEI Index companies.
Our ranking is determined by comparing the average of the high
and low prices per share of our common stock during the month of
January of the first year of the performance cycle ($60.81 for
January 2007) and the average of the high and low prices
per share of our common stock during the month of December of
the third and final year of the performance cycle ($46.12 for
December 2009), accounting for the reinvestment of all dividends
in the three-year period, to an equivalent calculation for the
other companies in the EEI Index. If our performance ranks us
below the 40th percentile of these companies, no award is
paid. For the 2007-2009 and 2008-2010 cycles, if our performance
ranks us at or above the 86th percentile an
indication that we outperformed a vast majority of the companies
in the broader industry group over the three-year
period awards are paid at the maximum of
150 percent of the sum of the initial grant and all
dividends accrued during the performance period. For the
2009-2011 cycle, if our performance ranks us at or above the
percentile, awards are paid at the maximum of 200 percent.
Awards are interpolated for performance between these two
percentiles on a straight-line basis. For the three-year
performance period that ended December 2009, for the performance
shares granted in 2007, we ranked 43 out of 58 companies
(26th percentile) in the EEI Index resulting in no
performance share payouts.
Restricted Stock Units
Performance-adjusted restricted stock units (later referred to
as RSUs) are granted annually to all eligible executives,
including our NEOs. Performance-adjusted RSUs are designed to
focus participants on key financial and operational measures
that drive our success, to foster management ownership, and to
aid retention. The performance measures are EPS, Safety, and the
Operational Linkage Index. While the measures are the same as
used for the STIP, for performance-adjusted RSUs these measures
are tracked over a three-year period thereby focusing on
sustainability. These measures are considered by the Committee
be fundamental to our long-term success and financial health,
and for that reason, are tied to both the STIP and the LTIP.
These key metrics are independent and equally weighted.
Dividend equivalent units accrue on performance-adjusted RSUs
granted based on the dividend rate paid to shareholders and the
average high and low prices of our common stock on the date the
dividend is paid to shareholders and convert to additional units
at the end of each quarter during the restricted period. In
accordance with the performance-adjusted RSU agreements,
dividend equivalent units are subject to the same restrictions
as the underlying performance-adjusted RSUs granted.
The actual number of shares issued at payout ranges from a
minimum of 75 percent to a maximum of 125 percent for
cycles and a minimum of 50 percent to a maximum of
150 percent of the units granted for the
cycle plus dividends based on our performance against the
above-referenced performance measures over the performance
cycle. If the average of the actual performance meets or exceeds
the average of target performance on all three measures for the
performance period, the payout will be adjusted upward to 125 or
150 percent, depending on the cycle. If the average of the
actual performance does not meet the average of target
performance on all three measures for the performance period,
the payout will be adjusted downward by 25 or 50 percent,
depending on the cycle. If the average of the actual performance
meets or exceeds the average of target performance on some but
not all three measures for the performance period, the payout
will be paid at 100 percent. The minimum payout level
serves as a retention tool and provides another means of
achieving compensation at or near median competitive levels.
Based on analysis of competitive data provided by the
consultant, each eligible executive received an initial grant of
performance-adjusted RSUs for the
performance period, based on the reduced LTIP target
opportunities expressed as a percentage of base salary as of
March 2, 2009, and calculated using the average high and
low stock prices of our common stock on March 2, 2009
($41.41). These performance-adjusted RSUs are granted to each
executive with the right to receive, at the end of the
three-year performance period, shares of our common stock. The
2009 grants are shown in the Stock Awards column of the Summary
Compensation table and the Grants of Plan-Based Awards table
later in this proxy statement.
The target and actual results for the
performance-adjusted RSU cycle were:
Earnings Per Share
Above Target
Above Target
Operational Performance Index
Above Target
In contrast to the other
performance measures, with respect to Safety, the lower the
result, the better the performance.
Based on the achievement of above target performance over the
previous three years on the key metrics shown above, the initial
grants made in 2007 plus all dividend equivalent units accrued
were paid at 125 percent. In March 2010, the
performance-adjusted RSUs granted in 2007 were paid in shares of
our common stock at $39.01 as follows:
Mr. Alexander $2,162,558; Mr. Clark and
Ms. Vespoli $405,548;
Mr. Marsh $318,556;
Mr. Leidich $702,882; and
Mr. Grigg 778,562.
Timing and
Pricing of LTIP Grants
Grants of performance shares and performance-adjusted RSUs occur
on or about March 1 following the regularly scheduled February
Committee and Board meetings where grants and payouts under the
LTIP are determined, evaluated, and approved. Granting
performance shares and performance-adjusted RSUs on or around
March 1 enables us and the Committee to gather and consider
competitive market data and prior-year Company performance in
establishing target levels. Performance shares have a January 1
grant date. The grant date for performance-adjusted RSUs is on
or about March 1. We average high and low stock prices over
a full month in computing grants and awards of performance
shares in an attempt to minimize stock price volatility that
might otherwise distort grant or payout amounts if we looked
only at a single computation date, such as, for example, the
grant date or the last or first trading day of a relevant year
or month. We use the average of the high and low prices of our
common stock as of the date of grant for awarding the
performance-adjusted RSUs. Any equity grants awarded in
proximity to an earnings announcement or other market event are
Equity Awards
Traditionally, we have granted discretionary RSUs in limited
circumstances to high-performing
high-potential employees or to retain critical talent. Beginning
in 2007, we discontinued issuing discretionary RSU awards to
senior executives. The FirstEnergy Corp. 2007 Incentive Plan
also allows for other grants of restricted stock solely for
purposes of recruitment, retention, and special recognition. No
grants of restricted stock were made to the NEOs in 2009.
We offer retirement benefits to all of our NEOs through our
Qualified and Nonqualified Plans under the FirstEnergy Corp.
Pension Plan and the Executive Deferred Compensation Plan (later
referred to as EDCP), respectively. The Qualified Plan benefit
is based on earnings, length of service, and age at retirement
and is considered a defined benefit plan under the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or the Code. The Qualified
Plan is subject to applicable federal and plan limits. The
Nonqualified Plan is similar to the Qualified Plan, but is
designed to provide a comparable benefit to the executive
without the restriction of federal and plan limits in order to
provide a competitive retirement benefit. Additionally,
Mr. Alexander, Mr. Clark, and Ms. Vespoli also
participate in the FirstEnergy Supplemental Executive Retirement
Plan (later referred to as the SERP). Mr. Marsh is
receiving benefits from the SERP as a result of his retirement
in 2009. Historically, participation in the SERP was provided to
certain key executives as part of the integrated compensation
program intended to attract, motivate, and retain top executives
who are in positions to make significant contributions to our
operations and profitability for the benefit of our customers
and shareholders. Participation in the SERP requires approval of
the Committee, and no executives have been added to the program
since 2001. Mr. Leidich and Mr. Grigg do not
participate in the SERP. In lieu of the SERP, Mr. Leidich
is entitled to an additional lump sum retirement benefit upon
termination of employment for any reason. The benefit is payable
based on the terms defined by the Severance and Employment
Agreement dated July 1, 1996, between Mr. Leidich and
Centerior Energy Corporation. Centerior Energy Corporation
merged with Ohio Edison Company in 1997 to create our Company.
Mr. Grigg was hired in 2004 and pursuant to the terms of
his original employment agreement is not eligible to participate
in the SERP. Retirement benefits are further discussed in the
narrative section following the Pension Benefits table later in
this proxy statement.
Deferred Compensation Plan
Executives, including the NEOs, may also elect to defer a
portion of their compensation into the EDCP. The EDCP offers
executives the opportunity to accumulate assets, both cash and
our common stock, on a tax-favored basis. The EDCP is part of
our integrated executive compensation program to attract,
retain, and motivate key executives who are in positions to make
significant contributions to our operations and our
profitability. Deferrals may be made to the EDCP cash account or
stock account.
Above-market interest earnings on deferrals into the deferred
compensation cash accounts of executives are provided as an
incentive for executives to defer base salary and short-term
incentive awards. The annualized rate of return over the last
five years for the EDCP cash account was 9.05 percent. In
2009, the interest rate was 9.38 percent and the interest
rate in 2010 is 9.49 percent. The above-market earnings are
provided as an attractive benefit that is cost-effective, highly
valued, and intended to aid in the attraction and retention of
executives. Alternatively, a 20 percent incentive match in
our common stock on deferrals into the deferred compensation
stock accounts is provided as an incentive for executives to
defer short-term and long-term incentive awards. This incentive
encourages stock ownership and further ties management
performance to our success and aligns the executives
interests with those of shareholders. The EDCP is discussed in
more detail in the EDCP section.
Benefits and Perquisites
In 2009, our NEOs were eligible to receive limited perquisites,
including Company-paid financial planning and tax preparation
services, limited personal use of the corporate aircraft, and
holiday gifts as described in the Summary Compensation Table. We
believe by providing expert financial planning, including tax
preparation services to our NEOs and other executives, we reduce
the time that executives spend on these activities while also
assisting them in achieving the full benefit of the financial
rewards we provide.
Pursuant to the direction of the Board, Mr. Alexander is
required to use our corporate aircraft for all personal and
business travel for security purposes. Other executives,
including the other NEOs, may from time to time, with CEO
approval, use our corporate aircraft for personal travel. We
have a written policy that sets forth guidelines regarding the
personal use of the corporate aircraft by executive officers and
other employees.
The Committee believes these perquisites are reasonable,
competitive, and consistent with our overall compensation
Ownership Guidelines
We believe it is critical that the interests of executives and
shareholders are clearly aligned. As such, our share ownership
guidelines, defined as a multiple of salary, were increased in
early 2009 to the following: Mr. Alexander: six times base
salary and all other NEOs: four times base salary. Executives at
the highest levels are required to own a greater number of
shares of common stock than executives at lower levels. The
salary multiple for each NEO was determined by the Committee
consistent with competitive practice based on information
provided by the consultant. For 2009, the following were
included to determine ownership status:
Shares directly or jointly owned in certificate form or in a
stock investment plan,
Shares owned through the Savings Plan,
Brokerage shares,
Shares held in the EDCP, and
Shares granted through the LTIP (performance shares and RSUs).
These share ownership guidelines are reviewed by the Committee
for competitiveness on an annual basis and were last reviewed at
the Committees February 2010 meeting. In 2009, the
Committee determined performance shares should continue to be
included for purposes of determining whether ownership levels
have been met but prohibited the sale of any common stock until
the executive has reached
required guideline excluding performance shares since they are
paid in cash. Based on the consultants analysis of
companies in our peer group, the requirement to retain
50 percent of all shares granted after January 1,
2005, was eliminated consistent with competitive practice. These
changes were designed to continue to emphasize strong alignment
to shareholder value for the NEOs as well as align with the
competitive practices of our peers. Additionally, our Insider
Trading Policy prohibits executive officers from hedging their
economic exposure to our common stock that they own.
The Security Ownership of Management table earlier in this proxy
statement shows the shares held by each NEO as of March 8,
2010. Each NEO attained the share ownership guidelines without
including performance shares.
Although the Committee has established share ownership
guidelines for executives, such equity ownership is not
considered when establishing compensation levels. However, the
Committee does review previously granted awards, both vested and
unvested, that are still outstanding on a regular basis through
the use of the tally sheets and the summary of accumulated
wealth report described earlier.
Consistent with competitive practice, in the event of an
involuntary separation, Mr. Alexanders severance
benefit would be determined by the Committee and approved by the
Board. Based on their employment agreements discussed in the
narrative section following the Grants of Plan-Based Award table
of this proxy statement, Mr. Leidich and Mr. Grigg are
not eligible for severance benefits provided under the
FirstEnergy Executive Severance Benefits Plan (later referred to
as the Severance Plan). Mr. Marsh was provided severance
benefits under the Severance Plan in connection with his
retirement and the corporate reorganization in 2009 as disclosed
in the Summary Compensation Table. Mr. Clark and
Ms. Vespoli are covered in the event of an involuntary
separation under the Severance Plan when business conditions
require the closing of a facility, corporate restructuring, a
reduction in workforce, or job elimination. Benefits under the
Severance Plan are also offered if an executive rejects a job
assignment that would result in a material reduction in current
base pay; contain a requirement that the executive must make a
material relocation from his or her current residence for
reasons related to the new job; or result in a material change
in the executives daily commute from the executives
current residence to a new reporting location. Any reassignment
which results in the distance from the executives current
residence to his or her new reporting location being at least
50 miles farther than the distance from the
executives current residence to his or her previous
reporting location is considered material. The Severance Plan
provides three weeks base pay for each full year of
service with a minimum of 52 weeks. Additionally,
executives who elect continuation of health care for the
severance period will be provided this benefit at active
employee rates and must also pay taxes on any amount in excess
of what employees with the same level of service would receive
under the FirstEnergy Employee Severance Plan.
In Control
Change in Control Special Severance Agreements (later referred
to as Special Severance Agreements), are provided to ensure that
certain executives are free from personal distractions in the
context of a potential change in corporate control, when the
Board needs the objective assessment and advice of these
executives to determine whether a potential business combination
is in our best interests and those of our shareholders. We have
in place separate Special Severance Agreements with all NEOs. In
each case, the agreements provide for the payment of severance
benefits if the individuals employment with us or our
subsidiaries is terminated under specified circumstances within
two years after a change in control of our Company.
Circumstances defining a change in control are explained in the
Potential Post-Employment Payments section later in this proxy
statement. As is common for CEO positions, Mr. Alexander is
eligible for the specified severance benefits if he resigns, for
any reason, during a limited window period following his
completion of a retention period that commences with a change in
In September 2009, the Special Severance Agreements were
reviewed by the consultant to ensure they were consistent with
competitive practice and market trends. The consultant found the
agreements generally were competitive with our peer group, and
no modifications were made to the agreements. Subsequently, the
Special Severance Agreements were extended for an additional
one-year term by the Board. The Special Severance Agreements
entered into with the NEOs will be due for Board approval of
extension for one additional year in September 2010.
A detailed representation of the termination benefits provided
under a change in control scenario as of December 31, 2009,
is provided in the Potential Post-Employment Payments table
later in this proxy statement.
of Regulatory Requirements on Compensation
The Committee is responsible for addressing pay issues
associated with Code Section 162(m) which limits to
$1 million, the tax deduction for certain compensation paid
to the NEOs (other than the CFO). Through the Committee, we
attempt to qualify executive compensation as tax deductible to
the fullest extent feasible and where we believe it is in our
best interest and the best interest of our shareholders. We do
not intend to permit this tax provision to distort the effective
development and execution of our compensation
program. Thus, the Committee is permitted to and will continue
to exercise discretion in those instances where satisfaction of
tax law requirements could compromise the interests of our
shareholders. In addition, because of the uncertainties
associated with the application and interpretation of Code
Section 162(m) and the regulations issued thereunder, there
can be no assurance that compensation intended to satisfy the
requirements for deductibility under Code Section 162(m)
will in fact be deductible.
The following table summarizes the total compensation paid to or
earned by each of our NEOs for the fiscal years ended
December 31, 2007, December 31, 2008, and
December 31, 2009.
Change in
Pension Value
All Other
Name and Principal Position(1)
Total ($)
Anthony J. Alexander
President and Chief Executive
Mark T. Clark
Executive Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer
Richard H. Marsh
Senior Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer(Retired)
Gary R. Leidich
Executive Vice President of
FirstEnergy Corp. and
President, FirstEnergy Generation
Richard R. Grigg
Executive Vice President of
FirstEnergy Corp. and
President, FirstEnergy Utilities
Leila L. Vespoli
Executive Vice President and
General Counsel
Mr. Mark T. Clark, formerly
Executive Vice President, Strategic Planning and Operations was
named Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer on
May 1, 2009 succeeding Mr. Richard H. Marsh who
retired on July 1, 2009.
The amounts set forth in this
column include 2009 base salary reductions further described in
the CD&A.
The amounts set forth in this
column include the lump sum base salary restoration of the 2009
base salary reductions further described in the CD&A. As a
result of achieving our EPS goal at target for 2009, the
lump-sum base salary restoration payments were provided in
January 2010 to all affected employees including the NEOs,
except Mr. Alexander, at his request.
The amounts set forth in the Stock
Awards column represent grants provided annually under the LTIP
at the aggregate grant date fair value based on target
performance. The grant date fair value at maximum performance
for each of the NEOs in 2009 is as follows: Alexander:
$7,843,515; Clark and Vespoli: $1,464,331; Marsh: $1,422,837;
Leidich: $2,566,626; and Grigg: $2,072,068. Also, for
Mr. Leidich, the 20 percent incentive match on funds
deferred into the Stock Account of the EDCP is included. These
awards are not payable to the executive until the vesting date
or other qualifying event shown in the 2009 Post-Termination
Compensation and Benefits table described later in this proxy
statement. The 2007 grants of performance shares did not meet
performance and no payout was provided to the NEOs. The 2007
grants of performance-adjusted RSUs vested in 2009 as follows:
Alexander: $2,162,558; Clark and Vespoli: $405,548; Marsh:
$318,556; Leidich: $702,882; and Grigg: $778,562. The
20 percent incentive match on funds deferred into the EDCP
account vested in 2009 as follows: Alexander: $140,170; Leidich:
$111,206; and Vespoli: $36,901.
The amounts set forth in the
Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation column in 2009 were
earned under the STIP in 2009 and paid in March 2010.
The amounts set forth in the Change
in Pension Value and Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Earnings
column reflect the aggregate increase in actuarial value to the
NEO of all defined benefit and actuarial plans (including
supplemental plans) accrued during the year and above-market
earnings on nonqualified deferred compensation. For 2009, the
change in values for the pension plans are as follows:
Alexander: $5,331,842; Clark: $1,830,835; Marsh: $2,739,315;
Leidich: $2,091,155; Grigg: $470,928; and Vespoli: $1,257,433.
The change in the pension value may reflect a) an increase
in value due to an additional year of service,
compensation increases and plan
amendments; b) an increase (or decrease) in value
attributable to interest; and c) changes in assumptions
used for computing the actuarial present value of the
accumulated pension benefits. The formula used to determine the
above market earnings equals (2009 total interest x {difference
in the 1999 Applicable Federal Rate for long-term rates (AFR)
and the plan rate} divided by the plan rate). The above market
earnings on nonqualified deferred compensation are as follows:
Alexander: $127,987; Clark: $61,830; Marsh: $153,069; Leidich:
$68,006; Grigg: $0; and Vespoli: $73,882.
The amounts set forth in the All
Other Compensation column include compensation not required to
be included in any other column. For 2009, this includes
matching Company common stock contributions under the Savings
Plan: Alexander, Clark, Leidich, Grigg and Vespoli each received
$14,700, and Marsh received $7,350.
In addition, certain executives are
eligible to receive perquisites. In 2009, NEOs were provided:
(1) financial planning and tax preparation services for
Alexander, Marsh, Leidich and Vespoli; (2) holiday gifts
for Leidich, Grigg, Clark and Vespoli; (3) charitable
matching contributions for Grigg and Vespoli; (4) premiums
for the group personal excess liability insurance policy for all
NEOs; and (5) personal use of the corporate aircraft for
Alexander and Grigg. Of the All Other Compensation column
amounts, $34,097 included for Mr. Alexander and $2,735
included for Mr. Grigg are related to their personal use of
the corporate aircraft. For security reasons, the Board requires
Mr. Alexander to use the corporate aircraft for all travel.
The value of the corporate aircraft is calculated based on the
aggregate variable operating costs to the Company, including
fuel costs, trip-related maintenance, universal
weather-monitoring costs, on-board catering, landing/ramp fees,
and other miscellaneous variable costs. Fixed costs which do not
change based on usage, such as pilots salaries, the
amortized costs of the Company aircraft, and the cost of
maintenance not related to trips are excluded. Executive
officers spouses and immediate family members may
accompany executives on Company aircraft using unoccupied space
on flights that were already scheduled, and we incur no
aggregate incremental cost in connection with such use.
Mr. Marsh was provided severance benefits in the amount of
$861,635 (three weeks base pay ($515,000) for each full
year of service (28) plus one year) under the Severance
Plan in connection with his retirement and the corporate
reorganization in 2009. Unless otherwise quantified in footnote
7, the amount attributable to each perquisite or benefit for
each NEO does not exceed the greater of $25,000 or
10 percent of the total amount of perquisites received by
each NEO.
The following table summarizes the stock awards granted to our
NEOs during 2009 as well as threshold, target, and maximum
amounts payable under the STIP. Option awards were not granted
to our NEOs in 2009.
All Other
Date Fair
Estimated Future Payouts Under
Estimated Future Payouts Under
Number of
Value of
Non-Equity Incentive Plan Awards(1)
Equity Incentive Plan Awards(2)
Shares of
Stock and
Stock or
Units (#)(2)
Anthony J. Alexander
Short-Term Incentive Program
Perf-Adj RSUs
Performance Shares
Mark T. Clark
Short-Term Incentive Program
Perf-Adj RSUs
Performance Shares
Richard H. Marsh
Short-Term Incentive Program
Perf-Adj RSUs
Performance Shares
Gary R. Leidich
Short-Term Incentive Program
Perf-Adj RSUs
Performance Shares
20 Percent Incentive Match
Richard R. Grigg
Short-Term Incentive Program
Perf-Adj RSUs
Performance Shares
Leila L. Vespoli
Short-Term Incentive Program
Perf-Adj RSUs
Performance Shares
The amounts set forth in these
columns reflect the threshold, target, and maximum payouts under
the STIP based upon the achievement of key performance
indicators described in the CD&A. The actual amounts earned
under the STIP in 2009 by our NEOs were paid in March 2010 and
are set forth in the Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation
column of the Summary Compensation Table.
The amounts set forth in these
columns reflect the number of performance-adjusted RSUs and
performance shares granted in 2009 under the LTIP, as well as
the 20 percent incentive match on funds earned in 2008 and
deferred into the EDCP Stock Account in 2009. These amounts
include dividend equivalent units earned through 2009.
The grant date fair market value
was calculated in accordance with FASB ASC Topic 718 as follows:
performance-adjusted RSUs- $41.41 and the 20 percent
incentive match- $49.14. The number of performance shares
granted to each executive was based on the average high and low
stock prices for the month of December 2008. However, the grant
date fair value shown in this column ($38.60) represents the
value on the grant date determined in accordance with FASB ASC
Topic 718 (March 31, 2009).
We enter into employment agreements with our executives in
special circumstances, primarily for recruiting and retention
purposes. In March 2008, we entered into an employment agreement
with Mr. Leidich and extended Mr. Griggs
existing employment agreement to ensure their employment in
order to successfully transfer their extensive knowledge to
others within our organization. The agreements were to be in
effect until June 30, 2010, unless terminated earlier by us
or the executive for any reason upon written notice given
60 days in advance, or mutually extended in writing. On
January 29, 2010, Mr. Grigg notified us of his
decision to retire. Accordingly, his employment agreement, dated
February 26, 2008, was amended by mutual agreement to
expire effective March 31, 2010 in accordance with its
early termination provision. Additionally, on January 29,
2010, the employment agreement between us and Mr. Leidich
was amended by mutual agreement to extend for an additional year
through June 30, 2011. All other terms of the agreements
remained the same.
The agreements for both Mr. Grigg and Mr. Leidich set
forth the amounts of base salary, short-term incentive target
opportunity and long-term incentive opportunity for each of
them, all as disclosed under the applicable sections of the
CD&A. Each was also granted performance-adjusted RSUs,
18,451 units for Mr. Leidich and 15,612 units for
Mr. Grigg, that will vest in full upon the termination date
of the employment agreements or in the event the
executives employment is terminated without cause prior to
that date, or in the event either executive retires with our
agreement prior to the termination of the employment agreement.
In all other cases, the grants will vest on a prorated basis,
determined based on the number of months of employment during
the vesting period. The amount of common stock the executive
receives upon vesting may
be increased or decreased by 25 percent at that time based
on the achievement of corporate performance criteria that mirror
the criteria and target levels for 2008 and 2009 performance
associated with the performance-adjusted RSUs described herein.
Based on 2008 and 2009 performance, the initial grant of
performance-adjusted RSUs and dividend equivalent units accrued
will be increased by 25 percent and will be payable on
June 30, 2010. In the case of Mr. Leidich, the terms
of the restricted stock award issued in March 2005 were amended
to provide that if his employment is terminated without cause
prior to March 1, 2010, that grant will fully vest.
Mr. Grigg will be treated as if he has 10 years of
service credit for purposes of calculating his supplemental
pension benefit upon his retirement effective on April 1,
2010. Neither Mr. Grigg nor Mr. Leidich is eligible
for participation in the SERP. In lieu of the SERP,
Mr. Leidich is entitled to an additional lump sum
retirement benefit upon his termination of employment for any
reason. The benefit is payable based on the terms defined by the
Severance and Employment Agreement dated July 1, 1996,
between Mr. Leidich and Centerior Energy Corporation.
Centerior Energy Corporation merged with Ohio Edison Company in
1997 to create the Company. The terms of the agreements
eliminated Mr. Grigg and Mr. Leidich as eligible for
benefits under the Severance Plan under any circumstances. No
other NEOs have employment agreements.
Performance shares are described in the CD&A earlier in
this proxy statement. Awards are generally paid in cash. In
2009, all vested performance shares were paid in cash. However,
performance shares can be paid in the form of cash or common
stock, at the discretion of the Committee. If the performance
factors described in the CD&A are met, the grants will
payout between February 15 and March 15 in the year following
the third and final year of the performance period.
On December 31, 2009, the performance period ended for the
performance shares granted in 2007. As previously stated,
threshold performance was not achieved on this cycle of
performance shares and, therefore, no payouts were made for this
grant. The performance period will end for performance shares
granted in 2008, 2009, and 2010 on December 31, 2010,
December 31, 2011, and December 31, 2012,
respectively. Performance shares are treated as a liability for
accounting purposes and are valued in accordance with FASB ASC
Topic 718 based on the closing price of our common stock on the
grant date. The
grant date fair value was $38.60.
Restricted Stock Units (RSUs)
Performance-adjusted RSUs are described in the CD&A earlier
in this proxy statement. Performance-adjusted RSUs are paid in
the form of common stock. The amount of common stock the
executive receives upon vesting may be increased or decreased by
25 percent depending on the actual results of the
performance factors described in the CD&A section.
On March 1, 2010, the period of restriction ended for the
performance-adjusted RSUs granted in 2007. The period of
restriction will end for performance-adjusted RSUs granted in
2008, 2009, and 2010 on March 3, 2011, March 2, 2012,
and March 8, 2013, respectively, although performance is
measured through December 31 of each year. Performance-adjusted
RSUs are treated as a fixed cost for accounting purposes and are
valued in accordance with FASB ASC Topic 718 based on the
average high and low prices of our common stock on the date of
the grant. The fair market value share price was $41.41 for
performance-adjusted RSU grants awarded on March 2, 2009.
The Plan also allows for grants of restricted stock which are
used solely for the purposes of recruitment, retention, and
special recognition purposes. Award sizes, grant dates, and
vesting periods vary to allow flexibility. No such restricted
stock grants were made to the NEOs in 2009.
Deferred Compensation Plan (EDCP)
The EDCP is a nonqualified defined contribution plan which
provides for the voluntary deferral of compensation.
Participants may defer up to 50 percent of base salary, up
to 100 percent of STIP awards, and up to 100 percent
of the performance share portion of LTIP awards. Participation
in the EDCP is limited to designated management employees.
Contributions may be made to either a cash or stock account. The
crediting rate for the cash account is discussed in the
Executive Deferred Compensation Plan section of the CD&A.
We provide a 20 percent incentive match on contributions of
STIP awards and the performance share portion of the LTIP to the
EDCP stock account, which is calculated by multiplying the value
of the amount deferred by 20 percent and dividing the
result by the average closing market price for the month of
February of the applicable year, which was $49.14 in 2009. The
20 percent incentive match vests three years from the date
of grant. The 20 percent incentive match provided in 2007
vested on March 1, 2010, and the match provided in 2008,
2009, and 2010 will vest on March 3, 2011, March 2,
2012, and March 1, 2013, respectively. At the end of the
vesting period, the executives initial deferral and the
vested 20 percent incentive match may be paid out in a lump
sum or further deferred into the retirement stock account and
paid at separation from service. Mr. Clark and
Mr. Leidich both received stock account distributions in
2009 as shown in the Nonqualified Deferred Compensation table
later in this proxy statement. The EDCP is also described in the
CD&A and the Nonqualified Deferred Compensation sections of
this proxy statement.
The following table summarizes the outstanding equity award
holdings of our NEOs as of December 31, 2009.
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Plan Awards:
Plan Awards:
Market or
Number of
Payout Value
Number of
Number of
Market Value
of Unearned
Shares or
of Shares or
Units of
Units of
Units, or
Units, or
Stock That
Stock That
Other Rights
Other Rights
Have Not
Have Not
That Have
That Have
Not Vested
Not Vested
Anthony J. Alexander
2007 Perf-Adj RSU
2008 Perf-Adj RSU
2009 Perf-Adj RSU
2008-2010 Performance Shares
2009-2011 Performance Shares
2007 20% Incentive Match
2008 20% Incentive Match
Mark T. Clark
2007 Perf-Adj RSU
2008 Perf-Adj RSU
2009 Perf-Adj RSU
2008-2010 Performance Shares
2009-2011 Performance Shares
Richard H. Marsh
2006 Disc
2007 Perf-Adj RSU
2008 Perf-Adj RSU
2009 Perf-Adj RSU
2008-2010 Performance Shares
2009-2011 Performance Shares
Gary R. Leidich
2007 Perf-Adj RSU
2008 Perf-Adj RSU
2008 Perf-Adj RSU(7)
2009 Perf-Adj RSU
2008-2010 Performance Shares
2009-2011 Performance Shares
2007 20% Incentive Match
2008 20% Incentive Match
2009 20% Incentive Match
Richard R. Grigg
2007 Perf-Adj RSU
2008 Perf-Adj RSU
2008 Perf-Adj RSU(7)
2009 Perf-Adj RSU
2008-2010 Performance Shares
2009-2011 Performance Shares
Leila L. Vespoli
2007 Perf-Adj RSU
2008 Perf-Adj RSU
2009 Perf-Adj RSU
2008-2010 Performance Shares
2009-2011 Performance Shares
2007 20% Incentive Match
2008 20% Incentive Match
Mr. Alexanders stock options
vested in full on March 1, 2008. Mr. Griggs stock
options vested in full on August 20, 2008.
The number of shares or units set
forth in this column includes all dividends or dividend
equivalent units earned through December 31, 2009, shown at
maximum performance. The shares set forth may not represent the
actual amounts that will be paid upon vesting.
The awards set forth in this column
are described in the CD&A and Grants of Plan-Based Awards
narrative section of this proxy statement. Vesting dates for
restricted stock or discretionary restricted stock units are as
follows: Alexander (April 30, 2013); Marsh (March 1,
2011); Clark (March 1, 2010); Leidich (March 1, 2010);
and Vespoli (50 percent vests March 1, 2010 and
50 percent vests March 1, 2015).
The values set forth in this column
are determined by multiplying the number of shares or units by
our common stock closing price on December 31,
2009 $46.45.
The number of shares or units set
forth in this column is based on maximum performance adjustment:
125 percent for 2007 and 2008 and 150 percent for 2009
for performance-adjusted RSUs and 150 percent for
performance shares and 200 percent for
for performance shares. Performance adjustments do not apply to
the 20 percent incentive match.
The awards set forth in this column
are described in the CD&A and Grants of Plan-Based Awards
narrative section of this proxy statement. The vesting dates are
as follows: 2007 performance-adjusted RSU (March 1, 2010);
2008 performance-adjusted RSU (March 3, 2011); 2009
performance-adjusted RSU (March 2, 2012);
performance shares (December 31, 2009);
performance shares (December 31, 2010);
performance shares (December 31, 2011); 2007
20 percent incentive match (March 1, 2010); 2008
20 percent incentive match (March 1, 2011); and 2009
20 percent incentive match (March 1, 2012).
These awards are described in the
CD&A and Grants of Plan-Based Awards narrative section of
this proxy statement and represent grants of
performance-adjusted RSUs provided under the employment
agreements for Mr. Leidich and Mr. Grigg which vest
June 30, 2010.
The following table summarizes the options exercised and vesting
of stock awards held by our NEOs during 2009.
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Number of Shares
Number of Shares
Acquired on Exercise
Value Realized on
Acquired on
Value Realized on
Exercise(1) ($)
Vesting(2) (#)
Vesting(4) ($)
Anthony J. Alexander
2006 Perf-Adj RSU
2007-2009 Perf Shares
Mark T. Clark
2006 Perf-Adj RSU
2006 20% Incentive Match
2007-2009 Perf Shares
Richard H. Marsh
2006 Perf-Adj RSU
2007-2009 Perf Shares
Gary R. Leidich
2006 Perf-Adj RSU
2006 20% Incentive Match
2007-2009 Perf Shares
Richard R. Grigg
2006 Perf-Adj RSU
2007-2009 Perf Shares
Leila L. Vespoli
2006 Perf-Adj RSU
2007-2009 Perf Shares
The value realized on exercise is
determined by multiplying the number of shares exercised by the
difference between the closing stock price on the date of
exercise and the strike price as follows: 45,000 shares at
$45.28 with a strike price of $29.71 and 48,800 shares at
$45.28 with a strike price of $38.76 on August 28, 2009.
The amounts set forth in this
column reflect the number of performance-adjusted RSUs and the
20 percent incentive match on funds deferred into the EDCP
Stock Account in 2006, which vested in 2009. These amounts
include dividend equivalent units earned through the vesting
date. Based on the TSR result, the
performance shares resulted in no performance share payouts.
The awards set forth in this column
are described in the CD&A and the Grants of Plan-Based
Awards narrative section of this proxy statement.
The 2006 performance-adjusted RSUs
vested and shares were issued on March 2, 2009. The 2006
20 percent incentive match vested on February 27,
2009. The amounts set forth reflect the closing stock price on
the date of vesting: $42.53 on March 2, 2009 for
performance-adjusted RSUs, multiplied by the number of shares
and if applicable, adjusted for performance (125 percent)
and $42.56 on February 27, 2009 for the 20 percent
incentive match.
The following table provides information regarding the pension
benefits of our NEOs as of December 31, 2009.
Number of
Years of
Present Value of
Payments During
Accumulated Benefit
Last Fiscal
Plan Name
Year ($)
Anthony J. Alexander
Qualified Plan
Nonqualified (Supplemental) Plan
Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan
Mark T. Clark
Qualified Plan
Nonqualified (Supplemental) Plan
Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan
Richard H. Marsh
Qualified Plan
Nonqualified (Supplemental) Plan(2)
Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan
Gary R. Leidich
Qualified Plan(3)
Nonqualified (Supplemental) Plan
Negotiated Lump Sum(4)
Richard R. Grigg
Qualified Plan
Nonqualified (Supplemental) Plan
Leila L. Vespoli
Qualified Plan
Nonqualified (Supplemental) Plan
Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan
The amounts set forth in this
column are determined as of December 31, 2009, using the
following assumptions: December 31, 2009 discount rate of
6 percent, the RP-2000 Combined Healthy Life Mortality
Table, and commencement at the earliest unreduced retirement
ages. The calculations for all pension benefits are based on
current base salary and STIP targets and do not consider salary
Mr. Marsh was credited with
two additional years of age and service for purposes of
determining his nonqualified pension benefit in connection with
his retirement and the corporate reorganization in 2009. The
present value of the additional benefit of $249,932 is included
in the Present Value of Accumulated Benefit column.
Mr. Leidichs employment
with Centerior Energy Corporation entitles him to receive a
portion of his qualified pension benefit in a lump sum or
annuity. This lump sum is unreduced at age 62, and the
annuity is unreduced at age 60. The amount shown is the
present value of the benefit payable as an annuity at
age 60, which is the greater of the two potential benefit
In lieu of the SERP,
Mr. Leidich chose to retain his additional lump sum benefit
upon termination of employment for any reason. The benefit is
payable based on the terms defined by the Severance and
Employment Agreement dated July 1, 1996, between
Mr. Leidich and Centerior Energy Corporation. The maximum
value of $1,095,889 plus gross up will be payable at
age 62. If Mr. Leidich terminates his employment prior
to age 62, he will receive a reduced amount.
and Nonqualified Plans
We offer a qualified and nonqualified (supplemental) plan to
provide retirement benefits to all of our NEOs. We pay the
entire cost of these plans. Payments from the qualified plan
provided under the FirstEnergy Corp. Pension Plan (later
referred to as the Pension Plan) are maximized considering base
salary earnings and the applicable federal and plan limits. The
supplemental plan provided under the EDCP is designed to provide
a comparable benefit to the executive without the restrictions
of federal and plan limits as well as to provide a competitive
retirement benefit. The pension benefit from the qualified and
nonqualified plans provided to our NEOs is the greater benefit
determined using the following two formulas:
Career Earnings Benefit Formula: A fixed (2.125 percent)
factor is applied to the executives total career earnings
to determine the accrued (age 65) career earnings
benefit. Career earnings generally include base salary, overtime
pay, shift premiums, annual incentive awards, and other similar
Adjusted Highest Average Monthly Base Earnings Benefit Formula:
The benefit is equal to the sum of A and B where A is the
highest average monthly base earnings (later referred to as
HAMBE) times the sum of:
1.58 percent times the first 20 years of benefit
1.18 percent times the next 10 years of benefit
0.78 percent times the next 5 years of benefit
service, and
1.10 percent times each year of benefit service in excess
of 35 years.
and B is an amount equal to 0.32 percent times number of
years of service (up to 35 years) times the difference
between the HAMBE and the lesser of 150 percent of covered
compensation or the Social Security Wage Base, and zero (0).
The HAMBE for the qualified plan are the highest 48 consecutive
months of base earnings the executive had in the 120 months
immediately preceding retirement or other separation of
employment. Base earnings are the employees straight time
rate of pay without overtime, deferred compensation, incentive
compensation, other awards, or accrued unused vacation paid at
termination. The HAMBE for the nonqualified plan are the same as
the qualified plan described above except that incentive and
deferred compensation are included, and the plan is not limited
by restrictions of federal and plan limits. Covered compensation
is the average (without indexing) Social Security Taxable Wage
Base in effect for each calendar year during the
period that ends when the executive reaches the Social Security
normal retirement age.
Under the Pension Plan, normal retirement is at age 65, and
the earliest retirement is at age 55 if the employee has at
least 10 years of credited service. Mr. Marsh retired
on July 1, 2009 at age 58. In connection with his
retirement and the corporate reorganization in 2009 he was
credited with two additional years of age and service for
purposes of determining his nonqualified pension benefit.
Mr. Alexander, Mr. Clark and Mr. Leidich
currently are eligible for a reduced pension benefit based on
the Early Retirement Reduction Table below. Ms. Vespoli
does not meet the age requirement and Mr. Grigg does not
meet the service requirement for early retirement. However based
on his employment agreement, Mr. Grigg will be treated as
if he has 10 years of service credit for purposes of
calculating his nonqualified pension benefit upon his
retirement, effective on April 1, 2010. The earliest
retirement age without reduction for the qualified plan is
age 60 for Mr. Alexander, Mr. Clark, and
Ms. Vespoli and age 62 for Mr. Leidich based on
the terms of his lump sum retirement benefit.
Retirement Reduction Table
If payment
The benefit is
begins at age...
multiplied by
60 and up
The accrued benefits vest upon the completion of five years of
service. The benefits generally are payable in the case of a
married executive in the form of a qualified spouse
50 percent joint and survivor annuity or in the case of an
unmarried executive in the form of a single life annuity. There
also is an option to receive the benefit as a joint and survivor
annuity with or without a
provision, as a period certain annuity, or as in the case of
Mr. Leidich a lump sum based on his employment with
Centerior Energy as discussed in footnote 2 to the Pension
Benefits table. A
provision in an annuity provides a reduced monthly benefit,
payable to the executive until death. Upon death, the
executives named beneficiary will receive 25 percent,
50 percent, 75 percent, or 100 percent of the
executives benefit based on the executives and the
beneficiarys ages and the percentage to be continued after
the executives death. However, if the beneficiary
predeceases the executive, the monthly payment
to the payment which would have been payable as a single life
All NEOs also have Special Severance Agreements for change in
control which would credit them with three additional years of
age and service for the purpose of the nonqualified benefit
Executive Retirement Plan
In addition to the qualified and nonqualified plans, certain
NEOs are eligible to receive an additional nonqualified benefit
from the SERP. At the end of 2009, only 10 active employees were
eligible for a SERP benefit upon retirement, and no new
participants have been provided eligibility since 2001. Any new
participants must be approved by the Committee.
Mr. Marsh was eligible for a benefit from the SERP upon his
retirement. Mr. Alexander, Mr. Clark, and
Ms. Vespoli are eligible to receive an additional
nonqualified benefit from the SERP. Mr. Leidich and
Mr. Grigg are not participants in the SERP.
Mr. Leidich was rehired in 2002 and chose to retain, in
lieu of the SERP, a lump sum retirement benefit upon termination
of employment for any reason. The benefit is payable based on
the terms defined by the Severance and Employment Agreement
dated July 1, 1996, between Mr. Leidich and Centerior
Energy Corporation. The agreement provided Mr. Leidich an
additional retirement benefit calculated as if his employment
would have continued from January 1, 1996, through
December 31, 2000, subsequent to a change in control of
Centerior Energy Corporation. The maximum value of $1,095,889
plus gross up will be payable at age 62. The value is based
on the lump sum value of the average monthly compensation
Mr. Leidich would have received for the
period above, payable at age 62. If Mr. Leidich
terminates his employment prior to age 62, he will receive
a reduced benefit. As of December 31, 2009, the reduced
benefit would be $942,465 plus gross up. Mr. Grigg was
hired in 2004, and pursuant to the terms of his original
employment agreement, is not eligible to participate in the SERP.
An executive participating in the SERP is eligible to receive a
supplemental benefit after termination of employment due to
retirement, death, disability, or involuntary separation. A
supplemental benefit under the SERP will be determined in
accordance with and shall be non-forfeitable upon the date the
executive terminates employment under the conditions described
in the following sections:
An eligible executive who retires on or after age 55 and
who has completed 10 years of service will be entitled to
receive, commencing at retirement, a monthly supplemental
retirement benefit under the SERP equal to
(a) 65 percent of average of the highest 12
consecutive full months of base salary earnings paid to the
executive in the 120 consecutive full months prior to
termination of employment, including any salary deferred into
the EDCP or the Savings Plan, but excluding any incentive
payments, or (b) 55 percent of average of the highest
36 consecutive full months of base salary earnings and annual
incentive awards paid to the executive in the 120 consecutive
full months prior to termination of employment, including any
salary deferred into the EDCP and Savings Plan, whichever is
greater, multiplied by the number of months of service the
executive has completed after having completed 10 years of
service, up to a maximum of 60 months, divided by 60, less:
The monthly primary Social Security benefit to which the
executive may be entitled upon retirement (or the projected
age 62 benefit if retirement occurs prior to age 62),
irrespective of whether the executive actually receives such
benefit at the time of retirement, and
The monthly early, normal, or deferred retirement income benefit
to which the executive may be entitled upon retirement under the
Pension Plan, the monthly supplemental pension benefit under the
EDCP and the monthly benefit, or actuarial equivalent, under the
pension plans of previous employers, all calculated by an
actuary selected by us, with the following assumptions based on
the executives marital status at the time of such
In the case of a married executive in the form of a
50 percent joint and survivor annuity.
In the case of an unmarried executive, in the form of a single
life annuity.
For an executive who retires prior to attaining age 65, the
net dollar amount above shall be reduced further by one-fourth
of 1 percent for each month the commencement of benefits
under the SERP precedes the month the executive attains
age 65.
If the executive dies, 50 percent of the executives
supplemental retirement benefit actuarially adjusted for the
executives and spouses ages will be paid to the
executives surviving spouse. Payment will begin the month
following death and continue for the remainder of the surviving
spouses life. For an executive who dies prior to attaining
age 65, the benefit shall be reduced further by one-fourth
of 1 percent for each month the commencement precedes the
executives attainment of age 65, with a maximum
reduction of 30 percent.
An executive terminating employment due to a disability may be
entitled to receive, commencing at disability, a monthly
supplemental retirement benefit under the SERP equal to
65 percent of (a) above or 55 percent of
(b) above, whichever is greater, less disability benefits
Social Security,
Our Pension Plan,
Our Long-Term Disability Plan, and
Other Employers
The disability benefit continues until the executive attains
age 65, retires, dies, or is no longer disabled, whichever
occurs first. Upon retirement, benefits are calculated as
described in the Retirement Benefit section above. In the event
of death, benefits are calculated as described in the Death
Benefit section above.
The following table summarizes nonqualified deferred
compensation earned, contributed by, or on behalf of our NEOs
during 2009.
Balance at Last
in Last FY
in Last FY
in Last FY
Anthony J. Alexander
Mark T. Clark
Richard H. Marsh
Gary R. Leidich
Leila L. Vespoli
The amounts set forth in this
column represent the deferral of 2009 base salary and STIP and
LTIP payments, as follows: Alexander $115,972 from
base salary; Clark $213,300 from base salary;
Marsh $140,724 from base salary; Leidich
$748,304 from 2008 STIP deferred in 2009, and $359,707 from the
performance share award payout; and Vespoli $122,159
from 2008 STIP deferred in 2009. The executive contributions
from base salary are also included in the Salary column of the
current year Summary Compensation Table.
The amounts set forth in this
column represent the 20 percent incentive match on 2008
earned incentives which were deferred in 2009.
The amounts set forth in this
column include credited dividend equivalent units and
appreciation in stock price, as well as above-market earnings
which have been reported in the Summary Compensation Table as
follows: Alexander $127,987; Clark
$61,830 Marsh $153,069; Leidich $68,006;
and Vespoli $73,882. The compounded annual rate of
return on cash accounts was 9.38 percent. The compounded
annual rate of return on stock accounts was .66 percent,
which includes dividends.
The amounts set forth in this
column include amounts distributed from the executives
deferred compensation account as follows:
Clark $112,703 from the 2006 Stock Account and
$22,541 from the 2006 Stock Match Account;
Marsh $299,852 from the Grandfathered Cash Account.
The amounts set forth in this
column include amounts reported in the Summary Compensation
Table in prior years.
Note: Mr. Grigg does not participate in the EDCP.
Deferred Compensation
The EDCP is a nonqualified defined contribution plan which
provides for the voluntary deferral of compensation. As
described earlier, participants may defer up to 50 percent
of base salary, up to 100 percent of STIP awards, and up to
100 percent of cash LTIP awards. Participation in the EDCP
is limited to designated management employees.
Two investment options are available under the EDCP.
Participants may direct deferrals of base salary and STIP awards
to an annual cash retirement account, which accrues interest.
The interest rate changes annually and is based upon the
Moodys Corporate Bond Index rate plus three percentage
points. In 2009, the interest rate was 9.38 percent.
Participants may direct deferrals of STIP awards and cash LTIP
awards to an annual stock account. The stock accounts are
tracked in stock units and accrue additional stock units based
upon the payment of dividends. The stock accounts are valued at
the fair market value of our common stock. We provide a
20 percent incentive match on contributions to the stock
account. The participants contribution and additional
dividend units are vested immediately; the 20 percent
incentive match and additional dividend equivalent units thereon
vest at the end of a three-year period and are subject to
forfeiture prior to the conclusion of that vesting period.
Participants may elect to receive distributions from the cash
retirement accounts in any combination of lump sum payment
monthly installment payments for up to 25 years, provided
that the account balance is at least $100,000. Differing
distribution elections may be made for retirement, disability,
and pre-retirement death. In the event of involuntary separation
prior to retirement eligibility, the accounts accrued prior to
January 1, 2005, may be paid in a single lump sum payment
or in three annual installments. Accounts accrued after
January 1, 2005, are paid in a single lump sum payment.
Payments may not commence until separation from service. Amounts
that were vested as of December 31, 2004, are available for
an in-
service withdrawal of the full account, subject to a
10 percent penalty. There is no in-service withdrawal
option for retirement accounts accrued after January 1,
Stock account distributions are limited to a lump sum payment in
the form of our common stock at the end of the three-year
20 percent incentive match vesting period or to a further
deferral until termination or retirement. If further deferred
until termination or retirement, the account will be converted
to cash, based upon the fair market value of the account at
termination, and the balance will be rolled over to the
corresponding annual retirement account for distribution in lump
sum or monthly installments as elected under the retirement
Post Employment Payments
The following table summarizes the compensation and benefits
that would be payable to our NEOs in the event of a termination
on December 31, 2009.
Without Cause
or for Good
Reason During
Following a
(Other Than
Change In
Following a
For Cause)
Base Salary
Accrued through date of retirement
Accrued through date of separation
Accrued through date of change in control termination
Accrued through date of termination
Accrued through date of qualifying event
Accrued through date of qualifying event
Severance Pay
3 weeks of pay for every full year of service, including
the current year, calculated using base salary at the time of
2.99 times the sum of base salary plus target annual STIP of
which a portion is payable in consideration for the
non-competition clause(2)
Accrued and Banked Vacation
Paid in a lump sum
Paid in a lump sum
Paid in a lump sum
Paid in a lump sum
Paid in a lump sum
Paid in a lump sum
Health and Wellness Benefits
Retiree/spouse health and wellness provided as eligible
Provided at active employee rates for severance period(3)
Based on the terms of the Special Severance Agreement, if
Survivor health and wellness provided as eligible
Health and wellness provided as eligible
STIP Award
Issued a prorated award based on full months of service
Issued a prorated award based on full months of service
Issued a prorated award based on full months of service
Issued a prorated award based on full months of service
Issued a prorated award based on full months of service
Performance-Adjusted RSUs(5)
Issued a prorated award based on full months of service
Issued a prorated award based on full months of service
Issued 100% of shares and all dividends earned(6)
Issued a prorated award based on full months of service
Issued a prorated award based on full months of service
Performance Shares(5)
Issued a prorated award based on full months of service.
Issued a prorated award based on full months of service.
Issued 100% of shares and all dividends earned(6)
Issued a prorated award based on full months of service.
Issued a prorated award based on full months of service.
Restricted Stock
Forfeited, if unvested
Forfeited, if unvested
Issued 100% of shares and all dividends earned
Issued 100% of shares and all dividends earned
Issued 100% of shares and all dividends earned
Qualified Retirement Plan
Payable in a monthly benefit
Payable in a monthly benefit
Payable in a monthly benefit
Vested amount payable in a monthly benefit upon reaching age 55
Payable to survivor in a monthly benefit
Payable in a monthly benefit
Without Cause
or for Good
Reason During
Following a
(Other Than
Change In
Following a
For Cause)
Nonqualified Retirement Plan
Payable in a monthly benefit
Payable in a monthly benefit
Payable in a monthly benefit
Vested amount payable in a monthly benefit upon reaching age 60
Payable to survivor in monthly benefit
Payable in a monthly benefit
Payable in a monthly benefit
Payable in a monthly benefit
Payable in a monthly benefit
Forfeited if voluntarily terminated prior to retirement age
Payable to survivor in a monthly benefit
Payable in a monthly benefit
Vested EDCP
Payable as elected
Payable as elected
Payable as elected
Payable in a lump sum
Payable to survivor as elected
Payable as elected
Non-vested EDCP
Payable as elected(8)
Payable as elected
Payable as elected
Payable to survivor as elected
Payable as elected
Additional Age and Service for Pension, EDCP and Benefits
Three years
Reimbursement Excise Tax and Gross Up
Yes, if covered by a Special Severance Agreement
Benefits provided in these
scenarios also are provided to all of our employees on the same
terms, if applicable.
We have in place separate Special
Severance Agreements with all of our NEOs.
Active employee health and wellness
benefits are provided to our NEOs for the severance period,
which is equal to three weeks for every year of service,
including the current year (52-week minimum ).
Mr. Alexander, Mr. Clark
and Mr. Leidich are eligible for retirement and would
receive full retiree health and wellness benefits irrespective
of a change in control. Mr. Grigg would be provided retiree
and spousal health and wellness benefits based on the terms of
his employment agreement. Ms. Vespoli would receive active
employee health and wellness benefits for three years.
Beginning with awards granted in
2007, payout of performance shares and RSUs will not occur at
termination. The payout will occur upon completion of the
performance cycle or the end of the vesting period, except in
the case of death or disability.
Grants of Performance-adjusted RSUs
and Performance Shares in 2009 will fully vest in the event of a
change in control, irrespective of a termination.
The SERP benefit is limited to
certain key executives. Mr. Alexander, Mr. Marsh, and
Ms. Vespoli are eligible for the SERP benefit.
If an executive voluntarily
terminates employment with us prior to age 60 (early
retirement), any non-vested premium is forfeited.
Post Employment Payments
The amounts shown in the following tables include payments and
benefits to the full extent they are provided to the NEOs upon
termination of employment, except as noted. The full value
includes compensation also disclosed in other tables in this
proxy statement. Mr. Marsh is not included in these tables
because he retired on July 1, 2009 and would not be
impacted by these scenarios.
The post-termination calculations are based on the following
The amounts disclosed are estimates of the total amounts which
would be paid out to the executives upon their termination. The
actual amounts paid can be determined only at the time of such
executives separation.
The amounts disclosed do not include compensation previously
earned and deferred into the EDCP. The year-end account balances
are set forth in the Nonqualified Deferred Compensation table
earlier in this proxy statement. These amounts are payable to
the NEO based on the distribution elections made by the NEO at
the time the deferral was elected.
December 31, 2009, is the date of termination.
The STIP award is based on 2009 performance and payable
March 5, 2010.
The pension benefit begins at the NEOs earliest eligible
retirement age.
The LTIP and Other Equity Awards column includes stock options,
performance shares, performance-adjusted and discretionary RSUs,
and restricted stock.
The closing common stock price on December 31, 2009
($46.45) is applied to value stock options, performance shares,
RSUs, and restricted stock.
Target performance is assumed for all performance share cycles
and performance-adjusted RSUs.
Health care amounts are only shown to the extent they would not
be available to all employees under the same circumstances.
Mr. Alexander (58), Mr. Clark (59), and
Mr. Leidich (59), are currently eligible for early
retirement under the Pension Plan. The benefits provided under
the Pension Plan are discussed in the Pension Benefits section
earlier in this proxy statement. The earliest retirement age
without reduction is age 60 for Mr. Alexander and
Mr. Clark, and age 62 for Mr. Leidich. Normal
retirement age is 65. Mr. Grigg (61) was hired in 2004
and was not eligible for retirement in 2009 as he did not meet
the service requirement. Ms. Vespoli (50) was not
eligible for retirement in 2009 as she did not meet the age
requirement (age 55).
LTIP and
(Present Value)
Other Equity
Health Care
Anthony J. Alexander (retirement eligible)
Mark T. Clark (retirement eligible)
Gary R. Leidich (retirement eligible)
Richard R. Grigg (voluntary termination)
Leila L. Vespoli (voluntary termination)
The amounts set forth in the STIP
Award column are the amounts earned and eligible to be paid in
2010 with respect to 2009 performance. In the event of a
voluntary termination prior to the payment date (March 2010),
Mr. Grigg and Ms. Vespoli are not eligible for a
payment under the STIP.
The amounts set forth in the
Pension Benefit column represent the qualified, nonqualified,
and any SERP pension benefits as of December 31, 2009,
earned until the date of termination at present value, as
described in the 2009 Post-Termination Compensation and Benefits
table, except as follows:
In lieu of the SERP,
Mr. Leidich is entitled to a lump sum benefit upon
termination of employment for any reason. The benefit is payable
based on the terms defined by the Severance and Employment
Agreement dated July 1, 1996, between Mr. Leidich and
Centerior Energy Corporation. The maximum value of $1,095,889
will be payable at age 62. If Mr. Leidich terminates
his employment prior to age 62, he will receive a reduced
benefit ($942,465 plus an estimated gross up of $509,509 on
December 31, 2009, both of which are included in the
The amounts set forth in the LTIP
and Other Equity Awards column reflect the value of vested
equity awards in the event of a retirement/voluntary termination
on December 31, 2009.
Based on the terms of
Mr. Griggs employment agreement, he shall receive the
maximum points for the purposes of determining our contribution
toward the cost of retiree and spousal health coverage in the
event of a termination for any reason. Amount shown is
calculated based on the assumptions used for financial reporting
purposes under generally accepted accounting principles.
In the event of an involuntary separation,
Mr. Alexanders severance benefit would be determined
by the Committee and approved by the Board. Mr. Clark and
Ms. Vespoli are covered under the Severance Plan.
Mr. Leidich and Mr. Grigg are not eligible for
benefits based on the terms of their employment agreements
discussed in the narrative following the Grants of Plan-Based
Awards table of this proxy statement. For the purposes of the
table below, it is assumed that Mr. Alexander will receive
the same level of benefits as that which would be provided under
the Severance Plan. Under the Severance Plan, executives are
severance benefits if involuntarily separated when business
conditions require the closing of a facility, corporate
restructuring, a reduction in workforce, or job elimination.
Severance is also offered if an executive rejects a job
assignment that would result in a material reduction in current
base pay; contains a requirement that the executive must make a
material relocation from his or her current residence for
reasons related to the new job; or results in a material change
in the executives daily commute from the executives
current residence to a new reporting location. Any reassignment
which results in the distance from the executives current
residence to his or her new reporting location being at least
50 miles farther than the distance from the
executives current residence to his or her previous
reporting location is considered material. The Severance Plan
provides three weeks base pay for each full year of
service with a minimum of 52 weeks. Additionally,
executives who elect continuation of health care for the
severance period will be provided this benefit at active
employee rates.
LTIP and
Pension Benefit
Other Equity
Health Care
(Present Value)(2)
Anthony J. Alexander
Mark T. Clark
Gary R. Leidich
Richard R. Grigg
Leila L. Vespoli
The amounts set forth in the STIP
Award column are the amounts earned and eligible to be paid in
2010 with respect to 2009 performance.
The amounts set forth in the
Pension Benefit column represent the qualified, nonqualified,
and any SERP pension benefits as of December 31, 2009,
earned until the date of termination at present value, as
described in the 2009 Post-Termination Compensation and Benefits
table, except as follows:
In lieu of the SERP,
Mr. Leidich is entitled to a lump sum benefit upon
termination of employment for any reason. The benefit is payable
based on the terms defined by the Severance and Employment
Agreement dated July 1, 1996, between Mr. Leidich and
Centerior Energy Corporation. The maximum value of $1,095,889
will be payable at age 62. If Mr. Leidich terminates
his employment prior to age 62, he will receive a reduced
benefit ($942,465 plus an estimated gross up of $509,509 on
December 31, 2009, both of which are included in the
The amounts set forth in the LTIP
and Other Equity Awards column reflect the value of vested
equity awards in the event of an involuntary separation on
December 31, 2009.
Based on the terms of
Mr. Griggs employment agreement, he will receive the
maximum points for the purposes of determining our contribution
toward the cost of retiree and spousal health coverage in the
event of a termination for any reason. Amount shown is
calculated based on the assumptions used for financial reporting
purposes under generally accepted accounting principles.
Following a Change in Control
We executed Special Severance Agreements with
Messrs. Alexander, Clark, and Grigg, and Ms. Vespoli,
each effective as of December 31, 2007, which provide for
certain enhanced benefits in the event of a termination without
cause or for good reason within two years following a change in
control. The agreements were extended for an additional one-year
term by the Board in September 2009. We executed a Special
Severance Agreement with Mr. Leidich on August 6,
2008. All of the Special Severance Agreements will be due for
Board approval of extension for one additional year in September
2010. Under the Special Severance Agreements, the NEO would be
prohibited for two years from working for or with competing
entities after receiving severance benefits pursuant to the
Special Severance Agreement. A portion of the cash severance is
assigned as consideration for the non-compete obligation.
Generally, pursuant to the agreements, a change in control is
deemed to occur:
If any person acquires 50 percent or more of our voting
securities (or 25 percent or more of our voting securities
if such person proposes any individual for election to the Board
or such person already has a representative on the Board),
excluding acquisitions (i) directly from us, (ii) by
(iii) by certain employee benefit plans, and
(iv) pursuant to a transaction meeting the requirements of
item (3) below, or
If a majority of our directors as of the date of the agreement
are replaced (other than in specified circumstances), or
Upon the consummation of a reorganization, merger,
consolidation, sale, or other disposition of all or
substantially all of our assets, unless, following such
The same person or persons who owned our voting securities prior
to the transaction own more than 75 percent of our voting
securities in the same proportions as their ownership prior to
the transaction,
No person or entity (with certain exceptions) owns
25 percent or more of our voting securities, and
At least a majority of the directors resulting from the
transaction were directors at the time of the execution of the
agreement providing for such transaction, or
(4) If our shareholders approve a complete liquidation or
The change in control severance benefits are triggered only if
the individual is terminated without cause or resigns for good
reason within two years following a change in control.
Good reason is defined as a material change, following a change
in control, inconsistent with the individuals previous job
duties or compensation. The following table was prepared
assuming each NEOs employment was terminated within the
two-year period following the change in control. We do not gross
up equity or cash awards to cover the tax obligations for
executives unless required to do so under the terms of the
Special Severance Agreements.
Following a Change in Control
LTIP and
Pension Benefit
Other Equity
Tax and
(Present Value)(3)
Gross up(5)
Anthony J. Alexander
Mark T. Clark
Gary R. Leidich
Richard R. Grigg
Leila L. Vespoli
Special severance pay is an amount
equal to 2.99 multiplied by the sum of the amount of annual base
salary at the rate in effect as of the date of termination plus
the target annual STIP amount in effect the year during which
the date of termination occurs whether or not fully paid.
The amounts set forth in the STIP
Award column are the amounts earned and eligible to be paid in
2010 with respect to 2009 performance.
The amounts set forth in the
Pension Benefit column represent the qualified, nonqualified,
and any SERP pension benefits as of December 31, 2009,
earned until the date of termination at present value, except as
In lieu of the SERP,
Mr. Leidich is entitled to a lump sum benefit upon
termination of employment for any reason. The benefit is payable
based on the terms defined by the Severance and Employment
Agreement dated July 1, 1996, between Mr. Leidich and
Centerior Energy Corporation. The maximum value of $1,095,889
will be payable at age 62. If Mr. Leidich terminates
his employment prior to age 62, he will receive a reduced
benefit ($942,465 plus an estimated gross up of $509,509 on
December 31, 2009, both of which are included in the
The amounts set forth in the LTIP
and Other Equity Awards column reflect the value of accelerated
and vested equity awards in the event of a termination following
a change in control on December 31, 2009.
The Excise Tax and Gross Up
represents the estimated reimbursement of the excise tax plus
the income taxes associated with the reimbursement upon
receiving any change in control payments.
Mr. Grigg will be granted the
maximum number of points based on his employment agreement for
the purpose of determining our contribution toward the cost of
retiree and spousal health coverage. Ms. Vespoli will
continue to participate on the same terms and conditions as
active employees for a period of three years after the date of
termination. During this period, Ms. Vespoli will be
responsible for paying the normal employee share of the
applicable premiums for coverage under the health care plans.
Amounts shown are calculated based on the assumptions used for
financial reporting purposes under generally accepted accounting
LTIP and
Pension Benefit
Other Equity
(Present Value)(2)
Anthony J. Alexander
Mark T. Clark
Gary R. Leidich
Richard R. Grigg
Leila L. Vespoli
The amounts set forth in the STIP
Award column are the amounts earned and eligible to be paid in
2010 with respect to 2009 performance.
The amounts set forth in the
Pension Benefit column represent the qualified, nonqualified,
and any SERP survivor pension benefits as of December 31,
2009, earned until the date of termination at present value,
except as follows:
In lieu of the SERP,
Mr. Leidich is entitled to a lump sum benefit upon
termination of employment for any reason. The benefit is payable
based on the terms defined by the Severance and Employment
Agreement dated July 1, 1996, between Mr. Leidich and
Centerior Energy Corporation. The maximum value of $1,095,889
will be payable at age 62. If Mr. Leidich terminates
his employment prior to age 62, he will receive a reduced
benefit ($942,465 plus an estimated gross up of $509,509 on
December 31, 2009, both of which are included in the
The amounts set forth in the LTIP
and Other Equity Awards column reflect the value of accelerated
and vested equity awards in the event of a death on
December 31, 2009.
Based on the terms of
Mr. Griggs employment agreement, his spouse shall
receive the maximum points for the purposes of determining our
contribution toward the cost of retiree spousal health coverage.
Amount shown is calculated based on the assumptions used for
financial reporting purposes under generally accepted accounting
Following a Disability
LTIP and
Pension Benefit
Other Equity
(Present Value)(2)
Anthony J. Alexander
Mark T. Clark
Gary R. Leidich
Richard R. Grigg
Leila L. Vespoli
The amounts set forth in the STIP
Award column are the amounts earned and eligible to be paid in
2010 with respect to 2009 performance.
Based on the benefits provided
under disability, the amounts set forth in the Pension Benefit
column represent the qualified, nonqualified, and any SERP
pension benefits calculated assuming the NEO would retire
December 31, 2009, because the benefits would be greater
under retirement.
In lieu of the SERP,
Mr. Leidich is entitled to a lump sum benefit upon
termination of employment for any reason. The benefit is payable
based on the terms defined by the Severance and Employment
Agreement dated July 1, 1996, between Mr. Leidich and
Centerior Energy Corporation. The maximum value of $1,095,889
will be payable at age 62. If Mr. Leidich terminates
his employment prior to age 62, he will receive a reduced
benefit ($942,465 plus an estimated gross up of $509,509 on
December 31, 2009, both of which are included in the
The amounts set forth in the LTIP
and Other Equity Awards column reflect the value of accelerated
and vested equity awards in the event of a termination following
a disability as of December 31, 2009.
Based on the terms of
Mr. Griggs employment agreement, he shall receive the
maximum points for the purposes of determining our contribution
toward the cost of retiree and spousal health coverage in the
event of a termination for any reason. Amount shown is
calculated based on the assumptions used for financial reporting
purposes under generally accepted accounting principles.
Change in Pension
Fees Earned or
and Nonqualified
All Other
Paid in Cash
Deferred Compensation
Paul T. Addison
Michael J. Anderson
Carol A. Cartwright
William T. Cottle
Robert B. Heisler, Jr.(5)
Ernest J., Novak, Jr.
Catherine A. Rein
George M. Smart
Wes M. Taylor
Jesse T. Williams, Sr.(6)
The amounts set forth in the Fees
Earned or Paid in Cash column include cash earned as the cash
retainer, meeting fees, chairperson retainers, committee meeting
fees, industry meetings or training, Company office or facility
visits, and committee premiums whether paid in cash or deferred
into the FirstEnergy Corp. Deferred Compensation Plan for
Outside Directors.
The amounts set forth in the Stock
Awards column include the equity retainer and the
20 percent incentive match on funds deferred into the stock
account of the Directors Plan. The amounts earned as cash
and deferred into the stock account and the 20 percent
incentive match on those funds were as follows:
Mr. Addison-$11,723 (with a fair market value of $12,000);
Mr. Anderson-$40,941 (with a fair market value of $42,000);
Mr. Heisler-$31,535 (with a fair market value of $32,400);
Mr. Novak-$74,752 (with a fair market value of $78,438);
Mr. Smart-$248,225 (with a fair market value of $250,800)
and Mr. Taylor-$44,884 (with a fair market value of
$48,000). The amounts set forth in this column are described in
the Compensation of Directors section of this proxy statement.
The number of shares of unvested accrued dividends and the
20 percent incentive match still subject to forfeiture are
as follows: Mr. Addison: 343 shares;
Mr. Anderson: 356 shares, Mr. Cottle:
384 shares, Mr. Heisler: 475 shares,
Mr. Novak: 828 shares, Ms. Rein: 571 shares,
Mr. Smart: 1,760 shares, and Mr. Taylor:
The amounts set forth in the Change
in Pension Value and Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Earnings
column reflects above-market earnings on nonqualified deferred
compensation and the aggregate change in actuarial value accrued
during the year for Ms. Rein of ($13,388) as of
December 31, 2009, using an assumed discount rate of
6 percent as of December 31, 2009. The formula used to
determine the above-market earnings equals (2009 total interest
x {difference in 120 percent of the 1999 Applicable Federal
Rate for long-term rates (AFR) and the plan rate} divided by the
plan rate).
The amounts set forth in the All
Other Compensation column include compensation not required to
be included in any other column. Charitable matching
contributions made on behalf of our directors represent the
entire amount in the column.
All option awards are fully vested.
Option awards have not been granted to directors since February
2003. Mr. Heisler was the only director with outstanding
unexercised options on December 31, 2009. Mr. Heisler
exercised all of his outstanding options (5,096) with a strike
price of $31.69 on February 25, 2010.
The amounts set forth for
Mr. Williams reflect compensation earned for also serving
on the board of Jersey Central Power & Light of
We use a combination of cash and equity-based incentive
compensation in order to attract and retain qualified candidates
to serve on our Board. Equity compensation is provided to
promote our success by providing incentives to directors that
will link their personal interests to our long-term financial
success and to increase shareholder value. In setting director
compensation, we take into consideration the significant amount
of time that directors spend in fulfilling their duties to us as
well as the skill level required of members of the Board.
Only non-employee directors receive compensation for their
service on the Board. Since Mr. Alexander is an employee,
he does not receive compensation for his service on the Board.
In 2009, the directors received a cash retainer of $40,000 and
an equity retainer of $86,000, paid in the form of our common
stock. In addition, the directors received $1,500 for each Board
and committee meeting attended, $1,500 for each Company office
or facility visit, $1,500 for attending an industry meeting or
at our request, and reimbursement for expenses related to
attending meetings. The Corporate Governance Committee, the
Compensation Committee, and the Finance Committee chairpersons
each received $5,000 in 2009 for serving as the committee
chairperson. The chairperson of the Nuclear Committee received
$10,000, and the chairperson of the Audit Committee received
$15,000 for 2009. A $5,000 premium is paid to all Audit
Committee members each year due to the increased workload
required under Sarbanes-Oxley Act regulations. Mr. Smart,
the non-executive Chairman of the Board, received an additional
$125,000 cash retainer in 2009 for serving in that capacity.
Equity and cash retainers, chairperson retainers, and Audit
Committee premiums were paid quarterly, while meeting fees and
fees for attending any other planned sessions were paid monthly.
Mr. Williams joined the board of Jersey Central
Power & Light Company (later referred to as
JCP&L), one of our subsidiaries, in June 2007. As a
JCP&L director he received an annual cash retainer of
$15,000 and $1,000 for each meeting attended.
In 2009, the number of Board and committee meetings attended by
directors who served for the year ranged from 19 to 24 meetings.
Directors are responsible for paying all taxes associated with
cash and equity retainers and perquisites. We do not gross up
equity grants to directors to cover tax obligations.
Director pay is reviewed each September by the Compensation
Committee. In 2008, the consultant compared competitive
practices of director compensation among the same energy
services peer group as was used for the NEOs as well as a
general industry group of 130 companies. The competitive
data for director compensation is based on both the energy
services companies and the general industry group. After its
review of competitive data, the Compensation Committee
recommended and the Board approved increases to the cash
retainer and the committee chairperson retainer for the
Compensation, Corporate Governance, and Finance Committees
effective January 2009. However, in light of the then economic
conditions and regulatory uncertainty, in January 2009, the
Committee recommended and the Board approved delaying any
compensation increases for directors and reevaluating the
competitive position and our position as a Company at a later
date. As a result of the Companys improved performance and
the competitive data, the Board approved implementing the
previously approved increases for the directors, effective
January 1, 2010, resulting in the following annual director
Annual cash board retainer from $40,000 to 60,000
Equity compensation $86,000
Cash board meeting fee $1,500 per meeting
Cash committee meeting fee $1,500 per meeting
Committee chairperson retainer
Compensation, Corporate Governance, and Finance Committees from
$5,000 to $10,000
Nuclear Committee $10,000
Audit Committee $15,000
Committee member fee $5,000 to Audit Committee
members only
We believe it is critical that the interests of directors and
shareholders be clearly aligned. As such, similar to the NEOs,
directors are subject also to share ownership guidelines. At the
time of election to the Board, a director must own a minimum of
100 shares of our common stock. Within five years of
joining the Board, each director is required to own shares of
our common stock with an aggregate value of at least five times
the annual equity retainer. Each director has attained the
required share ownership guideline with the exception of
Mr. Anderson who is expected to meet his guideline within
the required five-year period. These share ownership guidelines
are reviewed by the Committee for competitiveness on an annual
basis and were last reviewed at the Committees February
2010 meeting. The Security Ownership of Management table earlier
in this proxy statement shows the shares held by each director
as of March 8, 2010.
Corp. Deferred Compensation Plan for Outside Directors
The FirstEnergy Corp. Deferred Compensation Plan for Outside
Directors (later referred to as the Directors Plan), is a
nonqualified defined contribution plan that provides directors
the opportunity to defer compensation. Directors may defer up to
100 percent of their cash retainer into the cash or stock
accounts. Deferrals into the cash account can be invested in one
of 12 funds, similar to the investment funds available to all of
our employees through the Savings Plan, or a Company-paid
annually adjusted above-market fixed income account. The Company
paid above-market interest earnings of 9.38 percent in 2009
and 9.49 percent in 2010 on funds deferred into the cash
account. The above-market interest rate received by the
directors is the same rate received by the NEOs and is provided
as an attractive benefit that is cost-effective and highly
Deferrals into the stock account are provided a 20 percent
incentive match. Dividend equivalent units are accrued quarterly
and applied to the directors accounts on the dividend
payment date using the average high and low of our common stock
price on the dividend payment date. The 20 percent
incentive match and any dividend equivalent units accrued on
funds deferred into the stock account are forfeited if a
director leaves the Board within three years from the date of
deferral for any reason other than retirement, disability,
death, change in control, or in situations where he or she is
ineligible to stand for re-election due to circumstances
unrelated to his or her performance as a director. Additionally,
directors may elect to defer their equity retainers into the
deferred stock account; however, they do not receive a
20 percent incentive match on equity retainers deferred to
the stock account.
Payments or Benefits Received by Directors
The corporate aircraft is available, when appropriate, for
transportation to and from Board and committee meetings and
training seminars. Mr. Smart has the use of an office and
administrative support with respect to carrying out his duties
as Chairman of the Board. We pay all fees associated with
Director and Officer Insurance and Business Travel Insurance for
our directors. In 2009, our directors were eligible to receive
perquisites including holiday gifts, company-paid leisure
activities at the annual Board retreat, and limited personal use
of the corporate aircraft, the value of which was less than
$10,000 for each director.
Based on programs in effect at GPU, Inc. at the time of our
merger on November 7, 2001, directors who served on the GPU
Board of Directors were eligible to receive benefits in the form
of personal excess liability insurance, of which Ms. Rein
received $550 worth of coverage in 2009. As of November 7,
2001, no new participants could receive these benefits. In
addition, in 1997 GPU discontinued a Board of Directors
pension program. Directors who served prior to the
discontinuation are entitled to receive benefits under the
program. Ms. Rein elected to defer receiving her pension
until she retires from the Board.
Directors are able to defer all or a portion of their fees
through the Directors Plan and can elect when to begin
receiving their deferred compensation. Payments are made
annually. Dr. Cartwright received distributions from the
Directors Plan of 596 shares on March 1, 2009,
valued at $25,349 (closing stock price of $42.53) and
1,519 shares on July 1, 2009, valued at $59,575
(closing stock price of $39.22). In addition,
Dr. Cartwright received cash distributions totaling $48,791
of which $12,916 was earned interest.
It is critically important to us and our shareholders,
especially in these times of economic volatility and
uncertainty, that we be able to attract and retain the most
capable persons reasonably available to serve as our directors.
As such, on March 27, 2009, written indemnification
agreements were accepted and executed by the directors. The
indemnification agreements are intended to secure the protection
for our directors contemplated by our Amended Code of
Regulations and Ohio law.
Each indemnification agreement provides, among other things,
that we will, subject to the agreement terms, indemnify a
director if by reason of their corporate status as a director
the person incurs losses, liabilities, judgments, fines,
penalties, or amounts paid in settlement in connection with any
threatened, pending, or completed proceeding, whether of a
civil, criminal, administrative, or investigative nature. In
addition, each indemnification agreement provides for the
advancement of expenses incurred by a director,
subject to certain exceptions, in connection with proceedings
covered by the indemnification agreement. As a director and
officer, Mr. Alexanders agreement addresses indemnity
in both roles.
This description of the director indemnification agreements is
not complete and is qualified in its entirety by reference to
the full text of the Form of Director Indemnification Agreement
between us and each director, filed as Exhibit
(B) 10-50
to our
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2009.
The following table contains information as of December 31,
2009, regarding compensation plans for which shares of
FirstEnergy common stock may be issued.
Number of Securities
Number of Securities
Remaining Available for
to be Issued
Future Issuance Under
Upon Exercise of
Exercise Price of
Equity Compensation Plans
Outstanding Options,
Outstanding Options,
(Excluding Securities
Plan category
Warrants and Rights
Warrants and Rights
Reflected in First Column)
Equity compensation plans approved by security holders
Equity compensation plans not approved by security holders(4)
Represents shares of common stock
that could be issued upon exercise of outstanding options
granted under the FirstEnergy Corp. 2007 Incentive Plan. No
stock options have been granted after 2004. This number does not
include 16,347 shares of common stock that could be issued
upon exercise of outstanding options granted under plans assumed
by the Company in acquisitions. The aggregate weighted-average
exercise price of all outstanding options under the assumed
plans is $23.75. The Company cannot grant additional options
under the assumed plans. This number does not include
1,278,536 shares subject to outstanding awards of RSUs
granted under the Plan but does include 501,726 outstanding
performance shares that have been granted and the Company
anticipates paying out such shares in cash.
The performance shares were not
included in the calculation for determining the weighted-average
exercise price.
Includes an indeterminate number of
shares of common stock that may be issued upon the settlement of
outstanding performance shares and RSUs granted under the Plan,
as well as upon the settlement of future grants of performance
shares, stock appreciation rights, and restricted stock under
the Plan. If certain corporate performance goals are attained,
performances shares can be paid in the form of cash or common
stock, at the discretion of the Compensation Committee. Almost
exclusively, such performance shares have been paid out in cash.
Therefore the above number has not been reduced by the 501,726
performance shares included in the Number of Securities to be
Issued Upon Exercise of Outstanding Options, Warrants and Rights
column. No grants of stock appreciation rights have been awarded
under the Plan. Restricted stock is always issued in the form of
common stock. Not included in the number above are the shares
that have been deferred into the EDCP (535,323) and shares that
have been deferred into the Directors Plan (210,416). A
majority of shares deferred into the EDCP are in retirement
shares that will automatically convert to, and payout in, cash
upon retirement. The Company purchases shares in the open market
under the Directors Plan at the time of deferral, so upon
payout no additional shares are purchased.
All equity compensation plans have
been approved by security holders.
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Sign above as name(s) appear on this proxy card. If signing for a
corporation or partnership or as an agent, attorney or fiduciary, indicate the
capacity in which you are signing. |
Please sign and mail promptly if you are not voting by telephone or Internet.
Regardless of whether you plan to attend the Annual Meeting of Shareholders, please ensure
your shares are represented at the meeting by promptly voting by telephone or Internet or by
returning your proxy card in the enclosed envelope.
Please sign and date the proxy card below on the reverse side, and
fold and detach the card at the perforation before mailing.
Your Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR Items 1 and 2.
Election of Directors: |
o |
FOR all nominees listed below |
o |
(except as marked to the contrary below) |
to vote for all nominees listed below |
Nominees: |
(01) Paul T. Addison |
(02) Anthony J. Alexander |
(03) Michael J. Anderson |
(04) Dr. Carol A. Cartwright |
(05) William T. Cottle |
(06) Robert B. Heisler, Jr. |
(07) Ernest J. Novak, Jr. |
(08) Catherine A. Rein |
(09) George M. Smart |
(10) Wes M. Taylor |
(11) Jesse T. Williams, Sr. |
To withhold authority to vote for individual Nominee(s), write the name(s) or number(s) on the line below: |
2. |
Ratification of the appointment of the independent registered public accounting firm |
o |
o |
o |
Your Board of Directors recommends a vote AGAINST Items 3 through 6. |
Shareholder proposal: |
Reduce the Percentage of Shares Required to Call Special |
o |
o |
o |
Shareholder Meeting |
Shareholder proposal: |
Adopt Policy to Retain Shares Following Termination of Employment |
o |
o |
o |
Shareholder proposal: |
Permit Shareholder Action by Written Consent |
o |
o |
o |
Shareholder proposal: |
Adopt a Majority Vote Standard for the Election of Directors |
o |
o |
o |
o |
Check this box if you consent to accessing, in the future, the annual report and proxy statement
on the Internet (no paper copies). |
c/o Corporate Election Services
P.O. Box 3200
Pittsburgh, PA 15230 |
Vote by Telephone
Have your voting instruction form available when you
call Toll-Free 1-888-693-8683 using a touch-tone telephone
and follow the simple instructions to record your vote.
Vote by Internet
Have your voting instruction form available when you
access the Internet site and follow the
simple instructions to record your vote.
Vote by Mail
Mark your choices, sign and date your voting
instruction form and return it in the postage-paid envelope
provided or return it to: Corporate Election Services, P.O.
Box 3200, Pittsburgh, PA 15230.
Vote by Telephone
Vote by Internet
Vote by Mail |
Call Toll-Free using a
OR |
Access the Internet site and
OR |
Return your voting instruction |
touch-tone telephone:
cast your vote:
form in the postage-paid
envelope provided |
| |
Vote 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
If you vote by telephone or Internet, please do not return your voting instruction form.
Your telephone or Internet vote must be received by 6:00 a.m. Eastern time
on May 17, 2010 to be counted in the final tabulation.
To Vote Allocated Shares
To Vote Uninstructed or Unallocated |
Shares |
è |
ê Please sign and date the voting instruction form below and fold and detach the card at perforation before mailing. ê
Indicate your direction by marking an (x) in the appropriate boxes below. If no directions are indicated, the shares represented by this signed voting
instruction form will be voted as your Board of Directors recommends, which is FOR Items 1 and 2 and AGAINST Items 3 through 6.
1. |
Election of Directors: |
(01) Paul T. Addison
(02) Anthony J. Alexander
(03) Michael J. Anderson
(04) Dr. Carol A. Cartwright |
(05) William T. Cottle
(06) Robert B. Heisler, Jr.
(07) Ernest J. Novak, Jr.
(08) Catherine A. Rein |
(09) George M. Smart
(10) Wes M. Taylor
(11) Jesse T. Williams, Sr. |
FOR all nominees listed above (except as marked to the contrary) |
o WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to vote for all nominees listed above |
To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee, strike a line through that nominees name above.
2. |
Ratification of the appointment of the independent registered public accounting firm |
o |
o |
o |
Your Board of Directors recommends a vote AGAINST Items 3 through 6. |
Shareholder proposal:
Reduce the Percentage of Shares Required to Call Special
Shareholder Meeting |
Shareholder proposal:
Adopt Policy to Retain Shares Following Termination of Employment
Shareholder proposal:
Permit Shareholder Action by Written Consent
Shareholder proposal:
Adopt a Majority Vote Standard for the Election of Directors
Date: |
Please sign exactly as your name appears to the left. |
FirstEnergy Corp. Savings Plan
To: State Street Bank and Trust Company, Trustee of the FirstEnergy Corp. Savings Plan
As a participant and a named fiduciary in the FirstEnergy Savings Plan, I direct State
Street Bank and Trust Company, Trustee, to vote, as directed, shares of FirstEnergy common stock
which are allocated to my account, and also my proportionate number of shares which have not been
allocated to participants or for which no voting instructions are received, at the Annual Meeting
of Shareholders on May 18, 2010, or at any adjournment. I understand my vote will be held in
confidence by the Trustee.
These confidential voting instructions relate to the proposals more fully described in the
enclosed Proxy Statement for the Annual Shareholders Meeting and to any other business that may
properly come before the Meeting.
To direct the Trustee to vote the allocated shares by mail, please sign this voting instruction
form on the reverse side and mail. To direct the Trustee to vote the allocated shares by telephone
or Internet, please follow the instructions on the reverse side and use the number printed in Box
To direct the Trustee to vote the uninstructed and unallocated shares by mail, please sign this
voting instruction form below and mail. To direct the Trustee to vote the uninstructed and
unallocated shares by telephone or Internet, please follow the instructions on the reverse side and
use the number printed in Box B.
Please sign and date the voting instruction form below and fold and detach the card at perforation before mailing. ê
Indicate your direction by marking an (x) in the appropriate boxes below. If no directions
are indicated, the shares represented by this signed voting instruction form will be voted as your
Board of Directors recommends, which is FOR Items 1 and 2 and AGAINST Items 3 through 6.
1. |
Election of Directors: |
(01) Paul T. Addison
(02) Anthony J. Alexander
(03) Michael J. Anderson
(04) Dr. Carol A. Cartwright |
(05) William T. Cottle
(06) Robert B. Heisler, Jr.
(07) Ernest J. Novak, Jr.
(08) Catherine A. Rein |
(09) George M. Smart
(10) Wes M. Taylor
(11) Jesse T. Williams, Sr. |
o FOR all nominees listed above (except as marked to the contrary) |
o WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to vote for all nominees listed above |
To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee, strike a line through that nominees name above.
2. |
Ratification of the appointment of the independent registered public accounting firm |
o |
o |
o |
Your Board of Directors recommends a vote AGAINST Items 3 through 6. |
Shareholder proposal:
Reduce the Percentage of Shares Required to Call Special
Shareholder Meeting |
Shareholder proposal:
Adopt Policy to Retain Shares Following Termination of Employment
Shareholder proposal:
Permit Shareholder Action by Written Consent
Shareholder proposal:
Adopt a Majority Vote Standard for the Election of Directors
Date: |
Please sign exactly as your name appears to the left. |
76 South Main Street
Akron, Ohio 44308 |
Rhonda S. Ferguson
Corporate Secretary
April 2, 2010
Dear Savings Plan Participant:
FirstEnergys 2010 Annual Meeting of Shareholders will be held Tuesday, May 18, 2010. Your
Voting Instruction Form is enclosed. Savings Plan participants who do not own shares of common
stock outside of the plan are also receiving a Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders and Proxy
Statement with this mailing. If you hold other shares, you will receive proxy materials and an
Annual Report in a separate mailing or through intra-office mail.
We encourage you to vote your shares of common stock in the Savings Plan on each of the six
business items being presented at the meeting, including four shareholder proposals. Your Board of
Directors recommends that you vote:
FOR Item 1, the election of the 11 nominees to the Board of Directors listed
in the Proxy Statement; |
FOR Item 2, the ratification of the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers
LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for 2010; and |
AGAINST the four shareholder proposals, which are Items 3 through 6. The
reasons for voting against these proposals are discussed in the Proxy
Statement. |
You can vote easily and quickly using a touch-tone telephone by calling toll-free at
1-888-693-8683. Or, you can use the Internet to vote by going to Please have
your Voting Instruction Form in hand and follow the simple instructions when voting by telephone or
Internet. If you elect to vote by mail, please complete, sign, date, and return your Voting
Instruction Form in the enclosed postage-paid envelope.
Your vote on these business items is very important to the Company. We encourage you to vote
promptly. The Trustee must receive all votes by 6:00 a.m., Eastern time, on Monday, May 17, 2010.
Thank you for taking the time to vote.
South Main Street
Akron, Ohio
S. Ferguson
April 2,
Dear Shareholder:
You are invited to attend the 2010 FirstEnergy Corp. Annual
Meeting of Shareholders at 10:30 a.m., Eastern time, on
Tuesday, May 18, 2010, at the John S. Knight Center,
77 E. Mill Street, Akron, OH. Please see your proxy
card for directions to the meeting.
As you may recall, you previously consented to accessing
FirstEnergys annual reports and proxy statements on the
Internet instead of receiving paper copies. To access and
view the proxy statement and annual report, please go to the
Internet address listed on your proxy card under voting option
Vote by Internet.
The Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders is printed on the
back of this letter. As part of the agenda, business to be voted
on includes six items which are explained in the proxy
statement. The first two items are the election of the 11
nominees to your Board of Directors named in the proxy statement
and the ratification of the appointment of our independent
registered public accounting firm. Your Board of Directors
recommends that you vote FOR Items 1 and 2. In
addition, there are four shareholder proposals. Your Board of
Directors recommends that you vote AGAINST these shareholder
proposals, which are Items 3 through 6.
Enclosed is your proxy card, which provides instructions to
appoint your proxy and vote your shares. We encourage you to
take advantage of the telephone or Internet voting options.
Please note that since you already have consented to
accessing FirstEnergys annual reports and proxy statements
on the Internet, it is not necessary when voting your
shares to again provide consent.
If you wish to receive a paper copy of the annual report and
proxy statement with your proxy card in the future, or if you
would like a paper copy of this years documents, please
call Shareholder Services at
(800) 736-3402.
Your vote and support are important to us. We hope you will join
us at this years Annual Meeting.
To the Holders of Shares of Common Stock:
The 2010 FirstEnergy Corp. Annual Meeting of Shareholders will
be held at 10:30 a.m., Eastern time, on Tuesday,
May 18, 2010, at the John S. Knight Center,
77 E. Mill Street, Akron, OH. The purpose of the
Annual Meeting will be to:
Elect the 11 nominees to the Board of Directors named in the
attached proxy statement to hold office until the next Annual
Ratify the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our
independent registered public accounting firm for 2010;
Vote on four shareholder proposals, if properly presented at the
Annual Meeting; and
Take action on other business that may come properly before the
Annual Meeting and any adjournment or postponement thereof.
Please read the accompanying proxy statement and vote your
shares by following the instructions on your proxy card to
ensure your representation at the Annual Meeting.
Only shareholders of record at the close of business on
March 22, 2010, or their proxy holders, may vote at the
On behalf of the Board of Directors,
Rhonda S. Ferguson
Corporate Secretary
This notice and proxy statement are being mailed to shareholders
on or about April 2, 2010.