(Rule 14a-101)
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934
Filed by the Registrant þ
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant o
Check the appropriate box:
o Preliminary Proxy Statement.
o Confidential, for use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2)).
þ Definitive Proxy Statement.
o Definitive Additional Materials.
o Soliciting Material Pursuant to § 240.14a-12.
Vulcan Materials Company
(Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
þ |
No fee required. |
o |
Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11. |
(1) |
Title of each class of securities to which transaction
(2) |
Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
(3) |
Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to
Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and
state how it was determined):
(4) |
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
(5) |
Total fee paid:
o |
Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
o |
Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and
identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous
filing by registration statement number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing. |
(1) |
Amount Previously Paid:
(2) |
Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
(3) |
Filing Party:
(4) |
Date Filed:
1200 Urban Center Drive
Birmingham, Alabama 35242
March 25, 2009
Dear Fellow Shareholder:
You are cordially invited to attend the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of Vulcan Materials
Company, which will be held at the companys headquarters, 1200 Urban Center Drive, Birmingham,
Alabama 35242, on May 8, 2009, at 9:00 a.m., Central Daylight Time.
We hope that you will attend the meeting. However, whether or not you plan to attend the meeting,
we encourage you to vote by proxy. We are once again taking advantage of the Securities and
Exchange Commission rule that allows companies to furnish their proxy materials over the Internet.
As a result, we are mailing to many of our shareholders a notice instead of a paper copy of this
proxy statement and our 2008 Annual Report to Shareholders. The notice contains instructions on how
each of our shareholders may receive a paper copy of our proxy materials, including this proxy
statement, our 2008 Annual Report to Shareholders and proxy card. All shareholders who do not
receive a notice will receive a paper copy of the proxy materials by mail. We believe that this
process provides shareholders with the information they need, while conserving our natural
resources and reducing the costs of printing and distributing our proxy materials.
For your convenience, you can vote your proxy in one of the following ways:
- |
Use the Internet at the web address shown on your proxy card; |
- |
Use the telephone number shown on your proxy card; or |
- |
Complete, sign, date and return the enclosed proxy card in the postage-paid envelope provided. |
Instructions regarding each method of voting are contained in the proxy statement and on the
enclosed proxy card. If you attend the Annual Meeting and desire to vote your shares personally
rather than by proxy, you may withdraw your proxy at any time before it is exercised. Your vote is
important. Whether you own one share or many, your prompt vote is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your ongoing support and continued interest in our company.
Sincerely yours,
Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer
1200 Urban Center Drive
Birmingham, Alabama 35242
To our Shareholders:
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 2009 Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Vulcan Materials Company
will be held at the companys headquarters, 1200 Urban Center Drive, Birmingham, Alabama 35242, on
Friday, May 8, 2009, at 9:00 a.m., Central Daylight Time, for the following purposes:
1. |
To elect five nominees as directors; |
2. |
To approve the 2009 Executive Incentive Plan; |
3. |
To ratify the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as our independent
registered public accounting firm for 2009; |
4. |
To vote on a shareholder proposal; and |
5. |
To conduct such other business as may properly come before the meeting or any
adjournments or postponements thereof. |
Only shareholders of record as of the close of business on March 16, 2009 are entitled to receive
notice of, to attend and to vote at the meeting.
By Order of the Board of Directors,
Birmingham, Alabama
March 25, 2009
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MAY 8, 2009
Why am I receiving these materials?
This proxy statement is furnished in connection with the solicitation by our Board of Directors of
proxies to be voted at the 2009 Annual Meeting of Shareholders for the purposes set forth in the
accompanying notice, and at any adjournments or postponements thereof. This proxy statement is
being sent to all shareholders of record as of the close of business on March 16, 2009 for use at
the 2009 Annual Meeting of Shareholders. This proxy statement, the enclosed proxy card and
Vulcans 2008 Annual Report to Shareholders are being first mailed or made available to our
shareholders on or about March 25, 2009. The meeting will be held at our companys headquarters,
1200 Urban Center Drive, Birmingham, Alabama 35242 on Friday, May 8, 2009, at 9:00 a.m., Central
Daylight Time.
Why did I receive a notice in the mail regarding the Internet availability of the proxy materials
instead of a paper copy of the proxy materials?
As with last year, we are pleased to be using the Securities and Exchange Commissions rule that
allows companies to furnish their proxy materials over the Internet. As a result, we are mailing
to many of our shareholders a notice about the Internet availability of proxy materials instead of
a paper copy of the proxy materials. All shareholders receiving the notice will have the ability
to access the proxy materials over the Internet and request to receive a paper copy of the proxy
materials by mail. Instructions on how to access the proxy materials over the Internet or to
request a paper copy may be found in the notice. In addition, the notice contains instructions on
how shareholders may request to receive proxy materials in printed form by mail or electronically
on an ongoing basis.
Why did I not receive a notice about the Internet availability of the proxy materials?
For those shareholders who did not receive a notice regarding Internet availability, our company
has determined to send to them paper copies of the proxy materials instead of a notice about the
Internet availability of the proxy materials.
How can I access the proxy materials over the Internet?
Your notice about the Internet availability of the proxy materials, proxy card or voting
instruction card will contain instructions on how to:
View our proxy materials for the 2009 Annual Meeting of Shareholders on the Internet;
and |
Instruct us to send our future proxy materials to you electronically. |
Choosing to receive your future proxy materials electronically will help us conserve natural
resources and reduce the costs of printing and distributing our proxy materials. If you choose to
receive future proxy materials electronically, we will provide instructions containing a link to
the website where those materials are available and a link to the proxy voting website. Your
election to receive proxy materials electronically will remain in effect until you revoke it.
How may I obtain a paper copy of the proxy materials?
Shareholders receiving a notice about the Internet availability of the proxy materials will find
instructions about how to obtain a paper copy of the proxy materials on their notice. All
shareholders who do not receive the notice will receive a paper copy of the proxy materials by
What should I do if I receive more than one notice about the Internet availability of the proxy
materials or more than one paper copy of the proxy materials?
You may receive more than one notice or more than one paper copy of the proxy materials, including
multiple paper copies of this proxy statement and multiple proxy cards or voting instruction cards.
For example, if you hold your shares in more than one brokerage account, you may receive a
separate notice or a separate voting instruction card for each brokerage account in which you hold
shares. If you are a shareholder of record and your shares are registered in more than one name,
you may receive more than one notice or more than one proxy card. To vote all of your shares by
proxy, you must complete, date, sign and return each proxy card and voting instruction card that
you receive or vote over the Internet or telephone the shares represented by each notice that you
receive (unless you have requested and received a proxy card or voting instruction card for the
shares represented by one or more of the notices).
Who can attend the Annual Meeting?
Only shareholders of our company as of the record date, March 16, 2009, their authorized
representatives and invited guests of our company will be able to attend the annual meeting.
Who is entitled to vote?
All of our shareholders as of the record date, March 16, 2009, will be entitled to vote at the 2009
Annual Meeting of Shareholders. As of the close of business on such date, we had 480,000,000
authorized shares of common stock, of which 110,505,762 shares were outstanding and entitled to
vote. Each share of common stock is entitled to one vote on each matter properly brought before
the meeting. Our amended and restated by-laws, as amended, do not provide for cumulative voting
and, accordingly, our shareholders do not have cumulative voting rights with respect to the
election of directors.
What is the difference between a registered shareholder and a beneficial holder of shares?
If your common stock is registered directly in your name with our transfer agent, Bank of New York
Mellon, you are considered a registered shareholder with respect to those shares. If this is the
case, the proxy materials, or the notice of Internet availability of proxy materials, have been
sent or provided directly to you.
If your common stock is held in a stock brokerage account or by a bank or other nominee, you are
considered the beneficial holder of the shares held for you in what is known as street name.
If this is the case, the proxy materials, or the notice of Internet availability of proxy
materials, have been forwarded to you by your brokerage firm, bank or other nominee, or their
agent, which is considered the shareholder of record with respect to these shares. As a beneficial
holder, you have the right to direct your bank, broker or nominee on how to vote the shares.
How do I vote?
Proxies are solicited to give all shareholders who are entitled to vote on the matters that come
before the meeting the opportunity to vote their shares whether or not they attend the meeting in
person. You can vote in one of the following manners:
By Internet Shareholders who received a notice about the Internet availability of the
proxy materials may submit proxies over the Internet by following the instructions on the
notice. Shareholders who have received a paper copy of a proxy card or voting instruction
card by mail may submit proxies over the Internet by following the instructions on the
proxy card or the voting instruction card. |
By Telephone Shareholders of record who live in the United States or Canada may submit
proxies by telephone by calling 1-888-313-0164 and following the instructions.
Shareholders of record who have received a notice about the Internet availability of the
proxy materials will need to have the control number that appears on their notice available
when voting. Shareholders of record who have received a proxy card by mail will need to
the control number that appears on their proxy card available when voting. In addition,
most shareholders who are beneficial owners of their shares living in the United States or
Canada and who have received a voting instruction card by mail may vote by phone by calling
the number specified on the voting instruction card provided by their broker, trustee or
nominee. Those shareholders should check the voting instruction card for telephone voting
availability. |
By Mail Shareholders who have received a paper copy of a proxy card by mail may submit
proxies by completing, signing and dating their proxy card and mailing it in the
accompanying pre-addressed envelope. |
In Person Shareholders of record may vote shares held in their name in person at the
annual meeting. Shares for which a shareholder is the beneficial holder but not the
shareholder of record may be voted in person at the annual meeting only if such shareholder
is able to obtain a legal proxy from the broker, trustee or nominee that holds the
shareholders shares, indicating that the shareholder was the beneficial holder as of the
record date and the number of shares for which the shareholder was the beneficial owner on
the record date. |
Shareholders are encouraged to vote their proxies by Internet, telephone or completing, signing,
dating and returning the enclosed proxy card, but not by more than one method. Choosing to vote
via the Internet or calling the toll-free number listed on the proxy card will save our company
expense. If you vote via the Internet or by telephone, please do not return a signed proxy card,
unless you change your vote. If you vote by more than one method, only the last vote that is
submitted will be counted, and each previous vote will be disregarded.
How do I specify how I want my shares voted?
You can specify how you want your shares voted on each proposal by marking the appropriate boxes on
the proxy card or submitting your vote on each proposal via the telephone or Internet. Please
review the voting instructions on the proxy card and read the entire text concerning the proposals
in this proxy statement prior to voting.
If a proxy is properly given and not revoked, it will be voted in accordance with the instructions,
if any, given by the shareholder. If your signed proxy card or your telephone or Internet
instructions do not specify how your shares are to be voted on a proposal, your shares will be
voted: (a) FOR the election of the nominees for directors described in the proxy statement; (b) FOR
the approval of the 2009 Executive Incentive Plan; (c) FOR ratification of the appointment of
Deloitte & Touche LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm; (d) AGAINST the
shareholder proposal; and (e) in accordance with the recommendation of our Board of Directors on
any other proposal that may properly come before the meeting or any postponement or adjournment
How are my shares voted if I am a beneficial holder and I do not return voting instructions?
Your shares may be voted if they are held in the name of a brokerage firm, even if you do not
provide the brokerage firm with voting instructions. Brokerage firms have the authority, under the
listing standards of the New York Stock Exchange, to vote shares on certain routine matters for
which their clients do not provide voting instructions by the tenth day before the meeting. The
election of directors and the ratification of our independent registered public accounting firm are
considered routine matters.
What items will be voted upon at the Annual Meeting?
There are four proposals that will be presented at the meeting:
election of five nominees for directors; |
approval of the 2009 Executive Incentive Plan; |
ratification of the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as our independent registered
public accounting firm for 2009; and |
consideration of a shareholder proposal. |
We know of no other matters that may be brought before the meeting. However, if any other matters
are properly presented for action, it is the intention of the proxies named on the proxy card to
vote on them consistent with the recommendations of our Board of Directors.
What are the Board of Directors voting recommendations?
For the reasons set forth in more detail later in this proxy statement, our Board recommends:
a vote FOR the election of each of the director nominees; |
a vote FOR approval of the 2009 Executive Incentive Plan; |
a vote FOR the ratification of the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as our
independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009;
and |
a vote AGAINST the shareholder proposal. |
What constitutes a quorum for the Annual Meeting?
A majority of the shares of common stock entitled to vote, represented in person or by proxy, is
required to constitute a quorum. If a quorum is not present at the time of the Annual Meeting of
Shareholders, the shareholders entitled to vote, present in person or by proxy, shall have the
power to adjourn the Annual Meeting until a quorum shall be present or represented by proxy.
How many votes are required to pass the proposals?
The affirmative vote of a plurality of the votes cast is required to elect each of the director
nominees, and a majority of the votes cast is required to approve the 2009 Executive Incentive
Plan, to ratify the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP and to approve the shareholder proposal.
How are the votes counted?
For purposes of determining the number of votes cast with respect to a particular matter, only
those cast For or Against and, with respect to the election of directors, Withheld are
included. Abstentions and broker non-votes are counted only for purposes of determining whether a
quorum is present at the meeting, are not considered votes cast, and thus will not affect the
outcome of the vote on the proposals.
How can I revoke my proxy?
You may revoke your proxy at any time before it is voted at the meeting by taking one of the
following actions:
by giving written notice of the revocation prior to the 2009 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders to: Corporate Secretary, Vulcan Materials Company, 1200 Urban Center Drive,
Birmingham, Alabama 35242; |
by executing and delivering another valid proxy with a later date; |
by voting by telephone or Internet at a later date; or |
by attending the 2009 Annual Meeting of Shareholders and voting in person by written
ballot. |
If you vote by more than one method, only the last vote that is submitted will be counted, and each
previous vote will be disregarded.
Who counts the votes?
Tabulation of the votes cast at the meeting is conducted by Bank of New York Mellon, independent
inspectors of election.
Is my vote confidential?
Proxy instructions, ballots and voting tabulations that identify individual shareholders are
handled in a manner that protects your voting privacy. Your vote will not be disclosed either
within our company or to third parties, except: (1) as necessary to meet applicable legal
requirements; (2) to allow for the tabulation of votes and certification of the vote; and (3) to
facilitate a successful proxy solicitation.
Who will pay for the costs involved in the solicitation of proxies?
Our company is making this solicitation and will pay the entire cost of preparing, assembling,
printing, mailing and distributing the notices and these proxy materials and soliciting votes. In
addition to the mailing of notices and these proxy materials, the solicitation of proxies or votes
may be made in person or by telephone.
What is householding and how does it affect me?
Some banks and brokers may be participating in the practice of householding proxy statements and
annual reports. This means that only one copy of this proxy statement or our 2008 Annual Report to
Shareholders may have been sent to
multiple shareholders in your household. We will promptly
deliver a separate copy of either or both documents to you if you write or call us at the following
address or phone number: Vulcan Materials Company, P.O. Box 385014, Birmingham, Alabama
35238-5014, Attention: Mark D. Warren, Director, Investor Relations, phone: (205) 298-3220. If you
want to receive separate copies of our Annual Report to Shareholders and proxy statement in the
future, or if you are receiving multiple copies and would like to receive only one copy for your
household, you should contact your bank or broker, or you may contact us at the above address and
phone number.
Can I view the proxy statement and Annual Report on Form 10-K over the Internet instead of
receiving them in the mail?
You may access our companys proxy statement and Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended
December 31, 2008, included in our 2008 Annual Report to Shareholders, via the Internet at under the heading Investor Relations. For next years shareholders
meeting, you can help us save significant printing and mailing expenses by consenting to access the
proxy statement, proxy card and Annual Report to Shareholders electronically over the Internet. If
you hold your shares in your own name (instead of through a bank, broker or other nominee), you can
choose this option by following the instructions at the Internet website at If you choose to receive your proxy materials and
Annual Report to Shareholders electronically, then prior to next years shareholders meeting you
will receive notification when the proxy materials and Annual Report to Shareholders are available
for on-line review over the Internet, as well as the instructions for voting electronically over
the Internet. Your choice for electronic distribution will remain in effect for subsequent
meetings, unless you revoke it prior to future meetings by sending a written request to: Corporate
Secretary, Vulcan Materials Company, 1200 Urban Center Drive, Birmingham, Alabama 35242, or by
revoking your request online.
A copy of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2008 will be provided to
you without charge upon written request to Mark D. Warren, Director, Investor Relations, Vulcan
Materials Company, 1200 Urban Center Drive, Birmingham, Alabama 35242.
In accordance with the amended and restated by-laws of our company, our Board of Directors is
required to be comprised of not fewer than nine nor more than 12 directors. Our by-laws further
provide that the number of directors may be set by a resolution of our Board of Directors.
Pursuant to our by-laws, the Board is divided into three classes, with the term of office of one
class expiring each year. One class is elected at each annual meeting to serve a three-year term.
Our by-laws provide that a director shall retire from the Board at the annual meeting following his
or her 72nd birthday, provided that the Board may waive the mandatory retirement age and nominate
such director for an additional term of one or more years if the Board determines that such an
extension is in the best interests of our company and its shareholders. Directors who will reach
retirement age before a three-year term would expire are elected to a term consistent with their
retirement date.
Our Board has nominated H. Allen Franklin, Richard T. OBrien and Donald B. Rice as directors to
serve three-year terms expiring in 2012. In addition, Philip W. Farmer has been nominated as a
director to serve a two-year term expiring in 2011, and James V. Napier has been nominated as a
director to serve a one-year term expiring in 2010. Unless otherwise directed, proxies will be
voted in favor of these five nominees. Should any of the nominees be unable to accept election,
the proxies will be voted for the election of such other person or persons nominated by our Board
on the recommendation of the Governance Committee. Each of the nominees has consented to serve if
elected, and our Board has no reason to believe that any of the persons nominated will be unable to
serve as a director.
H. Allen Franklin
Age: 64. Director since 2001.
Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Southern Company, Atlanta, Georgia (a
super-regional energy company in the Southeast and a leading U.S. producer of energy), from April
2004 until July 2004; Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer from April 2001 to April
Committee memberships: Audit; Executive; Compensation; Safety, Health
and Environmental Affairs. |
Richard T. OBrien
Age: 55. Director since 2008.
President and Chief Executive Officer of Newmont Mining Corporation, Greenwood Village, Colorado
(an international gold production company); President and Chief Financial Officer during 2006 and
2007; Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer from 2005 until 2006; Executive Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer, AGL Resources, Atlanta, GA (a natural gas distribution,
marketing and energy service company), from 2001 until 2005.
Other directorships: Newmont Mining Corporation.
Committee memberships: Audit; Safety, Health and Environmental Affairs. |
Donald B. Rice
Age: 69. Director since 1986.(*)
President and Chief Executive Officer of Agensys, Inc. (a Santa Monica, California based
biotechnology company developing monoclonal antibody therapeutics for cancer; since December 2007,
a subsidiary of Astellas Pharma, Inc.,), since 1996;
Other directorships: Chevron Corp.; Wells Fargo & Company.
Committee memberships: Compensation; Executive; Finance and Pension Funds; Governance. |
Phillip W. Farmer
Age: 70. Director since 1999.
Retired Chairman of the Board of Harris Corporation, Melbourne, Florida (an international
communications equipment company), from February 2003 until June 2003; Chairman, President and
Chief Executive Officer from June 2000 to February 2003.
Committee memberships: Audit; Executive; Governance; Finance and Pension Funds. |
James V. Napier
Age: 72. Director since 1983.
Retired Chairman of the Board of Scientific-Atlanta, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia (a manufacturer and
designer of telecommunication systems, satellite-based communications networks, and instrumentation
for industrial, telecommunications and government applications) from 1992 to 2000.
Other directorships: Intelligent Systems, Inc.; McKesson Corporation; WABTEC, Corp.
Committee memberships: Audit; Compensation; Finance and Pension Funds. |
The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR
each of the nominees named above.
Donald M. James
Age: 60. Director since 1996.
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Vulcan since May 1997.
Other directorships: The Southern Company; Wells Fargo & Company.
Committee memberships: Executive. |
(*) Dr. Rice was first elected a director in 1986, and served until May 1989, when he was
appointed Secretary of the Air Force. He was re-elected a director by our Board of Directors
on February 12, 1993. |
Ann McLaughlin Korologos
Age: 67. Director since 1990.(*)
A former U.S. Secretary of Labor; Chairman of the RAND Corporation Board of Trustees, Santa Monica,
California (a nonprofit institution that helps improve policy and decision making through research
and analysis), since April 2004; Senior Advisor to Benedetto, Gartland & Company, Inc. (an
investment banking firm in New York), from October 1996 until December 2005.
Other directorships: AMR Corporation; Harman International Industries,
Inc.; Kellogg Company; Host Hotels & Resorts, Inc.
Committee memberships: Finance and Pension Funds; Governance. |
Philip J. Carroll, Jr.
Age: 71. Director since 1999.
Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Fluor Corporation, Aliso Viejo, California (an
engineering, construction and diversified services company), from July 1998 to February 2002.
Other directorships: BAE Systems; Texas Medical Center; Environfuels, LLC.
Committee memberships: Compensation; Executive; Governance; Safety, Health and Environmental
Affairs. |
Douglas J. McGregor
Age: 68. Director since 1992.
Senior Advisor, Blue Point Capital Partners, Cleveland, Ohio (a national private equity firm),
since January 2003.
Committee memberships: Audit; Executive; Finance and Pension Funds;
Safety, Health and Environmental Affairs. |
Vincent J. Trosino
Age: 68. Director since 2003.
Retired President, Vice Chairman of the Board and Chief Operating Officer
of State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, Bloomington, Illinois
(a mutual insurance company), from 1998 until December 2006.
Committee memberships: Audit; Finance and Pension Funds; Safety, Health
and Environmental Affairs. |
(*) Ms. Korologos was first elected a director in 1990 and served until
May 14, 2004. She was re-elected a director by our Board of Directors on
July 13, 2007. |
The shareholders of the company are being asked to approve the Vulcan Materials Company 2009
Executive Incentive Plan (2009 EIP), a copy of which is attached to this Proxy Statement as
Appendix A. The 2009 EIP will replace the existing EIP that was approved by the
shareholders in 2001. The 2009 EIP is designed to continue the existing performance-based
incentive concepts used by our company for many years and to ensure the deductibility for federal
income purposes of awards to executive officers under the 2009 EIP. The proposed 2009 EIP provides
a greater range of potential performance goals to provide the Compensation Committee greater
latitude in establishing performance goals to incentivize the achievement of the strategic goals of
our company from time to time. Under Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended (the Code), publicly traded corporations are not permitted to deduct for federal income
tax purposes compensation paid to covered employees, as defined in the Code, to the extent that
payments for any year to any such employee exceed $1,000,000, unless the payments qualify for an
exception to the deductibility limit. One such exception is compensation paid under a
performance-based compensation plan which has been approved by shareholders.
Our Board of Directors believes that our companys compensation policy should continue to be
performance-based and implemented in a manner which maximizes the deductibility for federal income
tax purposes of compensation paid by the company. Therefore, in keeping with these objectives, the
Board has adopted, subject to shareholder approval, the 2009 EIP which is designed to provide that
any cash awards to our executive officers will qualify as performance-based compensation under
Section 162(m) of the Code.
The following is a summary description of the material terms of the 2009 EIP. This summary is
qualified in its entirety by reference to the full text of the 2009 EIP, which is attached hereto
as Appendix A.
The purpose of the 2009 EIP is to provide a means of rewarding certain executive officers of our
company who have contributed to the profitability of our company in a manner which permits such
compensation to be deducted for federal income tax purposes. The administration of the 2009 EIP is
vested in the Compensation Committee, each member of which is required to qualify as an
independent director as that term is defined in regulations under Section 162(m) of the Code.
The Compensation Committee has the power and authority (i) to designate, add and delete employees
as participants, (ii) establish target bonuses and maximum bonuses for participants and (iii)
establish performance goals upon achievement of which the target bonuses and maximum bonuses will
be based.
Participants in the 2009 EIP are those executive officers who could be covered employees as
defined in Section 162(m) and who are designated as participants by the Compensation Committee.
For 2009, seven executive officers will be eligible to participate in the 2009 EIP, if approved by
the shareholders. Pursuant to the 2009 EIP, the Compensation Committee shall establish a target
annual bonus and a maximum annual bonus for each participant. The maximum bonus cannot exceed four
times the target bonus. The maximum annual bonus for any participant may not exceed $7,000,000.
The Compensation Committee will establish performance goals for the payment of the maximum annual
bonus to each participant. The performance goals must be established within 90 days of the
beginning of each plan year, be in writing and be based upon the performance measures included in
the 2009 EIP. The performance measures that may be used under the 2009 EIP are: economic profit;
cash flow; cash flow from operations; total earnings; earnings per share, diluted or basic;
earnings per share from continuing operations, diluted or basic; cash earnings per share, diluted
or basic; cash earnings from continuing operations, diluted or basic; earnings before interest and
taxes; earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization; earnings from operations;
net asset turnover; inventory turnover; capital expenditures; net earnings; operating earnings;
cash earnings; gross or operating margin; debt; working capital; return on equity; return on net
assets; return on total assets; return on investment; return on capital; return on committed
capital; return on invested capital; return on sales; net or gross sales; market share; economic
value added; cost of capital; change in assets; expense reduction levels; debt reduction;
productivity; stock price; customer satisfaction; employee satisfaction; and total shareholder
In the event those performance goals are satisfied, the maximum bonus may be paid to each
participant, subject to the Compensation Committees discretion to adjust the bonus downward. In
determining the downward adjustment, if any, the Compensation Committee may utilize a
pre-established objective formula or standard or such other financial or non-financial factors as
the Compensation Committee determines.
The 2009 EIP provides for payment of bonuses upon a change-in-control, without regard to the
limitations of Section 162(m). The bonus determination for the year in which the change of control
occurs will be the greater of the target bonus, the target bonus adjusted for actual performance or
the average of bonuses paid in the three prior years. Amounts to be paid
upon a change-in-control will be offset by annual incentive compensation for the same period paid
under any employment or severance agreement with a participant to avoid duplication of benefits.
Our Board may amend or terminate the 2009 EIP at any time, provided that any amendments made are
consistent with the provisions of the Code and do not adversely affect our ability to deduct the
compensation which may be paid pursuant to the 2009 EIP for federal income tax purposes. No
amendment that requires shareholder approval under the Code will become effective without such
It is the intent of the Board that the awards made pursuant to the 2009 EIP to the executives will
approximate the bonuses historically paid by our company pursuant to the old EIP adjusted to
reflect future performance of the company. As discussed above, awards will be based upon
the future achievement of certain performance goals, and no incentive compensation under the 2009
EIP has yet been awarded or earned by any covered employee. Accordingly, the amount of incentive
compensation to be paid in the future to the companys current and future covered employees under
the 2009 EIP cannot be determined at this time, as actual amounts will depend on the size of such
awards, on actual performance and on the Compensation Committees discretion to reduce such
amounts. No bonuses will be paid under the 2009 EIP unless it is approved by shareholders.
The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR
the proposal to approve the Executive Incentive Plan
The Audit Committee, which is comprised solely of independent directors, has appointed Deloitte &
Touche LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm for our company and its
subsidiaries for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009. The function of the independent
registered public accounting firm is to audit our accounts and records; to report on the
consolidated balance sheet, the related statements of consolidated earnings, consolidated
shareholders equity and consolidated statements of cash flows of our company and its subsidiaries;
and to perform such other appropriate accounting services as may be required by the Audit
Committee. Although shareholder ratification is not required, our Board has determined that it
would be desirable to request an expression from the shareholders as to whether or not they support
this appointment. Even if the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP is ratified by majority of the
votes cast at the meeting, the Audit Committee may, in its discretion, direct the appointment of
another independent registered accounting firm at any time during the year, if it believes such
appointment is in the best interests of the company and the shareholders. If a majority of the
votes cast at the meeting fails to ratify the selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP as our independent
registered public accounting firm, the Audit Committee will consider the selection of another
independent registered public accounting firm for the year 2009.
The firm of Deloitte & Touche LLP, or its predecessors, has audited our financial statements since
1956. A representative of that firm is expected to be present at the meeting, will be given an
opportunity to make a statement and will be available to respond to appropriate questions.
The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR
the proposal to ratify the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as our companys
independent registered public accounting firm.
The company has been advised that the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
Pension Plan, 1625 L Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20036, a beneficial owner of 697 shares of the
companys common stock, intends to present the following proposal and supporting statement at the
annual meeting.
Our Board of Directors strongly opposes the adoption of the proposal and asks you to review our
Boards response, which follows the proponents supporting statement.
Shareholder Proposal
RESOLVED, that shareholders of Vulcan Materials Company (Vulcan) urge the Compensation Committee
of the Board of Directors (the Committee) to adopt a policy requiring that senior executives
retain a significant percentage of shares acquired through equity compensation programs until two
years following the termination of their employment (through retirement or otherwise), and to
report to shareholders regarding the policy before Vulcans 2010 annual meeting of shareholders.
The shareholders recommend that the Committee not adopt a percentage lower than 75% of net
after-tax shares. The policy should address the permissibility of transactions such as hedging
transactions which are not sales but reduce the risk of loss to the executive.
Supporting Statement
Equity-based compensation is an important component of senior executive compensation at Vulcan.
According to the Vulcan 2008 proxy statement, our company pays a meaningful portion of named
executive officers total compensation in common stock to facilitate the accumulation of
significant ownership of our stock in order to align the interests of management and shareholders.
In 2007, Chairman and CEO Donald James realized more than $12 million in reported value through the
exercise of 60,000 options and vesting of 66,719 shares, yet the 2008 proxy statement disclosed
that Mr. James owned only 157,156 shares outright as of March 1, 2008. Thus, we believe that the
alignment benefits touted by Vulcan are not being fully realized.
We believe there is a link between shareholder wealth and executive wealth that correlates to
direct stock ownership by executives. According to an analysis conducted by Watson Wyatt
Worldwide, companies whose CFOs held more shares generally showed higher stock returns and better
operating performance. (Alix Stuart, Skin in the Game, CFO Magazine (March 1, 2008))
Requiring senior executive to hold a significant portion of shares obtained through compensation
plans after the termination of employment would focus them on Vulcans long-term success and would
better align their interests with those of Vulcan shareholders. In the context of the current
financial crisis, we believe it is imperative that companies reshape their compensation policies
and practices to discourage excessive risk-taking and promote long-term, sustainable value
creation. A 2002 report by a commission of The Conference Board endorsed the idea of a holding
requirement, stating that the long-term focus promoted thereby may help prevent companies from
artificially propping up stock prices over the short-term to cash out options and making other
potentially negative short-term decisions.
Vulcan has a minimum stock ownership guideline requiring executives to own a number of shares of
Vulcan stock as a multiple of salary. The executives covered by the policy have five years in
which to comply. We believe this policy does not go far enough to ensure that equity compensation
builds executive ownership, especially given the extended time period for compliance. We also view
a retention requirement approach as superior to a stock ownership guideline because a guideline
loses effectiveness once it has been satisfied.
We urge shareholders to vote for this proposal.
Company Statement in Opposition
The Board has considered the aforementioned proposal and has concluded that it is not in the best
interests of the shareholders.
The Board agrees that senior executives of our company should hold a significant equity ownership
in our company in order to align the interests of management and shareholders. This belief is
reflected in our companys Stock Ownership Guidelines which require our senior officers to own
stock at the following levels:
Chief Executive Officer:
seven times base salary |
Other Senior Officers:
three to five times base salary |
In fact, in order to align the interest of management and shareholders, our company has extended
the stock ownership requirements not only to the Named Executive Officers but also to almost 100
management employees. Most of our senior executives who are subject to the stock ownership
requirements hold stock well above their respective ownership targets. As of December 31, 2008,
Mr. James held stock with a value of approximately 17 times his base salary, while the other
Named Executive Officers in this proxy statement exceeded their respective ownership targets by an
average of over 190%. Many of these shares are held by Mr. James and the other senior executives
in deferred compensation accounts that require
the shares to be retained, in most cases, until six
months after retirement. These deferred shares are shown under the column titled Deferred Stock
Units on page 23.
By virtue of the stock ownership guidelines and deferred compensation program, we believe we have
already fulfilled the purposes of the shareholder proposal. Likewise, we believe the retention
policy set forth by the proponent is not a common practice among our companys peers and could
result in negative consequences. For instance, this type of retention policy could incent a person
to leave our company in order to realize the value of his or her earned equity compensation. The
policy would also limit our executives ability to diversify their personal assets, which are
already very heavily weighted in our companys stock, or engage in estate planning or charitable
giving. As a result, if the stock retention policy proposed by the proponent were adopted, we
believe it would be more difficult to recruit, motivate and retain talented executives, which would
ultimately be detrimental to the long-term interests of our company and our shareholders.
Our Compensation Committee devotes significant attention to researching and implementing well
thought-out equity compensation plans and programs, including consultation with an independent
compensation consultant. We have designed our stock ownership guidelines to align the long-term
interests of senior executives and shareholders, which are the stated goals of the proponent. We
believe these guidelines strike the right balance between ensuring that our senior executives have
a significant equity stake in Vulcans future while allowing them to prudently manage their
financial affairs. For these reasons, we believe that adopting the proposal would not be in the
best interests of our shareholders.
The Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote AGAINST the shareholder proposal.
Our company takes its corporate governance responsibilities very seriously and has adopted
Corporate Governance Guidelines that provide a framework for the governance of our company. The
Guidelines build on practices that we have followed for many years and, we believe, demonstrate our
continuing commitment to corporate governance excellence.
In addition, we have a Business Conduct Policy that applies to all of our employees and directors
and deals with a variety of corporate compliance issues, including conflicts of interest,
compliance with laws, confidentiality of company information, fair dealing and use of company
assets. All employees and directors are required to fill out a questionnaire annually regarding
their personal compliance with the Business Conduct Policy and are encouraged to report any illegal
or unethical behavior of which they become aware.
Our Board has adopted a Code of Ethics for the Chief Executive Officer and Senior Financial
Officers. The Code of Ethics defines Senior Financial Officers to include the Chief Financial
Officer, Controller and Principal Accounting Officer. The Code of Ethics covers such topics as
financial reporting, conflicts of interest and compliance with laws. If we make any amendment to,
or waiver of, any provision of the Code of Ethics, we will disclose such information on our
website. As discussed in this proxy statement, our Governance Committee regularly reviews
corporate governance developments and adopts appropriate practices as warranted. You can access
our amended and restated by-laws, Corporate Governance Guidelines, Business Conduct Policy and Code
of Ethics at our website or you can obtain a printed copy free of charge by
writing to us at: Corporate Secretary, Vulcan Materials Company, 1200 Urban Center Drive,
Birmingham, Alabama 35242. Please note that the information contained on our website is not
incorporated by reference in, nor considered to be a part of, this proxy statement.
Director Independence
Our Board believes that all of the directors, with the exception of Messrs. Donald M. James and
John D. Baker II, who is not standing for re-election, are independent under the New York Stock
Exchange listing standards, our Boards Director Independence Criteria, and the applicable SEC
rules and regulations. The New York Stock Exchange listing standards provide that a director does
not qualify as independent unless our Board affirmatively determines that the director has no
material relationship with our company (either directly or as a partner, shareholder or officer of
an organization that has a relationship with our company). The New York Stock Exchange rules
require a board to consider all of the relevant facts and circumstances in determining the
materiality of a directors relationship with our company and permit the Board to
adopt and disclose standards to assist the Board in making determinations of independence.
Accordingly, the Board has adopted the Director Independence Criteria to assist it in determining
whether a director has a material relationship with our company. The Director Independence
Criteria provide that a director will be considered independent if he or she:
(a) |
has not been an employee of our company, or any of its consolidated
subsidiaries, during the last three years; |
(b) |
has not received more than $120,000 per year in direct compensation from
our company, or any of its consolidated subsidiaries, other than director and
committee fees and pension or other forms of deferred compensation for prior
service (provided such compensation is not contingent in any way on continued
service) during the last three years; |
(c) |
is not a current partner or employee of our companys independent auditor
and has not been employed by the present or former independent auditor of our
company and personally worked on our companys audit during the last three years. |
(d) |
during the last three years, has not been part of an interlocking
directorate in which an executive officer of our company, or any of its
consolidated subsidiaries, served on the compensation committee of another
company that concurrently employs the director; |
(e) |
is not, and has not been in the past three years, an executive officer or
an employee of another company (exclusive of charitable organizations) that makes
payments to, or receives payments from, our company, or any of its consolidated
subsidiaries, for property or services in an amount which, in any single fiscal
year, exceeds the greater of $1,000,000 or 2% of the consolidated gross revenues
of such other company; |
(f) |
has no immediate family member who is an executive officer of our
company, or any of its consolidated subsidiaries; |
(g) |
has no immediate family member meeting any of the criteria set forth in
(b)-(e); except with respect to item (c) in which case an immediate family member
may be an employee (not a partner) of the independent auditor so long as such
family member does not personally work on our companys audit; and |
(h) |
has no other material relationship with our company, or any of its
consolidated subsidiaries, either directly or as a partner, shareholder, director
or officer of an organization that has a material relationship with our company
or any of its consolidated subsidiaries. |
For purposes of determining director independence, immediate family member is defined as a
spouse, parents, children, siblings, mothers and fathers-in-law, sons and daughters-in-law,
brothers and sisters-in-law and anyone (other than domestic employees) who share the directors
home. Individuals who are no longer immediate family members as a result of legal separation or
divorce, or those who have died or become incapacitated, are not taken into consideration with
respect to the determination of a directors independence.
Further, the Director Independence Criteria require our Board to consider all relevant facts and
circumstances, including a directors commercial, industrial, banking, consulting, legal,
accounting, familial and charitable relationships and such other criteria as our Board may
determine from time to time.
In February 2009, the Board conducted an evaluation of director independence, based on the Director
Independence Criteria, the New York Stock Exchange listing standards and applicable SEC rules and
regulations. In connection with this review, the Board evaluated commercial, industrial, banking,
consulting, legal, accounting, familial and charitable relationships with each director or
immediate family member and their related interests and our company and its subsidiaries, including
those relationships described under Other Matters Relating to Executive Officers and Directors.
As a result of this evaluation, the Board affirmatively determined that Messrs. Carroll, Farmer,
Franklin, McGregor, Napier, OBrien, Rice, Smith and Trosino and Ms. Korologos are independent
directors under our Boards Director Independence Criteria, the New York Stock Exchange listing
standards and the applicable SEC rules and regulations.
Director Nomination Process
The Governance Committee considers director candidates recommended by our shareholders. Any
shareholder wishing to recommend a candidate for election at the 2010 Annual Meeting must submit
that recommendation in writing, addressed to the Governance Committee, in care of our Corporate
Secretary, at 1200 Urban Center Drive, Birmingham, Alabama 35242, by November 27, 2009. The notice
should include the following:
The name and address of the shareholder who intends to make the nomination(s) and of the
person or persons to be nominated; |
A representation that the shareholder is a holder of record or a beneficial holder of
stock entitled to vote at the meeting (including the number of shares the shareholder owns)
and intends to appear in person or by proxy at the meeting to nominate the person or
persons specified in the notice; |
A description of all arrangements and understandings between the shareholder and each
nominee and any other person or persons (naming such person or persons) pursuant to which
the nomination or nominations are to be made by the shareholder; |
Such other information regarding each nominee proposed by such shareholder as would have
been required to be included in a proxy statement filed pursuant to the proxy rules of the
SEC (whether or not such rules are applicable) had each nominee been nominated, or intended
to be nominated, by our Board of Directors, including the candidates name, biographical
information, and qualifications; and |
The written consent of each nominee to serve as a director if so elected, with such
written consent attached thereto. |
The Governance Committee will identify nominees by first evaluating the current members of our
Board willing to continue service. Current members of our Board with skills and experience that
are relevant to our business and who are willing to continue in service are considered for
nomination, balancing the value of continuity of service by existing members of our Board with the
potential benefits of obtaining new Board members. If any member of the Board does not wish to
continue in service or if the Governance Committee, or the Board decides not to nominate a current
Board member for reelection, the Governance Committee may identify the desired skills and
experience for a new nominee in light of the above criteria. Directors and members of management
also may suggest candidates for Board service. Timely recommendations by our shareholders will
receive equal consideration by the Governance Committee. In some cases the committee engages, for
a fee, the services of a third-party executive search firm to assist it in identifying and
evaluating nominees for director.
Meetings and Attendance
Our Board held five meetings in 2008. In 2008, each director attended more than 75% of the total
number of meetings of the Board and meetings of the committees of which he or she was a member.
Annual Meeting Policy
Our directors are expected to attend the Annual Meeting of Shareholders. In furtherance of this
policy, our Board holds a regularly scheduled Board meeting on the same day as the Annual Meeting
of Shareholders. In 2008, all of the Board members attended the Annual Meeting in May.
Non-Management Executive Sessions and Presiding Director
Our Board of Directors has adopted a policy relating to non-management executive sessions. Under
this policy, the Board of Directors meets at each regularly scheduled Board meeting in an executive
session in which management directors and other members of management do not participate. During
2008, the non-management directors met in executive session five times.
Each year at the May Board meeting, our Board designates a non-management presiding director, a
position which is filled by rotation among the chairs of our Board committees. The duties of the
presiding director are delineated in our Corporate Governance Guidelines, which are available on
our website at The Chairman of the Compensation Committee, Mr. Carroll,
served as the presiding director at the executive sessions after the annual meeting in
2008. Douglas J. McGregor, Chairman of the Finance and Pension Funds Committee, will serve as the
presiding director following the 2009 annual meeting.
Committees of the Board of Directors
Our Board of Directors has established six standing committees as follows:
Executive Committee; |
Audit Committee; |
Compensation Committee; |
Governance Committee; |
Safety, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee; and |
Finance and Pension Funds Committee. |
The charters of the Audit, Compensation and Governance Committees are available on our website at, or you can obtain a printed copy free of charge by writing to us at:
Corporate Secretary, Vulcan Materials Company, 1200 Urban Center Drive, Birmingham, Alabama 35242.
The Audit, Compensation and Governance Committees are comprised entirely of independent,
non-management directors.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee has the same powers as our Board of Directors, except as limited by the New
Jersey Business Corporation Act. In practice, the powers of the Executive Committee are exercised
only for matters that arise between meetings of the Board. Members of the Executive Committee are
Messrs. James (Chair), Carroll, Farmer, Franklin, McGregor and Rice. The Executive Committee did
not meet in 2008.
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee advises our Board and management from time to time with respect to internal
controls, financial systems and procedures, accounting policies and other significant aspects of
our companys financial management. Pursuant to its charter, the Audit Committee selects our
companys independent registered public accounting firm and oversees the arrangements for, and
approves the scope of, the audits to be performed by the independent registered public accounting
firm. The Audit Committees primary responsibilities under its written charter include the
Hiring, evaluating and, when appropriate, replacing the independent registered public
accounting firm, whose duty it is to audit our books and accounts for the fiscal year in
which it is appointed; |
Determining the compensation to be paid to the independent registered public accounting
firm and, in its sole discretion, approving all audit and engagement fees and terms and
pre-approving all auditing and non-auditing services of such firm, other than certain de
minimis non-audit services; |
Reviewing and discussing with management, the independent registered public accounting
firm and internal auditors our internal reporting, audit procedures and the adequacy and
effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures; |
Reviewing and discussing with management and the independent registered public
accounting firm the audited financial statements to be included in our Annual Report on
Form 10-K, the quarterly financial statements to be included in our Quarterly Reports on
Form 10-Q, our disclosures under Managements Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Condition and Results of Operations, and the selection, application and disclosure of
accounting policies used in our financial statements; |
Reviewing and discussing with management quarterly earnings press releases and financial
information and earnings guidance provided to analysts and rating agencies; and |
Reviewing and reassessing the adequacy of the Audit Committee Charter adopted by our
Board of Directors, and recommending proposed changes to our Board of Directors. |
The members of the Audit Committee are Messrs. Farmer (Chair), Franklin, McGregor, Napier, OBrien
and Trosino. All members of our Audit Committee are non-management directors. Our Board of
Directors has determined that each is independent and financially literate within the meaning
of the listing standards of the New York Stock Exchange, SEC rules and regulations, and the
Director Independence Criteria adopted by our Board of Directors and posted on our website
at under Investor Relations. In addition, our Board has determined that
both Mr. Napier and Mr. OBrien are audit committee financial experts as defined by rules adopted
by the SEC. Mr. Napier has served on our Board since 1983 and on our Audit Committee since 1987.
Mr. OBrien joined our Board and the Audit Committee last year. The Audit Committee met six times
during 2008. Further detail about the role of the Audit Committee may be found in the Report of
the Audit Committee on page 19 of this proxy statement.
Compensation Committee
Pursuant to the Compensation Committee Charter, the Compensation Committee is responsible for,
among other things:
determining and setting the amount of compensation paid to each of our executive
officers, including the Chief Executive Officer, senior officers and division presidents; |
reviewing compensation plans relating to our officers; |
interpreting and administering the Executive Incentive Plan and the 2006 Omnibus
Long-Term Incentive Plan; and |
making recommendations to the Board with respect to compensation paid by our company to
any director. |
The Compensation Committee also reviews and discusses with management the Compensation Discussion
and Analysis required by SEC rules to be included in our proxy statement.
The Compensation Committee has engaged Compensation Strategies, Inc. as its independent
compensation consultant. For a description of the process undertaken by the Compensation Committee
to set compensation and the role of Compensation Strategies in that process, please refer to the
section entitled Compensation Discussion and Analysis in this proxy statement.
The members of the Compensation Committee are Messrs. Carroll (Chair), Franklin, Napier, Rice and
Smith. The Compensation Committee is comprised solely of non-management directors who are
independent within the meaning of the listing standards of the New York Stock Exchange and the
Boards Director Independence Criteria. The Compensation Committee met four times during 2008.
Governance Committee
The Governance Committee is responsible for reviewing and assessing our policies and practices
relating to corporate governance, including our Corporate Governance Guidelines. The Governance
Committee also plans for the succession of the Chief Executive Officer and other senior executives.
In addition, the Governance Committee serves as the nominating committee and as such it is
responsible for identifying and assessing candidates, including making recommendations to our Board
regarding such candidates. In fulfilling its responsibilities, the Governance Committee, among
other things:
identifies individuals qualified to become Board members consistent with criteria
established in its charter; |
recommends to our Board director nominees for the next annual meeting of shareholders;
and |
evaluates individuals suggested by shareholders as director nominees. |
In recommending director candidates to the Board, the Governance Committee charter requires the
committee to select individuals who, at a minimum, possess high ethical standards, integrity and
sound business judgment. In its assessment of each potential candidate, the Governance Committee
will review the candidates experience, potential conflicts of interest, understanding of our
companys industry or related industries, financial acumen and such other factors the committee
determines are pertinent in light of the current needs of the Board. The Governance Committee also
may take into account the contribution of the candidate to the diversity of the Board, the ability
of a candidate, if elected a director, to devote the time and effort necessary to fulfill his or
her responsibilities as a Board member, and the needs of our company given the range of talent and
experience represented on the Board. The Governance Committee believes it appropriate for at least
one member of the Board to meet the criteria for an audit committee financial expert as defined
by the SEC rules, and that a substantial majority of the members of the Board meet the definition
of independence as defined by the listing standards of the New York Stock Exchange and the
Boards Director Independence Criteria.
The Governance Committee also reviews our Boards committee structure and recommends to our Board,
for its approval, directors to serve as members of each committee. The Governance Committee also
is responsible for overseeing the evaluations of the Board and its committees.
Members of the Governance Committee are Dr. Rice (Chair), Ms. Korologos and Messrs. Carroll, Farmer
and Smith. The Governance Committee is comprised solely of non-management directors who are
independent within the meaning of the listing standards of the New York Stock Exchange and the
Boards Director Independence Criteria. The Governance Committee met three times during 2008.
Safety, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee
The Safety, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee has the responsibility for reviewing our
policies, practices and programs with respect to the management of safety, health and environmental
affairs and monitoring our compliance with safety, health and environmental laws and regulations.
Members of the Safety, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee are Messrs. Franklin (Chair),
Baker, Carroll, McGregor, OBrien, Smith and Trosino. The Committee met two times during 2008.
Finance and Pension Funds Committee
The Finance and Pension Funds Committee has responsibility for overseeing our financial policies
and recommending to our Board financial policies and actions to accommodate our goals and operating
strategies while maintaining a sound financial condition. Its functions include keeping informed
about our financial condition, recommending a dividend policy, reviewing and recommending changes
in the quarterly dividend payments, and evaluating and making recommendations concerning the
appropriate mix of debt and equity, incurrence of long-term debt, and changes in the authorized
limit of short-term debt. The Finance and Pension Funds Committee also is responsible for
overseeing the funding and management of assets for pension plans sponsored by our company. To
fulfill these functions, it establishes funding policies and methods consistent with pension plan
objectives and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, selects and removes investment
managers, and appoints trustees for the pension plans. Members of the Finance and Pension Funds
Committee are Mr. McGregor (Chair), Ms. Korologos and Messrs. Baker, Farmer, Napier, Rice and
Trosino. The Finance and Pension Funds Committee met two times in 2008.
Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
Transactions with Related Persons
The brother-in-law of Mr. Donald James, our Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, and the son of
Mr. Philip Carroll, Jr., a member of our Board of Directors, are both partners in a large law firm
that provides legal services to our company. In determining that this is not a material
relationship involving Mr. James or Mr. Carroll, our Board determined that payments made by our
company to the firm represented less than 1% of the firms consolidated gross revenues in 2008, and
the revenues from our company received by Mr. James brother-in-law and Mr. Carrolls son as a
result of their status as partners were not material. Additionally, our Board made the assessment
that Mr. Carroll was independent and that this was not a material relationship. Neither Mr. James
brother-in-law nor Mr. Carrolls son now has or has had in the past any interest in matters handled
by the firm for our company other than their proportional interest in the firms revenues, and
neither has received billing credit or a disproportionate percentage of the revenues as a result of
fees paid by our company to the firm.
Patriot Transportation Holding, Inc.
Mr. Baker serves as Chief Executive Officer and President and is a director of Patriot
Transportation Holding, Inc., or Patriot Transportation. Prior to its merger with our company,
Florida Rock Industries, Inc., or Florida Rock, entered into a joint venture agreement with a
subsidiary of Patriot Transportation called Florida Rock Properties, or FRP. The joint venture
agreement establishes a real estate joint venture to develop land located in Florida. Under the
terms of the joint venture, FRP contributed land that Florida Rock leased from FRP under a
long-term mining lease. Our company continues to mine the property and pay royalties to FRP for as
long as mining does not interfere with the development of the property. Florida Rock contributed a
parcel of land that it owned as well as its leasehold interest to land it was mining. It also
contributed another land parcel. Our company jointly controls the joint venture with FRP, and we
each have a mandatory obligation to fund additional capital contributions of up to $2 million.
Distributions also are made on a 50-50 basis.
The property does not yet have the necessary entitlements for real estate development. Approval to
develop real property in Florida entails an extensive entitlement process involving multiple and
overlapping regulatory jurisdictions, and the outcome is inherently uncertain. We expect that the
entitlement process may take several years to complete.
Transportation and Leasing Services
Patriot Transportation hauls petroleum products, cement, construction aggregates and other products
for our company. Patriot Transportation has numerous hauling competitors at all terminal and plant
sites and the rates charged are, accordingly, established by competitive conditions.
Our company also leases from FRP certain construction aggregates mining sites and other properties.
Our company paid rents, royalties and transportation services to subsidiaries of Patriot
Transportation totaling approximately $6,500,000 in 2008.
Shareholder Communication with Our Board of Directors
Our Board has established a process for shareholders and other interested parties to communicate
directly with the presiding director or with the non-management directors individually or as a
group. Any shareholder or other interested party who desires to contact one or more of our
non-management directors, including our Boards presiding director, may send correspondence to the
following address:
Board of Directors (or presiding director or name of individual director)
c/o Corporate Secretary
Vulcan Materials Company
1200 Urban Center Drive
Birmingham, Alabama 35242
All such communications will be forwarded to the appropriate director or directors specified in
such communications as soon as practicable in accordance with the Policy on Shareholder
Communications with the Board, adopted by the independent directors in February 2004.
Policy on Reporting of Concerns Regarding Accounting Matters
As provided on our website at under the heading Investor Relations under
the subheading Corporate Governance Contact the Board of Directors, any shareholder or
interested party who has any concerns or complaints relating to accounting, internal accounting
controls or auditing matters, may contact the Audit Committee by writing to the following address:
Vulcan Audit Committee
c/o Corporate Secretary
Vulcan Materials Company
1200 Urban Center Drive
Birmingham, Alabama 35242
The Audit Committee of the Board is responsible for, among other things, reviewing our companys
financial statements with management and our companys independent registered public accounting
firm. The Audit Committee acts under a written charter which is available on our website at Each member of the Audit Committee is an independent director as
determined by our Board, based on the requirements of the New York Stock Exchange, the SEC and our
Boards Director Independence Criteria.
Our companys management has the primary responsibility for our companys financial statements and
financial reporting process, including the system of internal controls. Deloitte & Touche LLP, our
independent registered public accounting firm, is responsible for expressing an opinion on the
conformity of our companys audited financial statements with generally accepted accounting
principles. Our independent registered public accounting firm also audits, in accordance with the
standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (the PCAOB), the effectiveness of our
companys internal control over financial reporting. The Audit Committee is responsible for
monitoring and overseeing these processes.
In this context, the Audit Committee has reviewed and discussed our companys audited financial
statements with management and the independent registered public accounting firm. The Audit
Committee has discussed with the independent registered public accounting firm the matters required
to be discussed by Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61 (Communication with Audit Committees), as
amended. In addition, the Audit Committee has received from the independent registered public
accounting firm the written disclosures and letter required by the applicable requirements of the
PCAOB regarding the independent accountants communications with the Audit Committee concerning
independence, and discussed with the independent accountant its independence. The Audit Committee
has also considered whether the independent registered public accounting firms provision of any
non-audit services is compatible with the firms independence. The Audit Committee has concluded
that the independent registered public accounting firm is independent from our company and
Based on the reviews and discussions noted above, the Audit Committee recommended to the Board of
Directors that the audited financial statements be included in our companys Annual Report on Form
10-K for the year ended December 31, 2008, for filing with the SEC.
Audit Committee |
Phillip W. Farmer, Chair |
H. Allen Franklin |
Douglas J. McGregor |
James V. Napier |
Richard T. OBrien |
Vincent J. Trosino |
Dated: February 13, 2009
The Report of the Audit Committee does not constitute soliciting
material, and shall not be deemed to be filed or incorporated by
reference into any other company filing under the Securities Act of
1933, as amended, or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,
except to the extent that the company specifically incorporates the
Report of the Audit Committee by reference therein.
Fees Paid to Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
Aggregate fees billed to us for the fiscal years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007, by Deloitte &
Touche LLP, and its affiliates, all of which are subsidiaries of Deloitte, LLP, the United States
member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, are as follows:
2008 |
2007 |
Audit Fees(1) |
$ |
4,231,315 |
$ |
4,272,373 |
Audit Related Fees(2) |
420,014 |
500,067 |
Tax Fees(3) |
261,286 |
727,798 |
All Other Fees |
0 |
0 |
Total |
$ |
4,912,615 |
$ |
5,500,238 |
(1) |
Consists of fees for the audit of our financial statements, including the audit of
the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting, reviews of our quarterly
financial statements, services associated with other Securities and Exchange Commission
filings, and services associated with public debt offerings. |
(2) |
Includes fees for the audits of our employee benefit plans and for due diligence
services in 2007 related to our acquisition of Florida Rock. |
(3) |
Consists of tax fees for services related to tax integration resulting from our
acquisition of Florida Rock and for tax consulting services. |
Pre-Approval of Services Performed by Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
The Audit Committee has policies and procedures that require the pre-approval by the Audit
Committee of all fees paid to, and all services performed by, our companys independent registered
public accounting firm. At the beginning of each year, the Audit Committee approves the proposed
services, including the nature, type and scope of services contemplated and the related fees, to be
rendered by the independent registered public accounting firm during the year.
During the year, circumstances may arise when it may become necessary to engage the independent
registered public accounting firm for additional services not contemplated in the original
pre-approval. In those instances, the Audit Committee requires specific pre-approval before
engaging the independent registered public accounting firm. The Audit Committee has delegated
pre-approval authority to the Chair of the Audit Committee for those instances when pre-approval is
needed prior to a scheduled Audit Committee meeting. The Chair of the Audit Committee must report
on such approvals at the next scheduled Audit Committee meeting. The Audit Committee pre-approved
all audit, audit-related, tax and other services performed by Deloitte & Touche LLP during the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2008.
No audit-related, tax or other services were rendered in 2008 pursuant to the de minimis exception
to the pre-approval requirement set forth in the Securities Exchange Act Rule 2-01(c)(7)(i)(C).
Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners
The following is information regarding persons known to us to have beneficial ownership of more
than 5% of the outstanding common stock of our company, which is our only outstanding class of
voting securities, as of the dates indicated in the footnotes below.
Amount and Nature of |
Name and Address of |
Beneficial Ownership |
Percent of |
Beneficial Owner |
(# of shares) |
Class |
State Farm Mutual Automobile
Company and Affiliates |
12,064,773 |
(1) |
10.9 |
% |
One State Farm Plaza |
Bloomington, Illinois 61710 |
Capital World Investors |
8,588,530 |
(2) |
7.8 |
% |
333 South Hope Street
Los Angeles, CA 90071 |
Davis Selected Advisors, L.P. |
8,140,033 |
(3) |
7.39 |
% |
2949 East Elvira Road, Suite 101
Tucson, Arizona 85706 |
(1) |
Based on information contained in the Schedule 13G, dated January 30, 2009, filed
with the SEC. According to this Schedule 13G, the total includes sole voting power over
12,017,600 shares and sole dispositive power over 47,173 shares. |
(2) |
Based on information contained in a Schedule 13G dated February 6, 2009, filed with
the SEC. Of the total number of shares beneficially owned, the listed entity has sole voting
power over 628,530 shares and sole dispositive power over 8,588,530 shares. |
(3) |
Based on information contained in a Schedule 13G/A, dated February 13, 2009, filed
with the SEC. Of the total number of shares beneficially owned, the listed entity has sole
voting power over 543,194 shares, and sole dispositive power over 8,140,033 shares. |
Security Ownership of Management
The following table sets forth information, unless otherwise indicated, as of March 1, 2009,
regarding beneficial ownership of our companys common stock, our only outstanding class of equity
securities, by each of our directors, each of our named executive officers identified in the
Summary Compensation Table on page 35 of this proxy statement, and the directors and executive
officers as a group. We believe that each individuals financial interest is aligned with the
interests of our shareholders because the value of the individuals total holdings will increase or
decrease in line with the price of our common stock.
Amount and |
Nature of |
Stock-Based |
Ownership |
Percent of |
Name |
(# of shares) |
Class |
Nonemployee Directors(1) |
John D. Baker II(2) |
3,634,413 |
3.29 |
% |
Philip J. Carroll, Jr. |
20,137 |
* |
Phillip W. Farmer(3) |
20,633 |
* |
H. Allen Franklin |
20,251 |
* |
Ann McLaughlin Korologos |
28,277 |
* |
Douglas J. McGregor(4) |
61,499 |
* |
James V. Napier |
24,096 |
* |
Richard T. OBrien(5) |
0 |
* |
Donald B. Rice |
62,782 |
* |
Orin R. Smith |
63,384 |
* |
Vincent J. Trosino |
21,358 |
* |
Chief Executive Officer and other
Named Executive Officers(6) |
Donald M. James |
1,684,120 |
1.52 |
% |
Guy M. Badgett, III |
275,506 |
* |
Daniel F. Sansone |
244,352 |
* |
Ronald G. McAbee |
173,303 |
* |
Danny R. Shepherd |
79,986 |
* |
All Directors and Executive Officers
as a group (18 persons) |
6,701,487 |
6.07 |
% |
* |
Less than 1% of issued and outstanding shares of our companys common stock. |
(1) |
Beneficial ownership for the nonemployee directors includes all shares held of
record or in street name, and, if noted, by trusts or family members. The amounts also
include restricted shares granted under our Restricted Stock Plan for Nonemployee Directors,
phantom shares settled in stock accrued under the Directors Deferred Compensation Plan, and
the Deferred Stock Plan for Nonemployee Directors, as follows: |
Shares Owned |
Phantom Shares Held |
Directly or Indirectly |
Restricted Shares |
Pursuant to Plans |
John D. Baker II |
3,631,045 |
0 |
3,368 |
Philip J. Carroll, Jr. |
5,950 |
0 |
20,137 |
Phillip W. Farmer |
6,550 |
0 |
19,633 |
H. Allen Franklin |
0 |
4,000 |
16,251 |
Ann McLaughlin Korologos |
7,694 |
0 |
20,583 |
Douglas J. McGregor |
1,350 |
6,445 |
53,704 |
James V. Napier |
13,895 |
0 |
16,646 |
Richard T. OBrien |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Donald B. Rice |
41,950 |
6,445 |
14,387 |
Orin R. Smith |
10,476 |
0 |
60,234 |
Vincent J. Trosino |
8,200 |
2,000 |
11,158 |
(2) |
Includes 431,117 shares held by John D. Baker II Living Trust for which Mr. Baker
serves as trustee; 14,451 shares held by separate trust created under the Cynthia L. Baker
Trust, U/A/D April 30, 1965, of which Mr. Baker is a trustee and an income beneficiary;
2,758,037 shares held by Baker Holdings, L.P. over which Mr. Baker shares voting and
dispositive power and in which he has a pecuniary interest in a portion of the shares; 8,730
shares held by Edward L. Baker II Irrevocable Trust, which trust is administered by Mr.
Bakers brother as trustee and is for the benefit of Mr. Bakers son, Edward L. Baker II;
15,420 shares held by John D. Baker III Irrevocable Trust, which trust is administered by Mr.
Bakers brother as trustee and is for the benefit of Mr. Bakers son, John D. Baker III;
15,420 shares held by Susan Anne Baker Irrevocable Trust, which trust is administered by Mr.
Bakers brother as trustee and is for the benefit of Mr. Bakers daughter, Susan Anne Baker;
15,606 shares held by John D. Baker II Irrevocable Trust #1, which trust is administered by an
independent trustee for the benefit of Mr. Bakers spouse and children; 10,000 shares held by
John D. Baker GRAT; 7,634 shares held by John D. Baker Irrevocable Trust #2, which trust is
administered by an independent trustee for the benefit of Mr. Bakers son, Edward L. Baker II;
311,856 shares held by the Crusher Run Partners, LP Charitable Remainder Unitrust, which trust
is administered by John D. Baker II, as trustee; 182 shares held by Mr. Bakers wife, Anne
Doris Baker; and 116,180 shares held by Mr. Bakers wifes living trust. Mr. Baker disclaims
beneficial interest in all of these shares except to the extent of his pecuniary interest
therein. |
(3) |
All shares held in a trust of which Mr. Farmer is the trustee. |
(4) |
Includes 1,350 shares held in a trust of which Mr. McGregor is the trustee. |
(5) |
Mr. OBrien was elected director in October 2008. |
(6) |
Beneficial ownership for the executive officers includes shares held of record or in
street name. The amounts also include shares that may be acquired upon the exercise of
options which are presently exercisable or that will become exercisable on or before April 30,
2009, shares credited to the executives accounts under our Thrift Plan for Salaried
Employees, or Thrift Plan, and deferred stock units as follows: |
Shares Owned |
Directly or |
Exercisable |
Deferred |
Indirectly |
Options |
Thrift Plan |
Stock Units |
Donald M. James |
167,859 |
1,398,767 |
26,360 |
91,134 |
Guy M. Badgett, III |
20,194 |
243,144 |
8,809 |
3,359 |
Daniel F. Sansone |
25,719 |
185,690 |
19,429 |
13,514 |
Ronald G. McAbee |
5,054 |
138,857 |
25,316 |
4,076 |
Danny R. Shepherd |
9,698 |
63,857 |
6,431 |
0 |
The table below sets forth information regarding the number of shares of our common stock
authorized for issuance under all of our equity compensation plans as of December 31, 2008.
Equity Compensation Plan Information |
Number of |
Number of |
Weighted- |
securities remaining |
securities to |
average |
available for future |
be issued upon |
exercise price of |
issuance under |
exercise |
outstanding |
equity compensation |
of outstanding |
options, |
plans (excluding |
options, warrants |
warrants and |
securities reflected |
and rights |
rights |
in column (a)) |
Plan Category |
(a) |
(b) |
(c) |
Equity compensation plans
approved by security holders(1): |
1996 Long Term Incentive
Plan (For Employees) |
Stock Options |
5,146,586 |
$ |
51.32 |
Performance Share Units |
0 |
Deferred Stock Units |
234,355 |
Total |
5,380,941 |
0 |
(2) |
Deferred Stock Plan for
Non-employee Directors |
10,336 |
0 |
(2) |
Restricted Stock Plan for
Non-employee Directors |
23,957 |
0 |
(2) |
2000 Florida Rock Industries Amended
& Restated Stock Plan(3) |
381,010 |
2006 Omnibus Long-Term Incentive
Plan |
Stock Only Stock Appreciation Rights |
797,341 |
$ |
90.24 |
Performance Share Units |
853,654 |
Deferred Stock Units for
Non-employee Directors |
56,063 |
Total |
1,707,058 |
3 ,691,068 |
Equity compensation plans not
approved by security holders |
Total |
7,122,292 |
4,072,078 |
(1) |
All of our companys equity compensation plans have been approved
by the shareholders of our company. Column (a) sets forth the
number of shares of common stock issuable upon the exercise of
options, warrants or rights outstanding under the 2006 Omnibus
Long-Term Incentive Plan (Omnibus Plan), the 1996 Long-Term
Incentive Plan (1996 LTIP), the Deferred Stock Plan for Nonemployee
Directors and the Restricted Stock Plan for Nonemployee Directors.
The weighted-average exercise price of outstanding stock options is
shown in Column (b). The remaining number of shares that may be
issued under the equity compensation plans are shown in Column (c). |
(2) |
Future grants will not be made under these plans. The plans will be
used only for the administration and payment of grants that were
outstanding when the Omnibus Plan was approved. |
(3) |
This plan was approved by the Florida Rock Industries, Inc.
shareholders. Shares available have been adjusted for the merger
transaction. Units are only available for granting of awards until
September 30, 2010. |
The Compensation Committee has reviewed and discussed the Compensation Discussion and Analysis as
set forth below with management and, based on such review and discussions, recommended to the Board
of Directors that the Compensation Discussion and Analysis be included in this Proxy Statement.
The Compensation Committee
Philip J. Carroll, Jr., Chair
H. Allen Franklin
James V. Napier
Donald B. Rice
Orin R. Smith
Overview of Compensation Philosophy and Program
Our Corporate Mission Statement provides that our success is dependent upon the talent, dedication
and performance of all employees. Without the dedication and performance of our employees,
including our named executive officers, we will be unable to accomplish our corporate goals. Our
compensation program for our named executive officers is intended to motivate them to achieve our
strategic goals and operational plans by:
Keeping our salary and benefits for the named executive officers competitive with
industrial companies of similar size so that we are able to hire and retain individuals of
the highest caliber and to discourage our named executive officers from seeking other
employment opportunities; |
Linking a meaningful portion of the named executive officers compensation to our
companys performance, thereby encouraging them to create shareholder value over the short-
and long-term; |
Motivating, recognizing and rewarding individual excellence; and |
Paying a meaningful portion of named executive officers total compensation in our
companys common stock to facilitate the accumulation of significant ownership of our stock
by the named executive officers in order to align the interests of management with the
interests of our shareholders. |
The Compensation Committee, which is comprised entirely of independent directors, as defined by the
listing standards of the New York Stock Exchange, administers our executive compensation program in
accordance with the Compensation Committees charter. The current charter is available on our
website at In performing its duties, the Compensation Committee is guided
by its charter. The role of the Committee is to:
Annually review and approve corporate goals and objectives relevant to the compensation
of our Chief Executive Officer and then evaluate the Chief Executive Officers performance
in light of these goals and objectives and set the Chief Executive Officers compensation
levels based on this evaluation and report to the full Board of Directors; |
Determine and fix the amount of base salary for each named executive officer; |
Determine and fix awards made to named executive officers under our incentive
compensation plans and equity-based plans of our company; |
Interpret and administer our companys Executive Incentive Plan (EIP) and 2006 Omnibus
Long-Term Incentive Plan (Omnibus Plan); |
Report to the Board its approval or disapproval of recommendations of the Chief
Executive Officer for material changes in existing retirement and benefit plans applicable
to the named executive officers; and |
Make regular reports to the Board, including an annual report regarding its
determination of compensation levels for the Chief Executive Officer and the other named
executive officers. |
Our elements of compensation for the named executive officers, all of which are discussed in
greater detail below, include:
base salary; |
short-term performance-based cash bonus; |
long-term equity-based incentives; |
retirement and pension benefits; |
health and welfare benefits and perquisites; and |
change-in-control protections. |
The Committee reviews compensation tally sheets that show the total compensation of the Chief
Executive Officer and each of the other named executive officers when making executive compensation
decisions. The tally sheets are prepared by our internal corporate compensation group. Each of
these tally sheets presents the dollar amount of the named executive officers compensation, broken
out into base salary, annual performance-based bonus and long-term equity-based incentive awards.
Compensation Consultant and Market Information
Pursuant to its charter, the Compensation Committee is authorized to retain external advisors and
consultants at our companys expense. In 2008, as in previous years, the Committee engaged
Compensation Strategies, Inc. (CSI) as its independent compensation consultant. In connection with
this engagement, CSI provides the following services:
Conducts periodic comprehensive studies of executive compensation and makes
recommendations regarding the components of executive compensation, including base salary,
annual bonus, long-term equity-based incentive awards and change-in-control protections. |
Advises the Committee regarding competitive practice, the design of new programs, and
new laws, rules and regulations relating to executive compensation; and |
Prepares an annual study of, and provides recommendations for, compensation of the Board
of Directors; |
In performing its services in 2008, CSI interacted collaboratively with our Committee and members
of senior management. CSI provided the Committee with its observations as to our relative
competitiveness with comparable companies based upon its review of the various components of market
data set forth above. In addition, CSI provided its recommendations with respect to Board
compensation, as well as its advice on regulatory compliance and development of new programs.
Representatives of CSI attended four meetings of the Committee in 2008, and participated in the
executive session of the Committee without the Chief Executive Officer in attendance.
CSI reports to the Committee, although it meets with management from time to time to discuss
compensation initiatives. The Committee has not requested, and does not intend to request, that
CSI provide any non-compensation related services to our company. CSI does not have any business
relationships with our company beyond the services provided as the independent consultant to the
The Compensation Committee also considers information from compensation data bases that are
maintained by Hewitt Associates, Inc., a global human resources consulting firm, and Towers Perrin,
a global professional services firm, which information is consolidated, reviewed and analyzed by
our internal corporate compensation group and made available to the Compensation Committee and its
consultant. In addition, CSI conducts an analysis of compensation paid to executives with
comparable duties and responsibilities in comparable companies with which our company competes for
executive talent. This analysis includes a comparison of base salary, annual performance-based
bonus and long-term equity-based incentive awards for comparative companies. As discussed below,
companies are selected for comparison based on the following criteria:
U.S. listed companies that file proxy statements, to ensure that comparable compensation
data is available; |
companies engaged in construction or the production of construction materials; |
companies in industries which are impacted by economic forces that are, at least in
part, similar to those that impact our company and therefore, which have cyclicality; and |
companies in industries which utilize industrial processes that are similar to our
company, i.e., coal or metal mining, or which produce equipment or supplies for such
industries. |
Measuring Performance Economic Profit
We are committed to excellence in our performance, both financially and operationally, and to
earning superior returns for our shareholders. To encourage and reward superior performance, we
have linked a substantial portion of our named executive officers compensation to our performance
as measured by a standard referred to as Economic Profit or EP.
In 1996, we adopted EP as the quantifiable financial performance measure by which company
performance is measured for short-term and some long-term incentives. EP measures the extent to
which operating earnings exceed an operating capital charge. Operating earnings are based on net
earnings, but exclude interest income and expense, gains and losses on investments, deferred income
taxes, and results of certain discontinued operations. The operating capital charge is based on
our companys average assets and liabilities associated with operating earnings, as defined above,
multiplied by the estimated cost of capital. We believe that changes in EP correlate with changes
in shareholder value better than other commonly used financial performance measures.
EP is used not only as a measure for incentive compensation; it pervades every aspect of the
management process, including planning, capital budgeting, and evaluating investment projects,
including acquisitions and other growth initiatives. It also is used by management to measure the
financial performance of our company and its business units. We believe EP is the best standard
for setting financial goals for our executive compensation. A description of our 2008 EP
performance targets, an analysis of our companys 2008 EP performance as compared to 2008 EP
performance targets, and a summary of how the 2008 EP performance affected certain elements of
compensation of our named executive officers is set forth in the section entitled Elements of
Benchmarking Total Compensation
To ensure that our compensation program is competitive, total direct compensation paid to our Chief
Executive Officer and other named executive officers is benchmarked against a composite group of
general industrial companies included in compensation surveys. This group of survey companies has
revenues between two and eight billion dollars and market capitalization similar to that of Vulcan.
The composite group from which we obtained data from Hewitt Associates, Inc. and Towers Perrin
included approximately 100 companies. These benchmarking data are useful in setting a market-based
midpoint for the three principal elements of compensation for our executives, which are base
salary, annual performance-based bonus and long-term equity-based incentive awards. With the
assistance of CSI, the Compensation Committee also reviews the compilation of the comparison group
annually to insure that included companies continue to be relevant for comparative purposes.
The total direct compensation for each named executive officer is reviewed annually to ensure it is
appropriate based on:
individual performance; |
recent and long-term company performance; and |
competitive or market levels of performance. |
Risk Considerations
Our compensation programs are discretionary, balanced and focused and give considerable weight to
the long-term performance of our company. Under this structure, the highest amount of compensation
can be achieved through consistent superior performance over sustained periods of time. In
addition, significant amounts of compensation are deferred or only realizable upon retirement.
This provides strong incentives to manage the company for the long term, while avoiding excessive
risk taking in the short term. Goals and objectives reflect a balanced mix of quantitative and
qualitative performance measures to avoid excessive weight on a single performance measure.
Likewise, the elements of compensation are balanced among current cash payments, deferred cash and
long-term equity-based incentive awards. The Compensation Committee retains discretion to adjust
compensation for quality of performance and adherence to our companys values.
Tax and Accounting Considerations
Compliance with Internal Revenue Code Section 162(m). In administering the compensation program
for executive officers, the Compensation Committee considers the applicability of Section 162(m) of
the Internal Revenue Code, the financial consequences under accounting standards and the tax
consequences in our analysis of total compensation and the mix of compensation among individual
elements. Section 162(m) prohibits public companies from taking a tax deduction
for compensation that is paid to any one of certain employees in excess of one million dollars,
unless the compensation qualifies as performance-based compensation within the meaning of the
Internal Revenue Code. To preserve the deductibility of compensation, we intend that bonus
payments made pursuant to the EIP and, generally, grants of long-term incentives under our Omnibus
Plan, qualify as qualified performance-based compensation. The Compensation Committee has the
discretion to design and implement compensation elements that may not be deductible under Section
162(m) if the Compensation Committee determines that, despite the tax consequences, those elements
are in our best interest to adopt.
Expensing of Stock Options. We consider the tax and accounting implications to our company in
allocating awards among various compensation vehicles and seek to preserve the tax deduction for
compensatory awards. For example, we do not issue incentive stock options (ISOs), even though ISOs
provide potential tax advantages to the recipient, due to the negative tax and accounting
consequences to our company.
Compensation Determination Process and Role of the Named Executive Officers in the Process
The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for conducting an annual performance evaluation of each
of the other named executive officers. The evaluations take into account such items as the
performance of the business unit or function for which the executive officer is responsible,
safety, health and environmental performance and effective management of our companys natural
resources, among other items. In addition, the Chief Executive Officer has the opportunity to
request input from CSI. Based on the foregoing and the results of the competitive benchmarking
report, the Chief Executive Officer makes a recommendation to the Compensation Committee for the
compensation of each of the other named executive officers, broken out into base salary, annual
performance-based bonus and long-term equity-based incentive awards. The Compensation Committee
meets annually to discuss and set the compensation of the named executive officers based upon the
recommendations of the Chief Executive Officer and its review of the materials mentioned above, and
the Chief Executive Officer participates in the meeting to discuss the results of his report. The
Compensation Committee relies heavily on the recommendations presented by the Chief Executive
Officer when setting compensation for the other named executive officers; however, it has
discretion to adjust the recommendations based on its review of the individual evaluations of the
other named executive officers, the report prepared by the Chief Executive Officer and any other
information that the Compensation Committee deems relevant.
The Compensation Committee is responsible for setting the Chief Executive Officers compensation
and annually reviews his base salary, annual performance-based bonus and potential long-term
equity-based incentive awards. In setting such compensation, the Compensation Committee reviews
reports from and takes account of recommendations made by CSI. After the Compensation Committee
has determined the compensation package for the Chief Executive Officer, the Chairman of the
Compensation Committee presents the overall compensation package to the entire Board of Directors
for ratification.
Overall Compensation Goals
In creating and administering our compensation program, we seek to reward employees for:
Superior performance in generating increasing levels of EP; |
Behavior that compliments our strategic goals and operational plans; and |
Adherence to our high ethical business standards. |
As discussed in more detail below, the overall compensation program strives to achieve a balance
among the following:
Cash compensation in the form of base salary and annual short-term performance-based
bonuses pursuant to the EIP; and |
Long-term equity awards pursuant to the Omnibus Plan, including performance share units
(PSUs) and stock options in the form of Stock Only Stock Appreciation Rights (SOSARs). |
The program also strives to achieve a balance between the goals of rewarding the achievement of
short-term goals and providing an employee retention element to the compensation program through
the use of long-term equity awards. Each element of our compensation program is set forth below,
with an explanation of the factors considered in making awards of each element.
We have not targeted a specified percentage of total compensation for cash compensation or
short-term or long-term equity-based incentive awards. Rather, based on the results of the
competitive benchmarking, we have established incentive target levels for each of the named
executive officers. These levels are expressed as a percentage of base salary for short-term and
as a percentage of the base salary midpoint for the position for long-term incentives. Base pay,
short-term incentive opportunity and long-term incentive opportunity are targeted at the median
competitive levels. The target award percentages vary by position and level of responsibility. In
our view, as the level of responsibility for an executive increases, so should the percentage of
total compensation at risk. This is achieved through higher target levels of short-term
performance-based bonuses and long-term equity awards, the magnitude of which vary with
performance. The amounts realized in prior years, including wealth accumulation through realized
and unrealized equity gains and post-employment earn outs, did not impact decisions to increase or
decrease 2008 compensation amounts. In 2008, we also did not consider the amount of potential
change-in-control payouts each named executive officer may be entitled to receive in determining
other elements of their total compensation.
We do not have employment agreements with executives, but instead have agreements with our named
executive officers that provide for severance payments upon certain change-in-control events.
We apply the same policies and methodology in setting the principal elements of compensation for
our Chief Executive Officer as we apply for our other named executive officers. The primary
difference between the award amounts granted to the Chief Executive Officer as compared to the
other named executive officers is a reflection of differences in the level and scope of
responsibility of their respective positions, the markets pattern of providing progressive award
opportunities at higher levels, and individual performance. As a result, our Chief Executive
Officers base salary, annual performance-based bonus and long-term equity-based incentive awards
are greater than those of the other named executive officers.
Elements of Compensation
The base salary element of our compensation program is designed to be competitive in the market for
compensation paid to similarly-situated, competent and skilled executives, as set forth in the
surveys utilized by our company. The Compensation Committee sets base salary in reference to each
individuals performance, contribution to business results, and market compensation. The
Compensation Committee determined the amounts of base salary increases for our named executive
officers after consideration of:
The named executive officers pattern of achievement with respect to the budget and
business plan performance in his/her area(s) of responsibility and overall managerial
effectiveness with respect to planning, personnel development, communications, regulatory
compliance and similar matters; |
Competitive pay levels for similarly situated executives set forth in the compensation
surveys; |
Marketplace trends in salary increases; and |
Ability of our company to pay the increased salaries, retention risks, fairness in view
of our overall salary increases and the named executive officers potential for future
contributions to the organization. |
Salaries of the named executive officers are reviewed on an annual basis, as well as at the time of
a promotion or change in responsibilities. To ensure the salaries paid to our named executive
officers are competitive relative to the marketplace, the Committee reviews the compensation
analysis and data from Hewitt Associates, Inc. and Towers Perrin, as discussed in the Overview
above. This analysis serves as a starting point for evaluating appropriate levels of base pay. We
generally target the 50th percentile of the market (the midpoint of the base salary
range) because we believe this is the appropriate level for evaluating the competitiveness of our
compensation. As mentioned earlier, because of Mr. James experience, performance and tenure in
his position, his base salary is set at a higher level in the range. Increases in salaries are
discretionary based on the nature and responsibilities of the position, individual performance,
changes in the market compensation levels and the other factors set forth above. The salaries paid
to our named executive officers for 2008, 2007 and 2006 are set forth in the Summary Compensation
Table in the Salary column.
To further our goal of aligning the executives interests to those of our shareholders, we
generally reward superior performance through our bonus program and long-term equity-based
incentives rather than base pay.
Our short-term incentive program is designed to motivate our executives, including the named
executive officers, and reward them with cash payments for achieving quantifiable near-term
business results. The goal of this program is to link performance and payment, and reward
behaviors that create value for our shareholders, by comparing financial results to pre-established
objective performance targets. Payment of the bonus is based on both the performance of our
company, specific divisions or business units or a combination of these, as applicable, and the
performance of the named executive officer individually.
As described in more detail below, we set the target levels for average annual bonuses at
competitive market levels consistent with similarly-situated executives in the compensation
surveys. Average performance yields a bonus that is average with the compensation surveys. We
then provide significant upside opportunity and downside risk to actual bonus payments based on
actual financial performance of our company or the relevant business unit, as appropriate. Our
evaluation of the companys annual financial performance results from our analysis of how our EP
measures against targeted EP for the year. Our method for establishing the EP goal each year is
discussed below.
Economic Profit Methodology
The Compensation Committee establishes EP goals annually at its February meeting based on the
average of the previous years actual EP and the previous years EP goal for our company and for
each of its divisions. Goals are then adjusted to reflect the short-term impact of significant
strategic and growth investments. These adjustments are applied in order to provide appropriate
incentives and rewards for pursuing such investments. An EP goal represents the amount of EP that
must be earned in order for an Average Annual Bonus (average bonus or bonus) to be paid. The
average bonus is expressed as a percentage of base salary and established for each named executive
officer based on the comparison group set forth in the compensation surveys. A chart reflecting the
average bonuses expressed as a percentage of base salary and the percentage of average bonus paid
for each named executive officer is set forth below. In the case of the Chief Executive Officer,
the average bonus is equal to 100% of base salary. The bonus paid for performance above or below
the EP goal is calculated according to a scale that is determined each year. The scale is not a pro
rata increase or decrease in the percentage of the goal that is achieved. Rather, the scale that
determines a recommended level of bonus payment reflects principally the level of capital
investment in the business and the historical volatility in EP. The bonus will exceed Average
Annual Bonus to reward performance when the EP goal is exceeded. The bonus will fall short of
Average Annual Bonus when actual performance falls below the EP goal, and can be reduced to $0 if
the shortfall is great. Regardless of performance under the EP analysis, however, the payments to
EIP participants cannot exceed the maximum bonus established by the terms of the EIP. The
Compensation Committee uses the EP methodology in exercising its downward discretion to determine
actual bonuses payable.
With respect to our 2008 fiscal year, the Committee reviewed the performance of the Chief Executive
Officer and each of the named executive officers and concluded each had performed well in a
difficult economic environment. However, the companys results at the corporate level under the EP
formula (described above) and the EIP (described below) fell sufficiently short of the performance
goal that no bonus payments were made to the Chief Executive Officer or any of the other named
executive officers.
Annually at its February meeting, the Compensation Committee establishes the EIP participants and
their maximum bonus under the EIP. The EIP was approved by our shareholders in 2001 and is
structured so that cash bonus payments will satisfy the requirements for performance-based
compensation under Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code. The bonus pool under the EIP is
calculated as 4% of our consolidated net earnings in excess of 6% of the net capital for the prior
year. This is a maximum bonus potential. Each year, the Compensation Committee analyzes the EP
results and, if warranted, reduces the actual payments made under the EIP. As the minimum
financial performance goal was not achieved in 2008, no bonuses were earned or paid to EIP
participants in 2009, as reflected in the table below.
Amount of |
Average Annual |
Bonus Expressed |
% of Average |
as a Percentage of |
Annual Bonus |
Base Salary |
Paid |
Donald M. James |
100 |
% |
0 |
% |
Guy M. Badgett |
65 |
% |
0 |
% |
Daniel F. Sansone |
70 |
% |
0 |
% |
Ronald G. McAbee |
65 |
% |
0 |
% |
Danny R. Shepherd |
65 |
% |
0 |
% |
Ø |
Long-Term Equity-Based Incentives |
Our long-term equity-based incentive compensation program is designed to reward the named executive
officers based on the performance of our company over a period of years, by providing potentially
significant payments based on the creation of value for our shareholders and by improving EP
performance. The goals of the long-term incentive program are to:
Motivate financial performance over the long-term; |
Recognize and reward superior financial performance of our company; |
Provide a retention element to our compensation program; |
Help executive officers accumulate shares of Vulcan stock to ensure congruence with our
shareholders interest; and |
Promote compliance with the stock ownership guidelines for executives. |
2008 Long-Term Incentive Grants. The Compensation Committee has established a standard
percentage of each named executive officers base salary midpoint for his position (determined as
described above) that it used when making a long-term award to each named executive officer. The
standard percentage is based principally upon the compensation analysis described in the Overview
above. The Committee sets the standard at approximately the 50th percentile of the
awards made to individuals with similar positions. The award value of the long-term incentive
grant for each of the named executive officers is determined by multiplying the applicable standard
percentage by the base salary midpoint of each named executive officers position. The standard
percentages for each of our named executive officers, is set forth in the table below.
Standard Long-Term |
Award Expressed as a |
Percentage of Base Salary Midpoint |
Donald M. James |
225 |
% |
Guy M. Badgett |
100 |
% |
Daniel F. Sansone |
100 |
% |
Ronald G. McAbee |
100 |
% |
Danny R. Shepherd |
100 |
% |
The Omnibus Plan provides that the Compensation Committee, in its discretion, may grant long-term
awards in the form of a variety of instruments, including, among others, stock options, SOSARs,
PSUs and restricted stock. Subject to the limitations under the Omnibus Plan, the Compensation
Committee may adjust the amount awarded to reflect our companys past performance, based on total
shareholder return or other quantifiable financial measures deemed appropriate by the Compensation
Committee. Total shareholder return is computed as the average annual rate of return using both
stock price appreciation or depreciation and quarterly dividend reinvestment. Stock price
appreciation or depreciation is based on a point-to-point calculation, using end-of-year data.
In 2008, the Committee granted a combination of SOSARs and PSUs to each of the named executive
officers, based on the award value that is described above. The number of units to be granted is
determined by valuing SOSARs and PSUs under valuation principles that are similar to Financial
Accounting Standard No. 123(R), Share-Based Payment. The Committee normally grants a number of
units that approximates the 50th percentile of the market. However, the Committee
retains the discretion to make adjustments each year to the number of units granted. In 2008, the
Committee determined that it was
not appropriate to raise the value of long-term awards based on
our historical performance. Therefore grants were made at
the standard award value. Expressed in terms of their value, approximately one-half of the 2008
grants consisted of SOSARs and one-half consisted of PSUs.
2008 Long-Term Incentive Payments. In February 2008, the Committee authorized payment of the PSUs
that were granted in 2005 and vested on December 31, 2007. The level of the payout was based on
the companys 3-year average EP, which was approximately 213% of target, and its 3-year average
total shareholder return performance, which was at the 74th percentile relative to a
comparison group that included the following companies:
3M Company
General Electric Company
MeadWestvaco Corporation |
Ameron International Corporation
Georgia Gulf Corporation
Northrop Grumman Corporation |
Armstrong Holdings Inc.
Georgia-Pacific Corporation
Olin Corporation |
Ashland Inc.
W. R. Grace & Co.
Pentair, Inc. |
Calgon Carbon Corporation
Granite Construction Incorporated
Potlatch Corporation |
Chemtura Corporation
Harris Corporation
PPG Industries, Inc. |
The Dow Chemical Company
Harsco Corporation
Rohm and Haas Company |
E.I. du Pont De Nemours & Co.
Hercules Incorporated
The Sherwin-Williams Company |
Emerson Electric Co.
International Paper Corporation
The Southern Company |
Engelhard Corporation
Lafarge North America, Inc.
The Stanley Works |
Florida Rock Industries, Inc.
Louisiana-Pacific Corporation
Temple-Inland Inc. |
Fluor Corporation
Martin Marietta Materials, Inc.
Textron Inc. |
FMC Corp.
Masco Corporation
Weyerhaeuser Company |
The following table reflects the goals against which performance was measured for payment of the
PSUs granted in 2005 and payable in 2008. The percentage payable is determined by the
interpolation of the two performance factors. The Compensation Committee has the authority to
exercise downward discretion in determining payments.
Three-year average |
Economic |
Profit |
(As a percent |
Percentage of Performance Share Units |
of EP Goal) |
Payable |
175% or > |
100 |
150 |
200 |
150% |
75 |
125 |
175 |
100% |
50 |
100 |
150 |
50% |
25 |
75 |
125 |
25% or < |
0 |
50 |
100 |
Three-year Average Total Shareholder Return Percentile Rank |
25th or < |
50th |
75th or > |
Timing of Equity-Based Incentive Compensation. The Compensation Committee sets performance targets
for PSU grants for the year at its February meeting. Payments, if any, pursuant to previously set
performance targets are also authorized at the February meeting. The establishment of incentive
compensation goals and the granting of equity-based awards have not been timed with the release of
non-public material information. Instead, goals and awards typically have been established at the
February meeting. Additional equity-based incentive grants have been made to executive officers
only upon hire or promotion at various times throughout the year. All such equity-based awards are
priced on the date of grant.
Stock Ownership Guidelines. In order to align the interests of the named executive officers with
our shareholders, and to promote a long-term focus for these officers, our company has executive
stock ownership guidelines for the officers of our company and its subsidiaries. The guidelines are
based on managements and CSIs assessment of market practice. The stock ownership requirements
are higher for the Chief Executive Officer than for the other named executive officers for the
reasons discussed previously under the section Overall Compensation Goals. All of the named
executive officers currently exceed our ownership guidelines.
The guidelines for the named executive officers are expressed as a multiple of base salary as per
the table below:
Multiple of Salary |
Name |
Ownership Guidelines (1) |
Donald M. James |
7x |
Guy M. Badgett |
3x |
Daniel F. Sansone |
5x |
Ronald G. McAbee |
3x |
Danny R. Shepherd |
3x |
(1) |
Types of ownership counted toward the guidelines include the following: |
Stock-based thrift plan holdings; |
Direct holdings; |
Indirect holdings, such as shares owned by a family member, shares held in trust for the
benefit of the named executive officer or a family member, or shares for which such officer
is trustee; and |
Stock-based holdings in the deferred compensation and excess benefit plans. |
Beginning in February 2009 management elected to exclude from consideration the in the money
value of vested options, when determining satisfaction of these guidelines. Notwithstanding this
change, the Chief Executive Officer and each of the other named executive officers continue to meet
or exceed our ownership guidelines.
Newly appointed officers are expected to meet the applicable ownership requirement within five
years of their appointment. Compliance with the ownership guidelines is reviewed yearly by the
Chief Executive Officer and reported to the Committee.
Ø |
Benefits and Perquisites |
Named executive officers participate in each of the benefit plans or arrangements that are made
available to all salaried employees generally, including medical and dental benefits, life,
accidental death and disability insurance, and pension and savings plans. With respect to
disability benefits, our company pays 100% of the premiums for individual long-term disability
policies that insure base pay and target bonus in excess of that insured under the group contract
up to $500,000 in total. In addition, the named executive officers participate in the Unfunded
Supplemental Benefit Plan and have change-in-control agreements (as described below). The Chief
Executive Officer also has a Supplemental Executive Retirement Agreement, which is discussed in
more detail below.
We provide company-owned cars to the named executive officers for their use. Additionally, we pay
for the insurance, maintenance and fuel for such vehicles. Executives reimburse us for personal
use. We also make the company-owned aircraft available to the Chief Executive Officer and senior
executives for business travel. The aircraft is available to the Chief Executive Officer and the
other named executive officers for personal use at the expense of the named executive officer. In
2008, neither the Chief Executive Officer nor any of the named executive officers used the aircraft
for personal purposes.
We do not provide other perquisites to the named executive officers such as club memberships or
financial planning services. The Compensation Committee reviews our policies and determines
whether and to what extent these perquisites should be continued.
Ø |
Change-in-Control Protection |
Each of our named executive officers has change-in-control protection that provides for severance
payments and accelerated vesting or payment of equity-based incentive awards. We provide such
protections in order to minimize disruptions during a pending or anticipated change-in-control. In
2008, we did not consider the amount of severance payments or the number of incentive awards
subject to acceleration of vesting under the change-in-control agreements in
determining the other compensation elements to which the named executive officers are entitled.
For a detailed description of the change-in-control provisions, refer to Payments Upon Termination
or Change-in-Control on
page 43.
Ø |
Retirement and Pension Benefits |
Our company provides the following retirement and pension benefits to its named executive officers:
Benefit |
Reason for Providing Benefit |
Retirement Income Plan
This pension plan is available to all
salaried employees of our company hired
prior to July 15, 2007. |
Unfunded Supplemental Benefit Plan
The Unfunded Supplemental Benefit Plan
provides for benefits that are not
permitted under the Retirement Income
Plan and the 401(k) plan due to
Internal Revenue Service pay and
benefit limitations for qualified
plans. This plan is designed to
provide retirement income benefits, as
a percentage of pay, which are similar
for all employees regardless of
compensation levels. The Unfunded
Supplemental Benefit Plan eliminates
the effect of tax limitations on the
payment of retirement benefits, except
to the extent that it is an unfunded
plan and a general obligation of our
company. |
Supplemental Executive
Retirement Agreement (SERA)
Only Mr. James has a SERA. The effect
of the SERA is to give Mr. James 1.2
years of service credit for every year
he participates in the Retirement
Income Plan. The purpose of the SERA is
to provide an incentive and retention
device. The Plan will provide Mr.
James with a full career pension in the
event that he works until age 65. |
A discussion of all retirement benefits provided to the named executive officers is set forth under
the heading Retirement and Pension Benefits on page 40.
Summary Compensation Table
The following table sets forth information for the three most recently completed fiscal years
concerning the compensation of our principal executive officer, principal financial officer, and
our three other most highly compensated executive officers employed as of December 31, 2008,
determined on the basis of their total compensation for 2008.
Change in |
Pension Value |
Non-Equity |
And |
Incentive Plan |
Nonqualified |
Stock |
Option |
Compensation |
Deferred |
All Other |
Name and |
Salary |
Bonus |
Awards (1) |
Awards (1) |
(2) |
Compensation |
Compensation |
Total |
Principal Position |
Year |
($) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
Earnings ($)(3) |
($)(4) |
($) |
Donald M. James |
2008 |
1,241,670 |
0 |
1,316,754 |
2,502,747 |
0 |
5,047,044 |
431,049 |
10,539,264 |
Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer |
2007 |
1,187,500 |
0 |
1,532,011 |
2,165,457 |
2,900,000 |
4,461,801 |
418,376 |
12,665,145 |
2006 |
1,114,168 |
0 |
3,406,064 |
4,366,486 |
3,100,000 |
3,703,312 |
332,457 |
16,022,487 |
Guy M. Badgett, III |
2008 |
492,508 |
0 |
239,009 |
462,327 |
0 |
1,221,019 |
102,635 |
2,517,498 |
Senior Vice
Materials Group |
2007 |
470,008 |
0 |
233,855 |
398,851 |
660,000 |
1,065,078 |
96,652 |
2,924,444 |
2006 |
441,674 |
0 |
538,936 |
268,281 |
725,000 |
287,749 |
73,296 |
2,334,936 |
Daniel F. Sansone |
2008 |
495,838 |
0 |
223,246 |
455,535 |
0 |
679,337 |
86,279 |
1,940,235 |
Senior Vice President
and Chief Financial
Officer |
2007 |
470,008 |
0 |
211,274 |
361,739 |
660,000 |
451,941 |
86,328 |
2,241,290 |
2006 |
442,508 |
0 |
353,528 |
184,008 |
690,000 |
360,514 |
67,137 |
2,097,695 |
Ronald G. McAbee |
2008 |
391,673 |
0 |
245,415 |
436,705 |
0 |
868,631 |
71,305 |
2,013,729 |
Senior Vice
Materials West |
2007 |
370,833 |
0 |
165,197 |
302,976 |
564,000 |
1,130,219 |
155,663 |
2,688,888 |
2006 |
409,376 |
0 |
309,339 |
140,689 |
645,000 |
539,357 |
57,205 |
2,100,966 |
Danny R. Shepherd |
2008 |
391,674 |
0 |
192,898 |
368,187 |
0 |
648,608 |
60,887 |
1,662,254 |
Senior Vice President,
Materials East |
2007 |
320,837 |
0 |
142,213 |
277,519 |
485,000 |
352,137 |
47,047 |
1,624,753 |
2006 |
272,838 |
0 |
219,483 |
115,232 |
400,000 |
220,038 |
20,452 |
1,248,043 |
(1) |
Pursuant to the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission, we have provided a
grant date fair value for Stock Awards and Option Awards in accordance with the provisions of
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 123(R), Share-based Payments. For Option
Awards (including SOSARs), the fair value is estimated as of the date of grant using the
Black-Scholes option pricing model, which requires the use of certain assumptions, including
the risk-free interest rate, dividend yield, volatility and expected term. The risk-free
interest rate is based on the yield at the date of grant of a U.S. Treasury security with a
maturity period equal to or approximating the options expected term. The dividend yield
assumption is based on our historical dividend payouts. The volatility assumption is based on
the historical volatility, and expectations regarding future volatility, of our common stock
over a period equal to the options expected term and the market-based implied volatility
derived from options trading on our common stock. The expected term of options granted is
based on historical experience and expectations about future exercises and represents the
period of time that options granted are expected to be outstanding. |
For Performance Share Awards, the fair value is estimated on the date of grant using a Monte Carlo
simulation model. For Deferred Stock Units, the fair value is estimated on the date of grant based
on the market price of our stock on the grant date. We do not believe that the fair values
estimated on the grant date, either by the Black-Scholes model or any other model, are necessarily
indicative of the values that might eventually be realized by an executive. |
(2) |
No payments pursuant to the 2001 Executive Incentive Plan (EIP) were made in 2009.
See discussion of EIP plan under heading Compensation Discussion and Analysis above. |
(3) |
Includes only the amount of change in pension value since our company does not
provide any above market earnings on deferred compensation. |
(4) |
Includes personal use of company automobile, nonqualified thrift plan contributions,
company-paid life insurance premiums, taxable relocation expense and deferred stock unit
dividend equivalents granted in 2008, as set forth in the following table. None of the named
executive officers used the company aircraft for personal use in 2008. |
Company |
Personal |
Non-Qualified |
Qualified |
Paid Life |
Use |
Thrift Plan |
Thrift Plan |
Insurance |
Dividend |
of Company |
Contributions |
Contributions |
Premiums |
Equivalents |
Auto |
Total |
Name |
($) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
Don James |
218,403 |
12,800 |
1,440 |
194,617 |
3,789 |
431,049 |
Mac Badgett |
52,420 |
12,800 |
1,440 |
34,253 |
1,722 |
102,635 |
Dan Sansone |
51,994 |
12,800 |
1,440 |
20,045 |
0 |
86,279 |
Ron McAbee |
38,989 |
12,800 |
1,440 |
18,076 |
0 |
71,305 |
Danny Shepherd |
32,439 |
12,800 |
1,440 |
14,067 |
141 |
60,887 |
The following table sets forth the grants of plan-based awards in 2008 to the named executive
Grants of Plan-Based Awards
All |
Other |
Stock |
Awards: |
Number |
All Other |
of |
Option |
Shares |
Awards: |
Exercise |
Closing |
Grant Date |
Estimated Future Payouts |
Estimated Future Payouts |
of |
Number of |
or Base |
Market |
Fair Value |
Under Non-Equity Incentive Plan |
Under Equity Incentive Plan |
Stock |
Securities |
Price of |
Price of |
of Stock |
Awards |
Awards |
or |
Underlying |
Option |
Underlying |
and Option |
Threshold |
Target |
Maximum |
Threshold |
Target |
Maximum |
Units |
Options |
Awards |
Security |
Awards |
Name |
Grant Date |
($) |
($) |
($) |
(#) |
(#) |
(#) |
(#) |
(#) |
($/Sh) (1) |
($/Sh) |
($) (2) |
Don James |
2/7/2008 |
0 |
1,250,004 |
5,000,016 |
0 |
19,500 |
39,000 |
0 |
75,000 |
70.69 |
70.69 |
2,815,995 |
Mac Badgett |
2/7/2008 |
0 |
322,405 |
1,289,620 |
0 |
3,700 |
7,400 |
0 |
14,450 |
70.69 |
70.69 |
538,649 |
Dan Sansone |
2/7/2008 |
0 |
350,003 |
1,400,012 |
0 |
4,000 |
8,000 |
0 |
15,590 |
70.69 |
70.69 |
581,698 |
Ron McAbee |
2/7/2008 |
0 |
260,005 |
1,040,020 |
0 |
3,700 |
7,400 |
0 |
14,450 |
70.69 |
70.69 |
538,649 |
Shepherd |
2/7/2008 |
0 |
260,005 |
1,040,020 |
0 |
3,700 |
7,400 |
0 |
14,450 |
70.69 |
70.69 |
538,649 |
(1) |
Exercise price was determined using the closing price of our common stock on the
grant date as per the Omnibus Plan. |
(2) |
Amount represents the grant date fair values for the SOSARs and PSUs calculated in
accordance with SFAS No. 123(R). The grant date fair value of $19.76 for the SOSARs was
calculated using the Black-Scholes pricing model. The assumptions used to determine the value
of the options include: an expected volatility of 28.15% (derived using the daily closing
stock prices for the seven years preceding the grant date), a dividend yield of 2.07%,
interest rate of 3.21% (the rate of a U.S. Treasury note with a maturity date seven years from
the grant date), and an expected time of exercise of 7.25 years from grant date. The grant
date fair value of $68.41 for the PSUs was calculated using a Monte Carlo simulation model. |
Certain information concerning each exercise of stock options and each vesting of stock during the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2008, for each of the named executive officers on an aggregate basis
is set forth in the table below.
Option Exercises and Stock Vested
Option Awards |
Stock Awards |
Number of |
Number of |
Value |
Shares |
Value |
Shares |
Realized on |
Acquired on |
Realized on |
Acquired on |
Exercise ($) |
Vesting (#) |
Vesting ($) |
Name |
Exercise (#) |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
Don James |
270,000 |
10,338,015 |
85,055 |
5,984,490 |
Mac Badgett |
30,225 |
890,202 |
10,796 |
759,593 |
Dan Sansone |
17,775 |
574,387 |
9,896 |
696,292 |
Ron McAbee |
11,850 |
152,075 |
6,318 |
444,526 |
Danny Shepherd |
0 |
0 |
3,578 |
251,766 |
(1) |
Calculated by multiplying the difference between the fair market value of our common
stock on the date of exercise and the option exercise price by the number of options
exercised. |
(2) |
Represents the Deferred Stock Units (DSUs) and the Performance Share Units (PSUs)
earned under the 1996 LTIP. Both DSUs and PSUs were paid 100% in stock. |
(3) |
Calculated by multiplying the number of units vested by the high/low average price
of our common stock on the vesting date. |
Ø |
Deferred Compensation Plan |
Our Executive Deferred Compensation Plan was established in 1998 to allow executives to defer a
portion of their current years compensation in a tax efficient manner. We believe that providing
a tax deferral plan gives our executives flexibility in tax and financial planning and provides an
additional benefit at little cost to our shareholders. Our company does not make any contributions
to the plan on behalf of the participants. Because our company purchases assets that mirror, to
the extent possible, participants deemed investment elections under the plan, the only costs to
our company related to the plan are administrative costs and any contributions that may be
necessary to true-up account balances with deemed investment results. The plan allows executives
with annual compensation (base salary and average annual short-term bonus) of $200,000 or more to
defer receipt of up to 50% of base salary, up to 100% of annual cash bonus and beginning in 2007,
up to 100% (net of taxes) of long-term incentive awards, which are not excluded from deferral
eligibility by the Internal Revenue Code (or regulations thereunder), until a date selected by the
participant. The amounts deferred are deemed invested as designated by participants in our
companys common stock (a phantom stock account) or in dollar-denominated accounts that mirror
the gains or losses of the various investment options available under our companys 401(k) plan.
The plan does not offer any guaranteed return to participants.
The plan is funded by a rabbi trust arrangement owned by our company, which holds assets that
correspond to the deemed investments of the plan participants. Participants have an unsecured
contractual commitment from our company to pay when due the amounts to which the participants are
entitled. Upon the death or disability of a participant or upon a change-in-control of our company
(as defined on page 44 of this proxy statement), all deferred amounts and all earnings related
thereto will be paid to the participant in a single lump sum cash payment.
Effective for deferrals made after January 1, 2007, the plan permits executives to defer PSUs and
DSUs into the plan, which would, absent such deferral, be distributed to the executives. The PSU
and DSU deferrals, other than described below, will be credited to the plan participant accounts in
the form of phantom stock and an equal number of shares of our common stock will be deposited by
our company in the rabbi trust. The only exceptions are the PSU distributions that were paid in
2007, which were distributed one-half in cash and one-half in stock, and accordingly, deferrals
were proportionately allocated between the cash account and the stock account. Deferrals of
long-term incentive compensation payments are invested in phantom stock of our company and may not
be reallocated to an alternative investment option.
The following table shows the contributions, earnings, distributions and year-end account values
for the named executives under the plan.
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan
Registrant |
Aggregate |
Executive |
Contributions in |
Aggregate |
Aggregate |
Balance at |
Contributions in |
last Fiscal |
Earnings in last |
Withdrawals/ |
Last Fiscal |
Last Fiscal Year |
Year |
Fiscal Year(1) |
Distributions |
Year End(1) |
Name |
($) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
Don James |
6,056,549 |
0 |
(320,801 |
) |
0 |
8,285,955 |
Mac Badgett |
153,612 |
0 |
(6,445 |
) |
0 |
255,942 |
Dan Sansone |
1,001,637 |
0 |
(569,715 |
) |
(134,656 |
) |
2,034,277 |
Ron McAbee |
320,990 |
0 |
(78,316 |
) |
0 |
634,721 |
Danny Shepherd |
120,000 |
0 |
(86,923 |
) |
0 |
653,854 |
(1) |
Includes both the executive contributions and the earnings on those contributions.
The amounts contributed by the executives are included in the amounts reported in the Summary
Compensation Table in the year of deferral. The earnings are not reported as our company does
not provide for above market earnings on deferred compensation. |
Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End
Certain information concerning unexercised options, stock that has not vested and equity incentive
plan awards for each of the named executive officers outstanding as of December 31, 2008 is set
forth in the table below:
Option Awards |
Stock Awards |
Equity |
Incentive |
Plan |
Awards: |
Market or |
Equity Incentive |
Payout |
Equity |
Number |
Plan Awards: |
Value of |
Incentive Plan |
of Shares |
Market |
Number of |
Unearned |
Number of |
Number of |
Awards: |
or Units |
Value of |
Unearned Shares, |
Shares, |
Securities |
Securities |
Number of |
of Stock |
Shares or |
Units or |
Units or |
Underlying |
Underlying |
Securities |
That |
Units of |
Other |
Other |
Unexercised |
Unexercised |
Underlying |
Have |
Stock That |
Rights That |
Rights That |
Options |
Options |
Unexercised |
Option |
Option |
Not |
Have Not |
Have Not |
Have Not |
(#) |
(#) |
Unearned |
Exercise |
Expiration |
Vested (#) |
Vested ($) |
Vested (#) |
Vested ($) |
Name |
(Exercisable) |
(Unexercise-able) |
Options (#) |
Price ($) |
Date |
(12) |
(14) |
(13) |
(14) |
Don James |
220,000 |
0 |
42.3438 |
2/10/2010 |
20,863 |
(6) |
1,451,648 |
30,000 |
(10) |
2,087,400 |
200,000 |
0 |
44.9000 |
2/9/2011 |
27,072 |
(7) |
1,883,670 |
39,000 |
(11) |
2,713,620 |
200,000 |
0 |
45.9500 |
2/7/2012 |
47,113 |
(8) |
3,278,123 |
145,000 |
0 |
31.4650 |
2/13/2013 |
104,000 |
(1) |
26,000 |
46.7600 |
2/12/2014 |
116,800 |
(2) |
29,200 |
57.0950 |
2/10/2015 |
118,000 |
(3) |
0 |
68.6300 |
12/8/2015 |
169,800 |
(3) |
0 |
69.3100 |
1/24/2016 |
37,084 |
(4) |
74,166 |
109.200 |
2/8/2017 |
0 |
(5) |
75,000 |
70.6900 |
2/7/2018 |
Mac Badgett |
38,000 |
0 |
42.3438 |
2/10/2010 |
3,477 |
(6) |
241,930 |
5,440 |
(10) |
378,515 |
31,000 |
0 |
44.9000 |
2/9/2011 |
4,512 |
(7) |
313,945 |
7,400 |
(11) |
514,892 |
31,000 |
0 |
45.9500 |
2/7/2012 |
8,875 |
(8) |
617,523 |
28,000 |
0 |
31.4650 |
2/13/2013 |
20,000 |
(1) |
5,000 |
46.7600 |
2/12/2014 |
20,800 |
(2) |
5,200 |
57.0950 |
2/10/2015 |
51,000 |
(3) |
0 |
68.6300 |
12/8/2015 |
6,764 |
(4) |
13,526 |
109.200 |
2/8/2017 |
0 |
(5) |
14,450 |
70.6900 |
2/7/2018 |
Dan Sansone |
29,000 |
0 |
42.3438 |
2/10/2010 |
2,087 |
(6) |
145,213 |
5,880 |
(10) |
409,130 |
19,000 |
0 |
44.9000 |
2/9/2011 |
2,708 |
(7) |
188,423 |
8,000 |
(11) |
556,640 |
19,000 |
0 |
45.9500 |
2/7/2012 |
5,041 |
(8) |
350,753 |
15,000 |
0 |
31.4650 |
2/13/2013 |
9,600 |
(1) |
2,400 |
46.7600 |
2/12/2014 |
11,200 |
(2) |
2,800 |
57.0950 |
2/10/2015 |
9,600 |
(2) |
2,400 |
54.8350 |
5/13/2015 |
51,000 |
(3) |
0 |
68.6300 |
12/8/2015 |
7,347 |
(4) |
14,693 |
109.200 |
2/8/2017 |
0 |
(5) |
15,590 |
70.6900 |
2/7/2018 |
Ron McAbee |
23,000 |
0 |
42.3438 |
2/10/2010 |
2,087 |
(6) |
145,213 |
5,240 |
(10) |
364,599 |
15,000 |
0 |
44.9000 |
2/9/2011 |
2,708 |
(7) |
188,423 |
7,400 |
(11) |
514,892 |
15,000 |
0 |
45.9500 |
2/7/2012 |
3,945 |
(8) |
274,493 |
11,000 |
0 |
31.4650 |
2/13/2013 |
12,000 |
(1) |
3,000 |
46.7600 |
2/12/2014 |
12,000 |
(2) |
3,000 |
57.0950 |
2/10/2015 |
30,000 |
(3) |
0 |
68.6300 |
12/8/2015 |
6,520 |
(4) |
13,040 |
109.200 |
2/8/2017 |
0 |
(5) |
14,450 |
70.6900 |
2/7/2018 |
Option Awards |
Stock Awards |
Equity |
Incentive |
Plan |
Awards: |
Market or |
Equity Incentive |
Payout |
Equity |
Number |
Plan Awards: |
Value of |
Incentive Plan |
of Shares |
Market |
Number of |
Unearned |
Number of |
Number of |
Awards: |
or Units |
Value of |
Unearned Shares, |
Shares, |
Securities |
Securities |
Number of |
of Stock |
Shares or |
Units or |
Units or |
Underlying |
Underlying |
Securities |
That |
Units of |
Other |
Other |
Unexercised |
Unexercised |
Underlying |
Have |
Stock That |
Rights That |
Rights That |
Options |
Options |
Unexercised |
Option |
Option |
Not |
Have Not |
Have Not |
Have Not |
(#) |
(#) |
Unearned |
Exercise |
Expiration |
Vested (#) |
Vested ($) |
Vested (#) |
Vested ($) |
Name |
(Exercisable) |
(Unexercise-able) |
Options (#) |
Price ($) |
Date |
(12) |
(14) |
(13) |
(14) |
Danny Shepherd |
3,000 |
0 |
46.2750 |
5/1/2012 |
3,945 |
(8) |
274,493 |
5,240 |
(10) |
364,599 |
2,200 |
0 |
31.4650 |
2/13/2013 |
3,866 |
(9) |
268,996 |
7,400 |
(11) |
514,892 |
8,000 |
(1) |
2,000 |
46.7600 |
2/12/2014 |
8,800 |
(2) |
2,200 |
57.0950 |
2/10/2015 |
22,000 |
(3) |
0 |
68.6300 |
12/8/2015 |
6,520 |
(4) |
13,040 |
109.200 |
2/8/2017 |
0 |
(5) |
14,450 |
70.6900 |
2/7/2018 |
Options in footnotes 1 through 3 vest at a rate of 20% per year in years 1 - 5.
(1) |
Options with vesting dates of 1/1/05, 1/1/06, 1/1/07, 1/1/08, and 1/1/09. |
(2) |
Options with vesting dates of 12/31/05, 12/31/06, 12/31/07, 12/31/08, and 12/31/09. |
(3) |
Options fully vested at grant date, with a three-year resale restriction. |
Options in
footnotes 4 through 5 vest at a rate of 33 1/3% per year in years 1 - 3.
(4) |
Options with vesting dates of 2/8/08, 2/8/09, and 2/8/10. |
(5) |
Options with vesting dates of 2/7/09, 2/7/10, and 2/7/11. |
DSUs in
footnotes 6 through 9 vest at the rate of 20% per year in years 6 - 10.
(6) |
DSUs with vesting dates of 3/1/07, 3/1/08, 3/1/09, 3/1/10, and 3/1/11. |
(7) |
DSUs with vesting dates of 3/1/08, 3/1/09, 3/1/10, 3/1/11, and 3/1/12. |
(8) |
DSUs with vesting dates of 3/1/09, 3/1/10, 3/1/11, 3/1/12, and 3/1/13. |
(9) |
DSUs with vesting dates of 3/1/10, 3/1/11, 3/1/12, 3/1/13, and 3/1/14. |
PSUs in
footnotes 10 - 11 cliff vest 100% after a three-year performance period.
(10) |
PSUs with vesting date of 12/31/09. |
(11) |
PSUs with vesting date of 12/31/10. |
(12) |
DSUs include dividend equivalents through 12/31/08. |
(13) |
Unvested PSUs adjusted to maximum allowed under the agreements. |
(14) |
Used closing price of our common stock on the New York Stock Exchange on December 31,
2008 to determine the market or payment value. |
Retirement and Pension Benefits
Generally all full-time, salaried employees of our company, including the named executive officers,
that were hired prior to July 15, 2007, participate in our companys funded pension plan after
completing one year of service. Retirement benefits become payable as early as the date on which
participants both attain age 55 and complete one year of service.
The following table provides for each named executive the number of years of credited service and
the present value of accumulated benefits as of December 31, 2008 under each plan in which the
executive participates. The narrative that follows this table provides a description of the
material features of each plan.
Pension Benefits
Number of |
Present |
Years of |
Value of |
Payments |
Credited |
Accumulated |
During Last |
Service |
Benefit |
Fiscal Year |
Name |
Plan Name |
(#) |
($) |
($) |
Don James
Retirement Income Plan
16 |
566,812 |
0 |
Supplemental Benefit Plan
16 |
9,227,427 |
0 |
Supp. Executive
Retirement Agreement
19 2/10 |
11,675,412 |
0 |
Mac Badgett
Retirement Income Plan
38 1/12 |
1,258,589 |
0 |
Supplemental Benefit Plan
38 1/12 |
4,541,745 |
0 |
Dan Sansone
Retirement Income Plan
20 10/12 |
577,142 |
0 |
Supplemental Benefit Plan
20 10/12 |
2,035,823 |
0 |
Ron McAbee
Retirement Income Plan
34 11/12 |
1,230,446 |
0 |
Supplemental Benefit Plan
34 11/12 |
3,718,788 |
0 |
Danny Shepherd
Retirement Income Plan
25 8/12 |
708,373 |
0 |
Supplemental Benefit Plan
25 8/12 |
1,419,306 |
0 |
1. |
The present value of accumulated benefits are based on benefits payable at age 62, the
earliest age under the plans at which benefits are not reduced, or current age if the
participant is older than age 62. |
2. |
The following SFAS No. 87 assumptions as of 12/31/2008 were used to determine the above
present values: |
(i) |
Discount rate of 6.60% |
(ii) |
Mortality based on the RP-2000 Combined Healthy Mortality Table with improvement projected
to 2013 |
(iii) |
Present values for lump sums are based on projected segmented interest rates and the
prescribed 2008 IRS Mortality Table. |
(iv) |
Supplemental Executive Retirement Agreement and Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan
benefits assumed to be paid as a 10 Year Term Certain Annuity |
(v) |
For the Retirement Income Plan, 40% of the 12/31/2000 benefit is assumed to be paid as
a lump sum, with the remainder of the
accrued benefit assumed to be paid as a single life annuity |
The Retirement Income Plan for Salaried Employees, or Retirement Plan, provides benefits under a
funded noncontributory defined benefit plan and covers most salaried employees, including all
executive officers, hired prior to July 15, 2007. Employees hired after July 15, 2007 are covered
under a 401(k) Plan that includes company matching of employee contributions and an annual
discretionary profit-sharing contribution to all eligible participants. In order to attract and
retain high quality employees, we believe that it is necessary for our company to provide an
attractive employee benefits package that includes a competitive retirement program.
The normal retirement date is defined in the Retirement Plan as the first day of the calendar month
immediately following a participants 65th birthday; however, service continues to
accrue under the Retirement Plan if the participant works beyond age 65 (subject to a maximum
service cap of 40 years). The amount of benefit is based on earnings, service and the age at which
a participant commences receiving a benefit. Eligible earnings under the Retirement Plan, or
Final Average Earnings, is the average of a participants highest 36 consecutive months of
earnings and includes base monthly salary and any awards under the EIP, as reflected in the
Salary and Non-equity Incentive Plan Compensation columns of the Summary Compensation Table.
Under Section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code, the maximum annual benefit allowable under the Plan
for an employee retiring at age 65 in 2008 is $185,000, an amount which may change in subsequent
years as determined by the Internal Revenue Service. In addition, Section 401 of the Internal
Revenue Code limits the amount of a
participants compensation which may be taken into account
under the Plan to $230,000, an amount which is also subject to change by the Internal Revenue
The Retirement Plan formula provides a monthly benefit equal to 0.9% of Final Average Earnings per
year of service accrued prior to age 45, plus 1.2% of Final Average Earnings per year of service
accrued after age 44, plus .5% of Final Average Earnings in excess of 50% of the Social Security
Wage Base applied to all years of service. A vested participant may commence receiving early
retirement benefits under the Retirement Plan as early as age 55. The amount of early retirement
reduction depends on the age of a participant when active employment ceases. If active employment
ceases after age 55 and retirement income commences at age 62, or later, the monthly benefit is not
reduced. However, if the benefit commences prior to age 62, the monthly benefit is reduced at a
rate of 7% per year for commencement between ages 55 and 62. If active employment ceases prior to
age 55, the monthly benefit is actuarially reduced for commencement between ages 55 and 65.
A participant must have either five years of vested service, as defined in the Retirement Plan, or
be at least age 55 with one year of service, to be vested and eligible for a benefit. The normal
form of retirement benefit under the Retirement Plan for an unmarried participant is a Single Life
Annuity, which is a monthly payment for life. The normal form of retirement benefit under the
Retirement Plan for a married participant is a 75% Joint and Survivor Annuity, which is a monthly
payment for the life of the participant, and thereafter 75% of that amount to the surviving spouse
payable for their lifetime. The 75% Joint and Survivor Annuity is actuarially adjusted to account
for two life expectancies. The Retirement Plan also provides that the participant may elect to
choose among three additional Joint and Survivor options, three Period Certain Options, a Social
Security Option and a Lump Sum Option (only for benefits accrued prior to 2001). The optional
forms of payment are subject to actuarial adjustment. An election by a married participant of an
option other than the normal form requires spousal consent.
Ø |
Unfunded Supplemental Benefit Plan |
The Unfunded Supplemental Benefit Plan for Salaried Employees, or the Supplemental Plan, enables
our company to pay, to any person whose pension under the Retirement Plan has been reduced as a
result of the limitations imposed by Sections 401 and 415 of the Internal Revenue Code, an amount
equal to the difference between the amount the person would have received under the Retirement Plan
had there been no limitations and the amount the person will receive under the Retirement Plan
after giving effect to the limitations.
The Supplemental Plan is unfunded and amounts payable to the employees covered thereby are
considered to be general obligations of our company; however, the Supplemental Plan contains
provisions that allow for the funding of a rabbi trust to improve the security of the benefit, to
some extent, upon the occurrence of a Change-in-Control (as defined in the Supplemental Plan).
The determination of the benefit amount and the payment options under the Supplemental Plan are the
same as the Retirement Plan, except as follows. Effective January 1, 2007, the Supplemental Plan
was amended to allow existing participants to make an election to receive supplemental pension
benefits in the form of installment payments over a period of 10 years, thereby accelerating payout
somewhat and minimizing to some extent the risk of future non-payment. The installment payments
are actuarially equivalent to the various annuity options available under the Retirement Plan. New
participants in the Supplemental Benefit Plan on or after January 1, 2007 automatically will
receive their supplemental pension benefits in the form of installment payments over a period of 10
years and have no other payment options.
Ø |
Supplemental Executive Retirement Agreement |
Mr. James is entitled to benefits under a Supplemental Executive Retirement Agreement, or SERA,
that provides for additional retirement benefits based on the formula in the Retirement Plan using
his actual years of service multiplied by 1.2. The maximum benefit service provided by the
combination of the SERA and the Retirement Plan is 40 years. Under the SERA, Mr. James was
credited, as of December 31, 2008, with additional service years. The SERA is an unfunded,
noncontributory defined benefit plan.
The SERA was established in 2001 as an additional retention incentive for the Chief Executive
Officer. This program enhances the amount of monthly retirement benefit to address the fact that
Mr. James was a mid-career hire by our company and is otherwise unable to accrue a full benefit
under the current qualified and excess benefit plans.
The following named executives are currently eligible for early retirement under the following
plans. Eligible under the Retirement Plan and the Supplemental Plan are Donald M. James (age 60),
Guy M. Badgett III (age 60), Daniel F. Sansone
(age 56), Ronald G. McAbee (age 61) and Danny R. Shepherd (age 57). Mr. James is also currently
eligible for early retirement under the SERA.
Payments upon Termination or Change-in-Control
This section describes and estimates payments that could be made to the named executive officers
under different termination and change-in-control events. The estimated payments would be made
under the terms of our company compensation and benefits programs or the change-in-control
severance agreements with each of the named executive officers. The amount of potential payments
is calculated as if the different events occurred as of December 31, 2008 and assumes that the
price of our companys common stock is the closing market price as of December 31, 2008.
Ø |
Description of Termination and Change-in-Control Events |
The following charts list different types of termination and change-in-control, or CIC, events that
can affect the treatment of payments under our companys compensation and benefit programs. These
events also affect payments to the named executive officers under their CIC employment agreements.
Except for Messrs. James and Sansone, no payments are made under the CIC agreements unless, within
two years of the change-in-control, the named executive officer is involuntarily terminated or he
voluntarily terminates for good reason (as described below). The agreements with Messrs. James and
Sansone provide for a 30-day window immediately following the first anniversary of the CIC during
which they may elect to terminate their employment and receive the benefits provided under the CIC
Ø |
Termination Events |
Retirement or Retirement Eligible Termination of a named executive officer who is at
least 55 years old and has at least one year of credited service. |
Lay Off Termination by our company of a named executive officer who is not retirement
eligible. |
Resignation Voluntary termination by a named executive officer who is not retirement
eligible. |
Death or Disability Termination of a named executive officer due to death or
disability. |
Involuntary Termination Termination of a named executive officer for cause. Cause
includes individual performance below minimum performance standards and misconduct. |
The following chart describes the treatment of different pay and benefit elements in connection
with the non-CIC termination events shown.
Lay Off (Involuntary |
Involuntary |
Retirement/Retirement |
Termination Not For |
Termination |
Program |
Eligible |
Cause) |
Resignation |
Death or Disability |
(For Cause) |
§ Qualified
Non-Qualified Plan
Participant may
commence benefit
Participant is
Terminated Vested
Participant is
Terminated Vested
Spouse may commence
survivor benefit on
or after the date
that the Participant
would have attained
age 55
Participant may
commence benefit
payment or will be
Terminated Vested
depending on age |
Executive Deferred
Payment commences the
year after retirement
in the form elected
Payout made the
year following the
year of termination
in a lump sum
Payout made the
year following the
year of termination
in a lump sum
Payment commences the
year after death or
disability in the
form elected
Payout made the
year following the
year of termination
in a lump sum |
Eligible to receive
full payment
Eligible to receive
full payment
Eligible to receive
full payment
Eligible to receive
full payment
No payment |
Stock Options
Full term to exercise
vested options;
non-vested options
continue to vest;
agreement required
for exercising vested
Non-vested options
forfeited; 30 days
to exercise vested
Non-vested options
forfeited; 30 days
to exercise vested
Vesting accelerated.
Under death, estate
has one year to
exercise. Under
disability, have full
remaining term to
Forfeit all, vested
and non-vested |
If age 62 or older,
vesting is
otherwise forfeit
non-vested DSUs
Non-vested are
Non-vested are
Vesting is
accelerated on a
pro-rata basis
Non-vested are
forfeited |
Vesting is accelerated
Non-vested are
Non-vested are
Vesting is accelerated
Forfeit all, vested
and non-vested |
Thrift Plan
May take payment or
defer until age 701/2
May take payment or
defer until age 701/2
May take payment or
defer until age 701/2
Account distributed
by March 1 of the
following year
May take payment or
defer until age 701/2 |
401(k) and
Profit Sharing
Retirement Plan
(eff. 7/15/07)
May take payment or
defer until age 701/2
May take payment or
defer until age 701/2
May take payment or
defer until age 701/2
Account distributed
by March 1 of the
following year
May take payment or
defer until age 701/2 |
Supplemental Thrift
May take payment or
defer until age 701/2
May take payment or
defer until age 701/2
May take payment or
defer until age 701/2
Account distributed
by March 1 of the
following year
May take payment or
defer until age 701/2 |
Severance Benefits
None |
Health Benefits
May continue to age
65 if age + service
equals at least 70
Coverage ceases;
eligible for
coverage extension
under COBRA
Coverage ceases;
eligible for
coverage extension
under COBRA
Under age 55, 3
months spousal
extension, then
COBRA; over age 55,
same as retiree
Under age 55, same
as resignation;
over age 55, same
as retiree |
A CIC occurs under our companys compensation plans upon:
(i) acquisition by any person or group of more than 50 percent of the total fair market
value or voting power of our common stock. A transfer or issuance of our stock is counted
only if the stock remains outstanding after the transaction. An increase in stock ownership
as a result of the companys acquisition of its own stock in exchange for property is
counted for purposes of the change in ownership standard; |
(ii) (a) acquisition by a person or group during a 12-month period of stock possessing 30
percent of the total voting power of our stock, or
(b) replacement of a majority of the Board of Directors during any 12-month period by
directors not endorsed by a majority of the members of the Board prior to the date of
the appointment or election; or
(iii) acquisition by a person or group during a 12-month period of our assets having a
total gross fair market value of 40 percent of the total gross fair market value of our
assets immediately prior to such acquisition. An exception exists for a transfer of our
assets to a shareholder controlled entity, including transfer to a person owning 50
percent or more of the total value or voting power of our shares.
For purposes of our CIC agreements, a CIC is defined as: (a) the acquisition by any
individual entity or group of 20% or more of the then outstanding or voting shares of our
company; (b) a change in the majority membership of the Board of Directors; or (c)
consummation of a reorganization, merger or consolidation or sale or other disposition of
all or substantially all of our companys assets unless our companys shareholders before
such business combination or sale own more than 60% of the outstanding common stock
following the business combination or sale. |
Involuntary CIC Termination or Voluntary CIC Termination for Good Reason Employment is
terminated within two years of a CIC, other than for cause, or the employee voluntarily
terminates for Good Reason. |
Good reason for voluntary termination within two years of a CIC is generally satisfied when there
is a reduction in salary, incentive compensation opportunity or benefits, relocation of over 35
miles or a diminution in duties and responsibilities.
The following table describes treatment of payments under pay and benefit programs upon a CIC, and
upon a termination (voluntary or involuntary) upon a CIC.
Plan or Program |
CIC with Termination |
No impact
Service ceases except to the extent |
§Qualified Plan
§ Non-Qualified
that additional service is provided
under the terms of the CIC
agreements |
Executive Deferred
Compensation Plan
Accelerate all
deferred amounts
and pay lump sum
within 10 business
Accelerate all deferred amounts and
pay lump sum within 10 business days |
The amount paid
will be equal to
the greater of (A)
the average bonus
during the three
preceding years,
(B) the target
bonus, or (C) the
bonus determined
under the Plan for
the year in which
the CIC occurs.
The amount paid will be equal to the
greater of (A) the average bonus
during the three preceding years,
(B) the target bonus, or (C) the
bonus determined under the Plan for
the year in which the CIC occurs. |
Stock Options
Immediately deemed
fully vested and
remaining term to
Immediately deemed fully vested and
exercisable; remaining term to
exercise |
All immediately
pay on 90th day
following the CIC
All immediately deemed
non-forfeitable; pay on 90th day
following the CIC |
Vesting is
accelerated; pay
within 21/2 months
after end of the
year in which the
CIC occurs
Vesting is accelerated; pay within
21/2 months after end of the year in
which the CIC occurs |
Thrift Plan
No impact
Service ceases except to the extent
that additional service is provided
under the terms of the CIC
agreements. Participant entitled to
distribution. |
401(k) and Profit
Sharing Retirement Plan
(eff. 7/15/07)
No impact
Service ceases except to the extent
that additional service is provided
under the terms of the CIC
Agreements. Participant is entitled
to distribution. |
Supplemental Thrift Plan
No impact
Participant entitled to distribution. |
Severance Benefits
No Impact
Payment is 3 times the named
executives annual base salary,
short-term bonus and LTI amount. |
Health Benefits
No impact
3 year coverage extension |
This section describes and estimates payments that would become payable to the named executive
officers upon a termination or change-in-control as of December 31, 2008.
Pension Benefits
The monthly amounts that would have become payable to the named executive officers if the
termination events occurred as of December 31, 2008 under the Tax-Qualified Plan, the Non-qualified
Plan, and the SERA are itemized in the chart set forth below. The amounts shown in the chart are
monthly benefit amounts whereas the pension values shown in the Summary Compensation and Pension
Benefits Tables are present values of all the monthly values anticipated to be paid over the
lifetimes of the named executive officers and their spouses. These plans are described in the
notes following the Pension Benefits Table. All the named executive officers were retirement
eligible on December 31, 2008. The benefits were determined using the same assumptions used to
compute benefit values in the Pension Benefit Table with three exceptions. First, the benefit
payments were assumed to commence as soon as possible instead of at normal retirement. Second,
approximate early retirement reductions were applied. Finally, the benefits were not adjusted to
reflect optional forms of payment. All benefits are the amounts that would be paid monthly over
the named executive officers life, except for the value of CIC enhanced benefits which would be
paid in a lump sum.
Death |
Resignation or |
(monthly |
CIC (Value of |
Retirement |
Involuntary Retirement |
payments to a |
Enhanced |
(Monthly Payments) |
(monthly payments) |
spouse) |
Benefits)(1) |
Name |
($) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
Don James |
Tax-Qualified |
4,014 |
Same as Retirement |
3,054 |
0 |
Non-Qualified |
73,767 |
Same as Retirement |
56,135 |
0 |
93,337 |
Same as Retirement |
71,027 |
11,099,774 |
Defined Contribution |
0 |
None |
0 |
693,608 |
Mac Badgett |
Tax-Qualified |
9,129 |
Same as Retirement |
6,545 |
0 |
Non-Qualified |
36,736 |
Same as Retirement |
26,336 |
1,275,937 |
Defined Contribution |
0 |
None |
0 |
195,661 |
Dan Sansone |
Tax-Qualified |
3,420 |
Same as Retirement |
3,684 |
0 |
Non-Qualified |
14,454 |
Same as Retirement |
15,572 |
1,765,900 |
Defined Contribution |
0 |
None |
0 |
194,381 |
Ron McAbee |
Tax-Qualified |
9,202 |
Same as Retirement |
6,088 |
0 |
Non-Qualified |
30,415 |
Same as Retirement |
20,122 |
705,404 |
Defined Contribution |
0 |
None |
0 |
155,366 |
Danny Shepherd |
Tax-Qualified |
4,449 |
Same as Retirement |
4,333 |
0 |
Non-Qualified |
10,514 |
Same as Retirement |
10,239 |
1,292,184 |
Defined Contribution |
0 |
None |
0 |
135,717 |
(1) |
Value of retirement and defined contribution enhancements are payable in lump sum in
the event of a CIC.
In accordance with CIC employment agreements, lump sum values for non-qualified and SERA pension
benefits are based upon the granting of three years of service for each named executive, except
for Mr. James, who would receive credit for 6.6 years of service. The defined contribution
amounts represent three years of company matching contributions for each executive. |
Long-Term Incentives
Deferred Stock Units (DSUs)
The chart below shows the number of DSUs for which vesting would be accelerated under certain
Retirement |
(With or Without Termination) |
Number of |
Total Number of |
Number of |
Total Number of |
Deferred Stock |
Deferred Stock |
Deferred Stock |
Deferred Stock |
Units with |
Units Following |
Units with |
Units Following |
Accelerated |
Accelerated |
Accelerated |
Accelerated |
Vesting |
Vesting |
Vesting |
Vesting |
Name |
(#) |
(#) |
(#) |
(#) |
Don James |
0 |
0 |
95,048 |
95,048 |
Mac Badgett |
0 |
0 |
16,864 |
16,864 |
Dan Sansone |
0 |
0 |
9,836 |
9,836 |
Ron McAbee |
0 |
0 |
8,740 |
8,740 |
Danny Shepherd |
0 |
0 |
7,811 |
7,811 |
Performance Share Units (PSUs)
The chart below shows the number of PSUs for which vesting would be accelerated under certain
Retirement |
(With or Without Termination) |
Number of |
Total Number of |
Number of |
Total Number of |
Performance |
Performance Share |
Performance |
Performance Share |
Share Units with |
Units Following |
Share Units with |
Units Following |
Accelerated |
Accelerated |
Accelerated |
Accelerated |
Vesting |
Vesting |
Vesting |
Vesting |
Name |
(#) |
(#) |
(#) |
(#) |
Don James |
33,000 |
33,000 |
69,000 |
69,000 |
Mac Badgett |
6,094 |
6,094 |
12,840 |
12,840 |
Dan Sansone |
6,587 |
6,587 |
13,880 |
13,880 |
Ron McAbee |
5,960 |
5,960 |
12,640 |
12,640 |
Danny Shepherd |
5,960 |
5,960 |
12,640 |
12,640 |
(1) |
Unvested PSUs were adjusted to the maximum allowed under the agreements because the
performance was unknown at December 31, 2008. |
Stock Options
Stock options would be treated as described in the termination and CIC charts above. The chart
below shows the number of stock options for which vesting would be accelerated under certain
Retirement |
(With or Without Termination) |
Number of Options |
Total Number of |
Number of Options |
Total Number of |
with Accelerated |
Options Following |
with Accelerated |
Options Following |
Vesting |
Accelerated Vesting |
Vesting |
Accelerated Vesting |
Name |
(#) |
(#) |
(#) |
(#) |
Don James |
129,641 |
1,440,325 |
204,366 |
1,515,050 |
Mac Badgett |
24,031 |
250,595 |
38,176 |
264,740 |
Dan Sansone |
22,589 |
193,336 |
37,883 |
208,630 |
Ron McAbee |
19,506 |
144,026 |
33,490 |
158,010 |
Danny Shepherd |
17,706 |
68,226 |
31,690 |
82,210 |
Executive Deferred Compensation Plan
The aggregate balances reported in the Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Table would be payable to
the named executive officers as described in the termination events and CIC-Related Events chart
above. There is no enhancement or acceleration of payments under these plans associated with
termination or CIC events, other than the lump sum payment opportunity described in the above
charts. The lump sums that would be payable are those that are reported in the Nonqualified
Deferred Compensation Table.
Health Benefits
Because Messrs. James, Badgett, Sansone, McAbee and Shepherd are eligible for early retirement and
health care benefits are provided to early retirees, there is no incremental payment associated
with the termination or CIC events.
Severance Benefits
Our company has entered into individual CIC employment agreements with each of the named executive
officers. In addition to the treatment of the benefits described above, the named executive
officers are entitled to a severance benefit, if within two years of a CIC they are involuntarily
terminated, not for cause, or they voluntarily terminate for Good Reason. Further, Messrs. James
and Sansone and Robert A Wason IV, Senior Vice-President and General Counsel, may elect to
voluntarily terminate their employment during the 30 days following the first anniversary of a CIC,
and receive severance benefits. In any case, benefits are not paid unless the named executive
officer releases us from any claims he may have against us.
The CIC severance payment is three times the named executive officers base annual salary,
short-term bonus, and LTI amount, as each is defined in the CIC agreements and the continuation of
health, medical and other fringe benefits for a period of two years following termination. If any
portion of the severance payment is an excess parachute payment, as defined under Internal
Revenue Code Section 280G, we will pay on behalf of the named executive officer an additional
amount to cover the taxes that would be due on the excess parachute payment a 280G tax
The table below reflects an estimate of the severance payments that would be made to the named
executive officers if they were terminated as of December 31, 2008 in connection with a CIC.
Severance Amount |
Name |
($) |
Don James |
23,787,500 |
Mac Badgett |
5,356,000 |
Dan Sansone |
5,550,667 |
Ron McAbee |
4,448,000 |
Danny Shepherd |
3,852,000 |
The table below reflects an estimate of the value of 280G tax gross-up amounts due and payable to
the Internal Revenue Service in connection with a CIC that results in severance payments.
280G Tax Gross-Up |
Name |
($) (1) |
Don James |
14,354,863 |
Mac Badgett |
2,760,052 |
Dan Sansone |
3,481,704 |
Ron McAbee |
2,186,187 |
Danny Shepherd |
2,733,338 |
(1) |
Based on payment of equity components of compensation valued at $69.58 per share,
the value of our companys common stock as of December 31, 2008. |
We use a combination of cash and stock-based compensation to attract and retain qualified
candidates to serve on our Board of Directors. In setting director compensation, our company
considers the significant amount of time that directors expend on fulfilling their duties to our
company, as well as the limited pool of, and competition among public companies for, well-qualified
Board members. Additional amounts are paid to committee chairs in recognition of the substantial
responsibilities of the chair. Directors are subject to a minimum share ownership requirement.
Within five years of becoming a director, each director is required to own at least 5,000 shares of
our companys common stock. Shares or units held by a director under a deferred compensation plan
are included in calculating the directors ownership.
Cash Compensation Paid to Board Members. Members of the Board who are not employees of our company
are paid a retainer of $45,000 per year, plus the following fees:
$ 5,000 Board meeting fee for in-person attendance; |
$ 3,000 Committee meeting fee for in-person attendance; |
$ 1,500 Board and committee fees for telephonic meetings or actions by written consent; |
$ 20,000 Audit Committee chair retainer fee; |
$ 10,000 Compensation Committee chair retainer fee; |
$ 5,000 Retainer fee for all other committee chairs; and |
$ 1,500 Presiding Director fee per quarter. |
Deferred Compensation Plan. We maintain a Deferred Compensation Plan for directors who are not
employees of our company (Directors Deferred Compensation Plan), under which such directors are
permitted to defer the cash compensation to which they are entitled for specified periods or until
they cease to be directors. The deferred amounts, at the election of the director, either: (i) are
credited with interest at prescribed rates; or (ii) are converted into a number of DSUs equivalent
to the number of shares of our companys common stock (based on the market price at the time of
deferral) that could be purchased with the amount deferred. Whenever a dividend is paid on our
common stock, the DSU accounts are credited with an additional number of stock units corresponding
to the amount of the dividend. At the end of the deferral period, the DSUs are settled in shares
of our companys common stock, and interest-based deferrals are settled in cash. The Directors
Deferred Compensation Plan also provides for a lump-sum settlement of a directors deferred
compensation account in stock or cash, as applicable, if following a Change of Control (as defined
in the Directors Deferred Compensation Plan): (i) the participating director ceases to be a member
of the Board; (ii) the Directors Deferred Compensation Plan is terminated; or (iii) our companys
capital structure is changed materially. The Directors Deferred Compensation Plan was approved by
our companys shareholders in 1993.
Deferred Stock Units. Equity grants are awarded to our non-management directors on an annual
basis. These grants represent a significant portion of their compensation package. We believe
that equity grants promote a greater alignment of interests between our directors and our
shareholders through increasing their ownership of our common stock. Further, we believe that
equity grants support our ability to attract and retain qualified individuals to serve as directors
of our company by affording them an opportunity to share in our future success.
On June 2, 2008, 1,400 DSUs were granted to each non-management director serving on that date
pursuant to the Omnibus Plan, which was approved by our shareholders in 2006. These units vest on
the third anniversary of the grant; however, payment may be deferred beyond that date. The DSUs
are an unfunded, unsecured obligation of our company, and no shares have been set aside for these
grants. The non-management directors have no right to receive the DSUs until the restrictions
imposed either lapse or are waived. Generally, the restrictions expire at the earliest of vesting
or when the non-management director reaches age 72 (or the then current mandatory retirement age
for directors), or the non-management director ceases to be a director because of death, disability
or CIC. However, the Compensation Committee, subject to Board approval, may waive restrictions in
the event the non-management director fails to remain a director for any reason other than
retirement at the mandatory age, death or disability. During the period the shares are restricted,
the non-management directors have no right to vote the shares. Dividend equivalents are credited
as additional DSUs quarterly when dividends are paid on our stock. The DSUs are settled in shares
of our common stock when the restrictions expire.
In prior years, grants to our directors were made under the Restricted Stock Plan for Nonemployee
Directors or the Deferred Stock Plan for Nonemployee Directors. No further grants will be made
under either of these plans.
Director Summary Compensation Table
The table below summarizes the compensation paid by our company to non-employee directors for the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2008.
Fees |
Earned |
or Paid |
Stock |
in Cash |
Awards(2) |
Name(1) |
($) |
($) |
Total(3) |
John D. Baker |
99,750 |
23,107 |
122,857 |
Philip J. Carroll |
118,000 |
136,627 |
254,627 |
Phillip W. Farmer |
125,000 |
166,615 |
291,615 |
H. Allen Franklin |
110,000 |
119,336 |
229,336 |
Ann McLaughlin Korologos |
91,500 |
25,339 |
116,839 |
Douglas J. McGregor |
107,000 |
148,422 |
255,422 |
James V. Napier |
111,000 |
169,062 |
280,062 |
Richard T. OBrien(4) |
45,000 |
0 |
45,000 |
Donald B. Rice |
105,500 |
153,618 |
259,118 |
Orin R. Smith |
103,500 |
192,799 |
296,299 |
Vincent J. Trosino |
102,000 |
112,459 |
214,459 |
(1) |
Donald M. James, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board, is not included
in this table as he is an employee of our company and receives no additional compensation for
his service as a director. Mr. James compensation is shown in the Summary Compensation
Table. |
(2) |
This column represents the dollar amount of the 2008 accounting expense recognized
for these awards granted in 2008 and prior years. Therefore, the values shown here are not
representative of the amounts that may eventually be realized by a director. Pursuant to the
rules of the SEC, we have provided a grant date fair value for Stock Awards in accordance with
the provisions of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 123(R), Share-based
Payments. For DSUs and Restricted Stock, the fair value is estimated on the date of grant
based on the market price of our stock on the grant date. At December 31, 2008, the aggregate
number of restricted stock units and DSUs accumulated in their respective accounts for all
years of service, including dividend equivalent units were: |
Name |
Units |
John D. Baker
1,429 |
Philip J. Carroll
4,627 |
Phillip W. Farmer
4,269 |
H. Allen Franklin
8,017 |
Ann McLaughlin Korologos
2,484 |
Douglas J. McGregor
13,087 |
James V. Napier
6,542 |
Richard T. OBrien
0 |
Donald B. Rice
13,087 |
Orin R. Smith
5,436 |
Vincent J. Trosino
5,724 |
(3) |
None of the directors received perquisites or other personal benefits in excess of
$10,000. |
(4) |
Mr. OBrien was elected a director in October 2008. |
Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance
Under Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, each of our directors and
executive officers, and any beneficial owner of more than 10% of our common stock, is required to
file with the SEC initial reports of beneficial ownership of our common stock and reports of
changes in beneficial ownership of our common stock. Such persons also are required by SEC
regulations to furnish us with copies of all such reports. Based solely on our review of the
copies of such reports furnished to us for the year ended December 31, 2008, and on the written
representations made by our directors and executive officers that no other reports were required,
we believe that during the year ended December 31, 2008 all reports were filed in a timely manner
except one report on Form 4 for Ron McAbee that was filed one day late.
Shareholder Proposals For 2010
To be eligible for consideration for inclusion in our proxy statement and form of proxy for our
2010 annual meeting, a shareholders proposal must be received by us at our principal office no
later than November 24, 2009. Proposals should be addressed to Jerry F. Perkins Jr., Secretary, P.
O. Box 385014, Birmingham, Alabama 35238-5014. Proposals received after that date will be
considered untimely and will not be eligible for inclusion in the 2010 proxy statement. If a
shareholder desires to bring a matter before our annual meeting and the matter is submitted outside
the process of Securities Exchange Act Rule 14a-8, including with respect to nominations for
election as directors, the shareholder must follow the procedures set forth in our by-laws. Our
by-laws provide generally that shareholder proposals and director nominations to be considered at
an annual meeting may be made by a shareholder only if (1) the shareholder is a shareholder of
record and is entitled to vote at the meeting, and (2) the shareholder gives timely written notice
of the matter to our corporate secretary. To be timely, a shareholders notice must be received at
our principal executive offices not earlier than the close of business on the 120th day and not
later than the close of business on the 90th day prior to the first anniversary of the preceding
years annual meeting. However, in the event that the date of the annual meeting is more than 30
days before or more than 60 days after such anniversary date, notice by the shareholder to be
timely must be so delivered not earlier than the close of business on the 120th day prior to the
date of such annual meeting and not later than the close of business on the later of the 90th day
prior to the date of such annual meeting or, if the first public announcement of the date of such
annual meeting is less than 100 days prior to the date of such annual meeting, the 10th day
following the day on which public announcement of the date of such meeting is first made by our
company. The notice must set forth the information required by the provisions of our by-laws dealing
with shareholder proposals and nominations of directors.
1200 Urban Center Drive
Birmingham, Alabama 35242
March 25, 2009
Appendix A
Effective January 1, 2009
1. Name; Effective Time
The name of this plan is the Vulcan Materials Company 2009 Executive Incentive Plan. The Plan
replaces in its entirety the Vulcan Materials Executive Incentive Plan. The Plan is effective,
subject to approval by the Companys stockholders, for fiscal years of the Company commencing on
and after January 1, 2009.
2. Purpose
The purpose of the Plan is to advance and promote the interests of the Company and its shareholders
by providing tax deductible performance-based incentives to certain senior executives of the
Company who contribute to the operating progress and earning power of the Company by achieving
financial and non-financial objectives.
3. Administration
The Committee shall have full power and authority, subject to the provisions of the Plan, (i) to
designate employees as Participants, (ii) to add and delete employees from the list of designated
Participants, (iii) to establish Target Bonuses for Participants, (iv) to establish Performance
Goals upon achievement of which the Target Bonuses will be based, and (v) to take all action in
connection with the foregoing or in relation to the Plan as it deems necessary or advisable.
Decisions and selections of the Committee shall be made by a majority of its members and, if made
pursuant to the provisions of the Plan, shall be final.
The Committee may promulgate such rules and regulations as it deems necessary for the proper
administration of the Plan. The Committee may interpret the provisions and supervise the
administration of the Plan, and take all action in connection therewith or in relation to the Plan
as it deems necessary or advisable. The interpretation and construction by the Committee of any
provision of the Plan or of any bonus shall be final.
4. Eligibility for Participation
a. Eligibility: Only Covered Employees may be designated as Participants under the
b. Participants: No person shall be entitled to any bonus under the Plan for any Plan
Year unless he or she is so designated as a Participant for that Plan Year.
c. Employment Requirement: A Participant who is otherwise eligible for a bonus under
the Plan for a particular Plan Year shall not be eligible for a bonus under the Plan unless such
Participant is an employee of the Company on the last day of such Plan Year; provided that a
Participant who is otherwise eligible for a bonus under the Plan for a particular Plan Year and
who terminates employment with the Company during that Plan Year by reason of his or her death,
disability, or retirement may, in the discretion of the Committee, be eligible for a prorated
bonus. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any pro-rata bonus that the Committee in its sole and
absolute discretion may make to a Covered Employee upon a circumstance that is not death,
disability or a Change-in-Control, shall be based on the attainment of the pre-established
Performance Goals designated for the applicable performance period under Section 6.
5. Basis of Bonuses
a. Performance Goals: The Committee shall establish measures, which may include
financial and nonfinancial objectives (Performance Goals) for the Company or business segments
of the Company. These Performance Goals shall be determined by the Committee in advance of each
Plan Year or within such period as may be permitted by the regulations issued under Section
162(m) of the Code, and to the extent that bonuses are paid to Covered Employees, the
performance criteria to be used shall be any of the following, either alone or in any
combination, which may be expressed with respect to the Company or one or more operating units
or groups, as the Committee may determine: economic profit; cash flow; cash flow from
operations; total earnings; earnings per share, diluted or basic; earnings per share from
continuing operations, diluted or basic; cash earnings per share, diluted or basic; cash
earnings from
continuing operations, diluted or basic; earnings before interest and taxes; earnings before
interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization; earnings from operations; net asset turnover;
inventory turnover; capital expenditures; net earnings; operating earnings; cash earnings; gross
or operating margin; debt; working capital; return on equity; return on net assets; return on
total assets; return on investment; return on capital; return on committed capital; return on
invested capital; return on sales; net or gross sales; market share; economic value added; cost
of capital; change in assets; expense reduction levels; debt reduction; productivity; stock
price; customer satisfaction; employee satisfaction; and total shareholder return.
b. Adjustment of Performance Goals: Performance Goals may be determined on an absolute
basis or relative to internal goals or relative to levels attained in prior years or related to
other companies or indices or as ratios expressing relationships between two or more Performance
Goals. In addition, Performance Goals may be based upon the attainment of specified levels of
Company performance under one or more of the measures described above relative to the
performance of other corporations. The Committee shall specify the manner of adjustment of any
Performance Goal to the extent necessary to prevent dilution or enlargement of any bonus as a
result of extraordinary events or circumstances, as determined by the Committee, or to exclude
the effects of extraordinary, unusual, or non-recurring items; changes in applicable laws,
regulations, or accounting principles; currency fluctuations; discontinued operations; non-cash
items, such as amortization, depreciation, or reserves; asset impairment; or any
recapitalization, restructuring, reorganization, merger, acquisition, divestiture,
consolidation, spin-off, split-up, combination, liquidation, dissolution, sale of assets, or
other similar corporate transaction.
c. Performance Goals Related to More than One Segment of the Company: Bonuses may be
based on performance against objectives for more than one segment of the Company. For example,
bonuses for corporate management may be based on overall corporate performance against
objectives, but bonuses for Participants employed in a business segment may be based on a
combination of corporate, segment and sub-segment performance against objectives.
d. Individual Performance: Subject to the limitations set forth in Section 6,
individual performance of each Participant may be measured and used in determining bonuses under
the Plan.
6. Procedures Applicable to Bonuses
a. Section 162(m): It is the intent of the Company that Bonuses made to persons who are
Covered Employees within the meaning of Section 162(m) of the Code shall constitute qualified
performance-based compensation satisfying the requirements of Section 162(m) of the Code.
Accordingly, the provisions of the Plan shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with Section
162(m) of the Code. However, the Change-in-Control payments authorized under Section 8 shall be
made without regard to whether the payments satisfy the requirements of Section 162(m) of the
Code. If any other provision of the Plan or a Bonus is intended to but does not comply with, or
is inconsistent with, the requirements of Section 162(m) of the Code, such provision shall be
construed or deemed amended to the extent necessary to conform to and comply with such
b. No Discretion to Modify Bonuses: Bonuses under the Plan shall be subject to
pre-established Performance Goals as set forth in this Section 6. The Committee shall not have
discretion to modify the terms of bonuses to such Participants except as specifically set forth
in this Section 6.
c. Establishment of Bonuses: At the beginning of a Plan Year, the Committee shall
establish a Maximum Bonus for each Participant, payment of which shall be conditioned upon
satisfaction of specific Performance Goals for the Plan Year established by the Committee in
writing in advance of the Plan Year, or within such period as may be permitted by regulations
issued under Section 162(m) of the Code.
d. Committee Certification for Payment of Bonuses: The Performance Goals established by
the Committee shall be based on one or more of the criteria set forth in paragraph 5.a above.
Provided that the minimum Performance Goals are satisfied, and upon written certification by the
Committee that the Performance Goals have been satisfied, payment of the bonus up to the Maximum
Bonus shall be made as soon as reasonably practicable after the Payment Date. The Committee
may, in its sole discretion, reduce or eliminate the payment to be made. In exercising its
downward discretion, the Committee may base its determination upon a pre-established objective
formula or standard or such other financial or non-financial factors as the Committee may
determine. The application of the Committees discretion will determine whether the
Participants bonus for the Plan Year is greater than (up to the Maximum Bonus), equal to or
less than the Participants Target Bonus.
e. Limitation on Maximum Bonus: Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan, the
Maximum Bonus payable to any Participant for any Plan Year shall not exceed $7,000,000.
7. Payment of Bonuses
a. Timing: Each Bonus payable under the Plan shall be paid no later than two and
one-half months after the close of the Plan Year for which such bonus is payable. Bonuses shall
be paid in cash and in accordance with such conditions as the Committee may in accordance with
the Plan prescribe.
b. Taxation: The amount of each payment of a Bonus shall, when paid, be subject to a
deduction for any and all taxes required by any government to be withheld by the Company and
paid over to such government for the account of the Participant to whom the Bonus was made. The
payment to any such government of an amount so withheld shall, for the purposes of the Plan, be
deemed a payment thereof to the employee or his or her legal representatives.
8. Change-in-Control (CIC)
a. Payments: In the event of a Change-in-Control, Participants shall be entitled to
receive payment of Bonuses under the Plan in accordance with this Section 8 for the Plan Year in
which the Change-in-Control occurs and for any previous Plan Year for which Bonuses have been
earned but not yet paid. Bonuses under this Section 8 are not required to comply with the
provisions of Section 162(m) of the Code.
If a Change-in-Control occurs after Bonuses for a particular Plan Year have been determined by
the Committee in accordance with the Plan, but before the payment of such bonuses, then such
bonuses shall be paid as promptly as reasonably practicable, but not more than 30 days, after
such Change-in-Control, and no later than two and one-half months after the close of the Plan
Year for which such bonus is payable.
If a Change-in-Control occurs before bonuses for such Plan Year have been determined by the
Committee, Bonuses shall be paid by the Company or any successor or surviving corporation as
promptly as practical but not more than 30 days after such Change-in-Control. Each such bonus
shall be equal to the greatest of the following:
i. the Participants Target Bonus for the applicable Plan Year;
ii. the Participants Target Bonus for the applicable Plan Year adjusted based on the actual
performance outcome for that Plan Year; or
iii. the average of Bonuses earned and paid to the Participant under this Plan or any
predecessor plan in the three (or such fewer number of years that the Participant has been
eligible for such an Bonus) completed Plan Years immediately preceding the applicable Plan
If, after the occurrence of a Change-in-Control, the Plan is continued in effect without
material amendment and the Board of Directors and the Committee confirm that the Plan will be
interpreted and administered substantially in accordance with past practices, then payment of
bonuses to which individuals may become entitled under this Section 8 shall be made in
accordance with Section 7. If, however, the Plan is terminated, suspended or materially amended,
or if the Board of Directors and the Committee do not so confirm after the occurrence of a
Change-in-Control, then payment of bonuses to which individuals may become entitled under this
Section 8 shall be made as promptly as practicable, but not more than 30 days, after such
Change-in-Control, and no later than two and one-half months after the close of the Plan Year
for which such bonus is payable.
b. No Duplication of Benefits: A Participant may be entitled to receive a Bonus (or
partial Bonus) under this Section 8. Anything to the contrary notwithstanding, in no event
shall a Participant be paid a Bonus (or partial Bonus) under this Section 8, if payment thereof
would be duplicative of amounts of annual incentive compensation with respect to the same period
of service previously paid or payable to the Participant, whether pursuant to the terms of this
Plan, another plan of the Company or an employment or severance agreement between the
Participant and the Company, and any amounts payable under this Section 8 shall be reduced or
offset by any such duplicate payments.
c. Legal Fees: The Company shall promptly reimburse an individual entitled to a Bonus
or Bonuses under this Section 8 for all legal fees and expenses reasonably incurred in
successfully seeking to obtain or enforce any right or benefit provided under this Section 8.
Any reimbursement of legal fees paid to an individual pursuant to this Section 8(c) shall be
paid no later than the end of the individuals taxable year next following the individuals
taxable year of the individual in which the related expense is incurred, and, if paid on account
of a termination of employment, no earlier than the seventh month following the individuals
separation from service. The Companys obligations under this Section 8(c) shall survive the
termination of this Plan.
9. General Plan Provisions
a. Employment Rights: Neither the Plan nor designation as a Plan Participant shall be
deemed to give any individual a right to remain employed by the Company. The Company reserves
the right to terminate the employment of any employee at any time, with or without cause or for
no cause, subject only to a written employment contract (if any).
b. Non-assignable Interest: The interest of any Participant under the Plan shall not
be assignable either by voluntary or involuntary assignment or by operation of law and any
attempted assignment shall be null, void and of no effect.
c. Participants Are General Creditors: Amounts paid under the Plan shall be paid from
the general funds of the Company, and each Participant shall be no more than an unsecured
general creditor of the Company with any special or prior right to any assets of the Company
for payment of any obligations hereunder. Nothing contained in the Plan shall be deemed to
create a trust of any kind for the benefit of any Participant, or create any fiduciary
relationship between the Company and any Participant with respect to any assets of the Company.
d. Termination, Suspension, Amendment: The Board of Directors may alter, amend,
suspend or terminate the Plan at any time; provided that, to extent required under Section
162(m) of the Code, the Plan will not be amended without prior approval of the Companys
stockholders. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no provision of the Plan relating to a
Change-in-Control or any definition of a term used in any such provision may be altered,
amended, suspended, or terminated after the occurrence of a Change-in-Control. No amendment,
suspension, or termination of the Plan shall adversely affect any right or obligation with
respect to a bonus theretofore made, or required to be made after the occurrence of a
Change-in-Control, including, without limitation, the right to receive payment of bonuses in
accordance with Section 8.
e. Successors and Assigns: This Plan shall be binding on the Company and its
successors or assigns.
f. Interpretation and Severability:
i. If any provision of the Plan shall be held illegal or invalid for any reason, such
illegality or invalidity shall not affect the remaining parts of the Plan, and the Plan
shall be construed and enforced as if the illegal or invalid provision had not been
ii. The Plan and all bonuses under the Plan shall be construed in accordance with and
governed by the laws of the State of New Jersey (without regard to legislative or judicial
conflict of law rules of any state), except to the extent superseded by federal law.
iii. The Plan is intended, and shall be construed, to comply with the requirements of
Section 409A of the Code. However, the Plan does not transfer to the Company or any entity
or other individual liability for any tax or penalty that is the responsibility of the
10. Definitions
a. Annualized Base Salary shall mean the amount a Participant is entitled to receive as wages
or salary on an annualized basis (based on a 365 day year), excluding all bonus, commissions,
overtime, health additive and incentive compensation, payable by the Company, as consideration
for the Participants services to the Company, and including any base salary which has been
earned but deferred. Annualized Base Salary shall be determined as of December 31 of the Plan
Year, unless determined otherwise by the Committee.
b. Bonus shall mean the dollar amount payable to a Participant for a certain Plan Year.
c. Change-in-Control shall mean, with respect to a Participant, a change-in-control as defined
in any employment or severance agreement with such Participant or, in the absence of any such
agreement, a change-in-control as defined in the Vulcan Materials Company Change-in-Control
Severance Plan or any successor plan.
d. Code shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
e. Committee shall mean the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company,
which consists solely of two or more outside directors, in conformance with Section 162(m) of
the Code.
f. Company shall mean Vulcan Materials Company, a New Jersey corporation, including its
subsidiaries and affiliates and any successor thereto.
g. Covered Employee shall mean an employee of the Company designated by the Committee who is,
or is expected to be, a covered employee within the meaning of Section 162(m) of the Code for
the Plan Year in which a Bonus is payable hereunder.
h. Maximum Bonus shall mean, for a Participant, a fixed dollar amount as determined by the
Committee, which amount will not exceed four times the Participants Target Bonus, subject to
the limitations of Section 6(e).
i. Participants shall mean those Covered Employees specifically designated as Participants for
a Plan Year under Section 4.
j. Payment Date shall mean the date following the conclusion of a Plan Year on which the
Committee certifies that applicable Performance Goals have been satisfied and authorizes payment
of corresponding bonuses.
k. Performance Goals shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5 hereof.
l. Plan shall mean the Vulcan Materials Company 2009 Executive Incentive Plan.
m. Plan Year shall mean the fiscal year of the Company for which Bonuses are being made.
n. Target Bonus shall mean either (i) the amount derived by multiplying a Participants
Annualized Base Salary by a percentage or (ii) a fixed dollar amount, as determined by the
11. Execution
This 2009 Executive Incentive Plan was adopted on March 9, 2009, effective as of January 1, 2009
and is subject to shareholder approval on May 8, 2009.
By: |
Jerry F. Perkins
Donald M. James
Corporate Secretary
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer |
Please mark your votes as indicated in this example |
1.H.Allen FranklinIIIIII
2.Richard T. OBrienIIIIII
3.Donald B. RiceIIIIII
4.Phillip W. FarmerIIIIII
5.James V. NapierIIIIII |
2. Vote for the approval of the 2009 Executive Incentive Plan |
3. Vote for the ratification of the appointment of Deloitte & |
Touche LLP as our Independent Registered Public| .. | | .. | | |
Accounting Firm for 2009
4. Vote to adopt a shareholder proposal | | | | | l
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Annual Meeting of Shareholders May 8, 2009
The undersigned hereby appoints Donald M. James, Douglas J. McGregor and Donald B. Rice,
and each of them, with power to act without the other and with power of substitution, as
proxies and attorneys-in-fact and hereby authorizes them to represent and vote, as provided
on the other side, all the shares of Vulcan Materials Company Common Stock which the
undersigned is entitled to vote, and, in their discretion, to vote upon such other business
as may properly come before the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of the company to be held May
8, 2009 or at any adjournment or postponement thereof, with all powers which the undersigned
would possess if present at the Annual Meeting. |
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